"And what's that supposed to mean?" Mellody asked turning towads her.
"And no offense but you kinda look like a 10 cent hooker."
"And you sound a tad bit british." Monique taunted back walking back to the couch. "You even have the whole 'oh bugger' thing going for ya!"
Denithan studied her for a moment. "I don't like fire..." and with that he turned and walked away his foot steps barely making a sound.
"Curiosity is a horrid thing..." Denithan sighed. "But if you want to stay i can't stop you, so only walk away if you're sure that's what you wanna do..."
"Then why are you sticking around?"
"You want something?" Denithan asked, feeling someones eyes and looking upwards.
"meh." Denithan shrugged.
"Whatever.." Mellody sighed, taking the movie and putting it on.
"I guess to same degree i control a stage of fire..." Denithan shrugged. "Or at least it looks like fire... and burns..."
Denithan looked at him now, a slightly more respectful but in the same sense pitying look.
"If you haven't guessed... i have..." Denithan gestured to his chains. "These... and you said you use fire right...?"
"Go on Near." Mellody smiled a slightly threatening look passing between them.
"Well said." Denithan smiled. "And wha can you guys do?"
"Gift...?" Denithan asked looking at him in the face. "Yuo call this..." He started, chains sprouting from both his arms. "A gift?"
"Nothing..." Denithan sigghed closing his eyes and leaning against the wall. "I've just taken interest in your conversation..."
"does it matter?" Denithan shrugged flicking his hair and walking over to them, taking note of both their appearances.
"Just a group of friends going into the forest, it's from the camera's perspective too."
Denithan turned, his sword now well strung to his back via the chains, as he noted two teenage boys walking nearby.
ooc: they're gonna watch a movie... "Nar, put Blair Witch on... i can't find cloverfield..."