van- well we all agre that im the best villean of the game right
well good luck then !!
( well i should send him a valintimes day gift then lol) xigbar- (teloports to dark realm) hey terra heads up (thros bye at his face) that was compliemnts of vanitas and vanitas s happy valintimes day (teloports back to the realem of light
lol you wouldent believe how many times i got rejected to day , i think my sexiness is to much for them lol. how about you you got any of the...
(hey guys i added 3 new comics and they are so funny check them out) vanitas- thanks seif eveyone ATTACK ( charges at ven with x-blade) vanitas s- shoots dark orbs at sora no heart chages at cloud xemnas- brings the nobody dragen and shoots the guys on the ground xigbar- snipes at terra general sheprd- pulls out his pistol and shoots zexion soap- shoots eveyone mike vick kills dogs luxord-gets drunk and saix jumps off the alter of naught
vanitas- bring it b!tch ( summens void gear)
vanitas- yeah and (to ven) bring BRING IT BEOTCH
van-you can nerver kill them, im always ther to bring them back and plus dragoviych noes how to bring people back to life van s- make me your valentine aqua :)
vanitas- yeah i got no heart,MF,xigbar,luxord xemnas,soap,dragovich,general sheperd,mike vick and vanitas setiment
vanitas- hey ven i got a gang ready to eat you up so watch your back
vanitas- Here aqua (Pulls out a huge card shaped like heart and gives it to her) wanna go out with me (glares at ven through his mask)
zexion- i will steal your twilight books if you dont do it gtg
van- what im here and hehy aqua come here in this deep dark alley xemnas- what ever zexion teach roxas how to use magic in twilight town now saix- jumps off the alter of naught ) why am iiiiiiiiiiii doooing ttthiiiiiissssss
xemnas- and why cant number 13 talk. vanitas- (In his head) i need to find a way to make aqua my valtine hm summens unversed) you get me so nothingness, you get so tape, and you get cupete (all unversed get everey thing, hey aqua come here i want to show you something
xemnas- all right my comrades besides the now organiton guys whats going on
xemnas- that to vanitas- yay well i want to see the keyblade wars so thats why i need one lucky contest to merge with master xeonort so he can start the keyblade wars again. gtg
xemnas- you know i never thought about it, well i just use to get really powerful and then take over all the worlds
vanitas- oh xemnas- so who wants to go controll kingdom hearts any takers
vanitas- well its not letting me see the pic
vanitas- ven there you are (merges with ven) ah good times ultimet e vanitas- kingdom heatrts is mine