Vanitas- (ow) that hurt i thought we had something no heart- you just got beotch slaped!
Hey terra whats up
vanitas- hey kairi how about a date
van- yo i need some one to open my door i lost my keyblade
see ya later!!!!!!!
see if u wanted to play
hey do u have xbox vanitas- i know they just wont stop yelling i mean they acully killed some of my unversed cause they thought they were going to kill the vampire pirete
vanitas- well then i guess ill just go pick on zexion, zexion if you can here me THERE CANCELING THE NEW TWILIGHT MOVIE!!!!
mx- sh!t hes on to me (runs away) van- so whats been happing sense i was on vaction
MX-terra join me and we can rule the world as father and son. van-so that means i ger kairi, sweet
MX- terra didnt f#ck--- i mean take your body. vanitas- thank you some finally agrees with me and i can go out with all of them sense i dont age:rockdover:
vanitas- sora i want to show you something in this dark ally luxord- spazing out on the floor still. van setiment- what are u 15 how are you able to marry
xemnas- we all know its me i practicly destroyed all the worlds owened my own battle station and married KH
vanitas- well aqua you know im single luxord-GOD DAMIT PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT (foams from the mouth) xemnas- you called?
vanitas0 and we all know to that i was the most eveil cruel and heartless being to in the game luxord-ay how about i tr=urn you into dice lady, i watch your back and play your cards right
vick- yay i broke out and stole some dogs and no luxord so vick ploayed his cards right vanitas- whay do you follow us now one likes you. luxord- im the most evilest boss in the GAME!!!!
vanitas S- thats classified mike vick- hey your that kid who killed me, what 6 months ago your dead ( jumps on and beats on roxas)
vanitas S- well there aqua xion kairi namine ect
um so boredddd
I cant even imagiine what he would be like on steroids i mean he can all ready fly with out them!!