I wanna hear any and all Christmas stories so far. Go.
Do free stuff for Twitch streamers and YouTubers who need art projects done but are too shit to do it themselves so your name can get out there rather than just shouting at the void and hoping someone comes with money.
If I wanted a plant for my apartment, what would take the least amount of effort without being a cactus? What's a skill you have that most people don't know about? What do you want to be remembered for? IMPRESSIONS OF YOURSELF?!?! zip zoom[DOUBLEPOST=1482627937][/DOUBLEPOST] I'm not crying, you're crying
Did you just call me a map and a pancake? In rhyme? I'm kinda proud of you. Remove the kinda.
Nah, I'm sure Tale is proud of this quote.
Your signature is still broken, zip-zoom
All I want for Christmas is a black parade
Good job, Fearless!
Merry Christmas bud (I've been waiting for it to be Christmas to reply to your Xmas PM) ALSO I THOUGHT THIS THREAD WAS TITLED "ODD XMAS WISHES" AND I WAS SUPER HYPE FOR THAT THREAD
Gotta get the family together for Christmas, zip-zoom.
If you think that, join our Discord server https://discord.gg/bvCmCrT Socialize with us.
Two days left of Scoot. One day of Zip. One day of Zoom.
Memes are banned.
(Good job on this Kar holy crap)
Hey. You. Get back here.