Rexa. ^^
Great. About to meet someone on here irl.
We should talk more.
^^ That's good to hear.
OOC: DAMN! I sometimes mix up my character's names. -_-
I'm wonderful. ^^ You?
How are you? ^^
I'm back. *Hugs*
Yeah. ^^ I gtg. I'll be back soon.
Hey man. Sorry I wasn't on to wish you a happy birthday. ^^ So... Happy Birthday yesterday!
Yes. ^^ I'm so happy.
xD No. Lily called me, "Dada"
Hi! *Hugs* Guess what!?
Phenox popped his head out the window. "Can't recall seeing any."
Phenox turned around. "I best be going. I live in the third floor of this house. Visit me if you have anymore trouble." He jumped up the wall and back inside.
Phenox proceeded to beat the man to a pulp. After he was finished, he turned to Rosalina. "Yeah, just be careful next time. This place is full of weirdos."
Phenox heard a scream outside his window. "Great... now I have to help..." He opened his window and jumped outside, hitting the guy on the back of his head.
Yeah, that must suck.
No problem. ^^ I have read your introduction thread and you seem like a nice person.
I completely understand. I worked as a gas station clerk and had to deal with a lot of stupid people. I can't tell you how many times I have...