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  1. DigitalAtlas

    So I asked him if he had been using the chat button, and he was.

    To test if it was him or the button, I made an alt discord and tried to join it through the link. Didn't work.

    I think the invite expired or it redirects to General chat which is a channel you can't invite to? No idea what's up.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 2, 2017, 5 replies, in forum: Bug Reports
  2. DigitalAtlas
    $27 if your PC can run it. (I don't even remember if I own it tbh. My purchase is dependent on who plays)
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 2, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. DigitalAtlas
  4. DigitalAtlas
    So who's gonna play? I want a list.

    me irl while responding to Ams
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 2, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. DigitalAtlas


    I'm really upset by the lack of Smash Mouth, but you get a C.

    You won, so you can't get any lower, but a tad basic playstyle. You just swap between healing and attacking and are winning the war of attrition. Not once did I see you going for a big play. Gotta start thinking in terms of buffs and debuffs.

    Lemme try to make a comparison: There's a status effect in Xenoblade Chronicles called "topple." By itself, topple is stupid and worthless. But with the right buffs, it's a power that keeps enemies down and doubles their vulnerability. Thus inventing the meta of that game called the "topple lock." where you start combining moves and mastering delaying the monster from getting up so you can WRECK HIM and having to adjust on the fly when it goes bad and now you're vulnerable. Or things like in Paper Mario speed runs where you start seeing CRAAAAZY damage from very low levels.

    At simmering down? You absolutely did. Everyone here loves you now.

    No, I've stopped watching out.
    I've started to pout.
    and I've started to cry.
    Because you won't tell me why.
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 2, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  6. DigitalAtlas
    No it's the return of the minecraft server
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 2, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. DigitalAtlas
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 2, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. DigitalAtlas
    But it's on purpose.
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 1, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. DigitalAtlas
    I. Agree. See: every mystery ever.

    I like how real this point is. People keep mixing price and value like they're the same thing and... not really? Because price is flowing and changing. You can say "$60 PLUS $20 for Kingsglaive to get the full story? FAK YOU" but like.... in two months Kingsglaive is going to be in a bargain bin and FFXV's price is already plummeting. I get the vibe that people say "you should include the movie with the game" because they think it's more proconsumer than saying "you have to buy them separately" but being proconsumer isn't necessarily getting the best launch day price. It's putting power in the consumer's hands which the two separate releases do because they can consume it however they wish for whatever price they see.
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 1, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. DigitalAtlas
    Grass is always greener, bluey
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 1, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. DigitalAtlas
    I think between you and Nova funnin', you're going to break Ams.
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 1, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. DigitalAtlas
  13. DigitalAtlas

    Hm. Stayin'?
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 1, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. DigitalAtlas

    1. Neighborhoods has really grown on me, but Take Off Your Pants and Jacket was the soundtrack to my highschool life.
    2. "Not Now" or "Ghosts on the Dance Floor"
    3. Uhhh... You know I don't think I've watched any of their videos in a lonnnnng time. Stay Together for the Kids jumps out at me.
    4. Mark Hoppus is hilarious so him.
    5. Actually yes. In 2012, I saw them at the Neighborhoods Tour. Got a t-shirt and everything. Tom sounded like shit lul
    6.I had their logo in my locker actually. Again, Take Off was really popular among me and my friends.
    7. NO ACTUALLY. I've had the same hair style forever. It's an odd coincidence.
    8. No, but I was all into 90s punk/pop-punk anyway so that probably trickled into my fashion choices.
    9. Probably I Miss You or First Date? They were really popular on the radio when I was a kid.
    10. Idk dude. I was probably a kid and didn't realize it. It came back in full swing when Roxas, Darkwatch and Trigger went on an Angels and Airwaves kick and then I brought it to my irl friend circle.
    11. Neighborhoods. People give that a lot of crap.
    12. The eponymous one from 2003. It's got some good tracks but half of them are crap and forgettable.
    14. First: What is this ****
    High School: I love this ****
    Current: Eh, it's okay. More nostalgic to me than anything.

    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 1, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  15. DigitalAtlas
    I have received clarification and he meant guilty pleasure!

    So I don't really have a guilty pleasure? I'm usually just embracing why it gives me any joy unless I'm like trying to impress someone or whatever, and even then- I'll be like YO LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW IS THE SHIT but will be like "lol yeah Minecraft sucks" despite having no issue with it. I generally own most of the raunchy stuff I play because it's raunchy. You know what though, I really got an itch scratched by the sub-par Sonic Boom (when was the 3D collectathon? when?) so the glitches and chuggin' didn't bother me. Answer is Sonic Boom, I think.

    1. I'm trying to recall impressions from 2006. RIIIP.
    First: I remember thinking you weren't serious, but not like a shitposter either. Playful might be the word? I knew I found it very hard to talk to you.
    Current: And the only reason I remember the above is because now I think how dumb and wrong that was. You're very approachable and very fun loving. You usually always have a good story too. I remember once when we didn't quite get along that you still offered to help me with something very important. I'll probably never forget that kindness tbh. Stay funny.

    2. Man, it used to be "The Prestige" but I haven't seen it in like a decade. I have no idea how I feel about that movie anymore. The last film that I REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoyed was The Girl Who Leapt Through Time so we're putting that as an extended answer.

    3. The best things are actually fairly private, but I think the moments where I had the realizations like "Oh, I'm good at this" regarding a few things and started building up skills. Those were what I cherish the most.

    Yours might be less sweet XD
    First: This guy's pretty reasonable but he keeps getting into arguments. He needs to simmer down or he's gonna piss off EVERYONE.
    Current: THIS GUY'S MOE AS FUCK. I feel the Discord has really brought out the best and funniest traits in you. You're someone I can always have a good chat with.

    1. Yours are going to be the most recent because we basically only talked after the Discord came into existence
    First: Definitely a prude but a sweet heart. She's trying very hard in the Discord, so I'll try hard back
    Current: Literal lifeline to me for a portion of this year and hyper loyal, maybe even to a fault. Wouldn't harm a fly. I'd never say anything bad about her.
    2. Hmmmm what is my favorite cartoon... You know, from an animation perspective, it really probably is Amazing World of Gumball? I feel that shouldn't be my answer, but the first two seasons of that show impressed me with the amount of work they did while managing to still be interesting and funny. BUT BOY I WATCH TOO MANY CARTOONS TO FIGURE THIS OUT. I'll leave it there and then just feel the shame for not picking Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, Dexter's Lab, Tom and Jerry, any Looney Toons etc. Man I hate choosing favorites. This probably isn't my favorite and just my most recently enjoyed. DON'T MAKE ME PICK BETWEEN MY CHILDREN ;~~~;
    3. Probably The Spoon or The Microwave as far as Gumball goes.
    4. I have no answer but this video is my feelings . In Gumball, it's probably Gumball. There we go.

    (these are beautiful)

    1. I associate purple with calm people? I think?
    2. Primary would probably be marketing with a secondary in animation. I realllly want to learn animation. I appreciate it from afar too much.
    3. Shit you're right.
    First: RUUUUUDE
    4. FLCL, but extended across four years. For real, there's about as much robot building. (I couldn't find a good enough gif)
    6. 9:11. (No really)
    7. Enough to build a large fire.
    8. Like the AH show? No actually. I should watch it but I never have. It does too much news that I just don't need.
    9. A kilogram of deeyock because deeyock is heavier than steel.
    10. Same rules that I gave Amaury, but you have to pair it instead with a very sad song so it looks like you're committing a murder. You monster.

    1. Wish granted.
    Wonder Red from Wonderful 101 because it's a mix of comic hero and streets and I looooove the Wonder masks. Supervillain.... Off the top of my head? Deathstroke. Other trivia: I really liked Gambit's design as a kid.
    3. I'm currently attempting to learn to speak one but that's it. Not far enough to warrant any sort of extended talk on it.
    4. Bayonetta 2 is nicer to look at but I think Bayonetta 1 is more unique.
    5. Smash 4. Brawl's campaign sucked and I didn't like playing as many characters as I do in Smash 4. My main is Roy because of that RAAAAW POOWWWWERRRR.
    I should note here that Smash is the fighting game I am the WORST at. I am much better at standard 2D and 3D fighters.

    (Arright this got me)

    First: You know, the thing is, I don't remember Boosa before we were buddies. It's like we IMMEDIATELY hit it off because we met in Nova's stream so current is going to reflect first.
    Current: Lots of energy and passion. Has such a strong drive for the things he loves that even when we disagree, I can't throw it out. I feel a day hanging out together would be making fun of trash and gushing over things we adore.

    I haven't watched any 80s mech shows due to lack of time but uhhh



    Gunbuster is the one I want to watch the most.

    1.First: Who is this angry guy yelling at Blaine and how long has he been on staff? Was he hired when I was here a year ago? Huh
    Current: Composed as can be. It took an intense round of mafia to throw you off your game and even then I didn't make you misstep. I'm very excited to get to know you more and see what comes out your work ethic and intelligence.
    2. It's uhh... It's not great. KHII caused a lot of narrative complications and made the game mechanically uninteresting to me. BBS was something I didn't enjoy AT ALL narratively and I found the worlds to be boring so I checked out there. But the new one with Aqua dress up? That has my interest because it looks like they're getting creative with set pieces. I wanna see more. I think they need a reset though.
    3. If I had to describe KHV in a word, it would be intimate. The low activity is making is so every one who wouldn't get to know each other IS getting to know each other. This is good, but we still need more activity. I think a big problem right now is we lost a lot of the thread and content makers who sued to get people to post. I made a thread to get my name changed and it got 5 pages in a day. We CAN be active and we have about 40 members logging in every week, we just need them to get posting. Discord's perfect for casual chatter. Maybe the conspiracy theories are perfect rn idk.
    4. SOOOOO I haven't listened to a single new album this year except for Blink-182's California... which was only okay. I used to keep up with music hardcore but then I kinda overwhelmed myself as it got harder to acquire and then my computer with all my music died hard and I have been too lazy to save the HDD lately.
    tl;dr the OST to Star Fox Zero.
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 1, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  16. DigitalAtlas
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Dec 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. DigitalAtlas
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Dec 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. DigitalAtlas
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Dec 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. DigitalAtlas
    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Dec 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. DigitalAtlas
    1. First: Over sensitive and has no value for the community's members because he keeps reporting them so he can look like he should be a moderator.
    Current: Annoying little brother who I adore for all of his idiosyncrasies. Place wouldn't be the same without ya.
    2. In real life, yes.
    3. A bit vague, but sushi. I really love "volcano rolls" at my old local place and Philadelphia rolls too.
    4. Black tea is my go to, but I've recently started trying more types and boy is it better.
    5. Shrimp but I'm a poor boy so that's only on holidays. Frequent snack is something like white cheddar popcorn, cheez-its or sea salt and vinegar chips.
    6. I think I answered that with 3. A sushi platter and some miso soup during the wait. Yes please. Yes all the please.
    7. Drake and Josh when was when I watched Nick.
    8. There are Disney channel sitcoms? I don't watch
    9. See 8.
    10. I saw one episode and it was okay. My bestie told me to give it a shot. No cable though, so I don't go out of my way to watch it.
    11. ARRIGHT AMS I'LL TELL YOU WHAT. Yes, I will watch a boss battle you win and tell you what kind of player you are, but it can't be over five minutes, and I want you to put it with a fitting song from Smash Mouth in a site called "youtube doubler." If I'm working, you are too.

    Animated series Eggman reaction images GET ME.

    Like, I just searched for one at random and got this. What EVEN IS THIS


    Other than that, any time I google [absurd topic] + sonic the hedgehog always yields wonderful results. Haven't done one in awhile though.

    Efficiently. With legs. Now you know how. But can you tell me where here the tap dancing bear is?

    1.Washington, Carolina, or Grif depending on the season. I need to catch up still!

    2. Blue is always way more interesting, but red cracks me up and always has the best moments. So red.

    3. First: Ditzy, but charming. Wants to prove herself but isn't sure how yet. Calls me Jay but I have no idea who she is? Fun to mess with too.
    Current: Loyal, tries really hard even if not to the best results. Still fun to mess with.

    4. I have a weird relationship with RWBY, right? I didn't watch it because everyone was so down on it despite it being made by my actual hero, Monty. Then he started really inspiring me so I was going to check it out and like the next month he passed on. So I've kinda been saving it for when I need to be inspired again or when the right person wants to watch it and I can't say no. I actualyl really dig the fight animation I saw so far so I know it's going to hit me.

    5. I watch A LOT of Rooster Teeth. Everything but the podcast in short. With more detail uhhh Funhaus, Achievement Hunter, RT Life, Cow Chop, Screw Attack's Top 10, Ten Little Roosters, X-Ray and Vav, CAMP CAMP IS BLISS, and I can't think of anything else right now. I

    6. SO I OWN IT, RIGHT? BOUGHT IT DAY 1. WATCHED BROTHERHOOD AND PLAYED A KING'S TALE.... Then they announced they were adding more story to this 100 hour game. I am NOT replaying this game so I keep debating if I should wait or not. So far I've been waiting but we'll see how long I last. If NG+ offered more difficulties, I'd be a shoo-in for low level runs and that's how I'd experience the new story stuff that's coming but NOPE.

    First: Fragile, handle with kid gloves.
    Current: Hyper-intelligent and perceptive, but uses that perception to care for her friends. The more she opens up, the more I'm glad to have her as a friend. Her interests are always fun to hear about.

    First: I don't remember. I didn't think much of you outside of "user who doesn't affect me"
    Current: Glad I linked him the Discord. He seems to have been having fun and we need more people wanting to be involved.

    Digital is easier to read. KIDS THESE DAYS AMIRITE GHOST

    SERIOUS ANSWER TO JOKE QUESTION ALERT: Analogue implies physical on some level, and I am not trying to bear the weight of the physical world on my shoulders. Nty. The username is more of a goal tbh. It reminds me to be kind and well behaved and cherish others and be involved with them such as one would have to if they were stuck holding up their entire world. There's a lot of posts I make where I hit delete because it's like "no dude, remember your namesake."

    Yeah sure. But I did already. Answer it better than I did. Make it funny.

    1. First: Boy he's a bit of dunce huh?
    Current: Fan of the community and the game the community came for. Very nice. Not a dunce, turns out, but very misunderstood and very energetic.
    2. If we're defining cosplay as "dress up as character", then I dressed as Zora Tunic Link for Halloween as a kid. Otherwise, nah. I've never been to a con nor just dressed up as someone else for fun. Not against it, just haven't.
    3. Welllll, I've only really played KH1, CoM, and KHII so my answers are limited but from those? Probably Monochrome because it's adorable or Sleeping Lion because it looks cool.
    4. Hmm.... HMMMM. Belle. Belle has the most personality and the cutest voice.
    5. Well, they pertain to "geek culture" and Kingdom Hearts, so not really but I do remember telling you I don't like Kingdom Hearts XD

    By zippin' and zoomin'

    MAN SO LIKE... I can't have Scoot Fieri during a Question Time- it'd be weird just seeing it paired with a series answer. So I'm a tad annoyed by the overlap XD @cstar did a WONDERFUL job with the photoshop. So I may need to bring it back later.


    1. First: Actual human enigma and very beloved. I don't know how, but if I need something done, he'll get it done. I kinda feel like I'm making a deal with the devil though...
    Current: Secret sweet heart and public work horse. I'm glad to have finally earned his trust as he's a friend I wouldn't soon replace, even if we don't talk a lot. More fun loving on voice chat than he likes communicating over text.
    2. I find it interesting you asked this before strength. Lessee.... People I get close suddenly finding me uninteresting. It can cripple me if I open up enough and they just vanish and are like "Ehhhh." It's why you often think I'm detached when I'm super invested in what's going on. FOOLED YA HUH?
    3. People find me very likable so I end up becoming pals with everyone. I don't know the cause of this but it gives me a lot of enthusiasm and energy.
    4. So I'm going to be a bit vague and I'm sorry for that BUT back in 2013/2014, there was a member here I had GREAT talks with. We had a lot of fun just chit chatting and comparing interests and we had a similar energy etc. I gained a lot of respect and value for this person but we never talked regularly. I was going to hit them up before I came back but I was like "you know what, I want to talk to them regularly. I want them to be a forever friend." So I came back so "out of sight, out of mind" wouldn't happen again. We do now talk semi-regularly but the rest of that mission went in the most unexpected direction yo. So glad I came back.

    Glad you came back too.

    1. First: Intimidating. I don't think I can make a connection with this person.
    Current: Bright, unique and very enthusiastic. Glad she's a friend.
    2. I DID. THAT. THING.
    3. My mother, after years of not getting me anything because blahblahblah, bought me a fight stick because it was the most expensive item on my amazon wish list as a way of showing she's happy that I'm happy with my hobbies. Sweetest gesture and BOY I LOVE THIS STICK.
    4. Laddled or Unladdled?

    1. First: Silly and fun loving. Never serious.
    Current: Not too different to be honest, but I can tell you stand up for what you believe in and are quite the curious type.
    So I think if someone hasn't ever played video games, then they should play Thomas Was Alone. It's no masterpiece or anything, but it is simplicity defined and has an element of each ingredient of what makes a video game and each of those elements is SO EASILY SEEN that even a purely visceral response to it is enough to lead people in the right direction with game recs, even if that rec is "games aren't for you." It's the perfect first game even if it's not gonna blow anyone away.

    But if you like games? See, that's where this becomes an impossible question for me XD it's all so dependent on the person buuuuut..... I'd probably say a 3D Zelda. Probably Wind Waker or Ocarina. You can gauge a lot of what people value from those games and they really do hit all the notes possible, me thinks. But I WISH everyone I know would play Cave Story and Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door. Hope I answered that!

    3. I don't understand what you're asking here but I want to answer... Do you mean a favorite I kinda think isn't good? Hmm. Fable. I love playing Fable games. All three of them. They are ALL awful but they have such a charm to them and you can tell the creators made every event with love and because they thought it was funny or cool and not because "well we gotta make a game event happen I guess." There's a quest in Fable 3 that demonstrates this to me, right? You go meet this cult and they promise you a great power and they turn you INTO A GAME PIECE. The quest is voiced by the actual event planners of Fable 3 and they're constantly bickering about the events going to unfold for you so it's constantly changing shape, but it's still just on a straight forward path with basic enemies. I feel that shows "game I love but has a lot of problems."

    Did I answer that?

    4. FUUUUUUCK is this one even possible?
    I love too many man. I can't even pick between the Mega Man OSTs, then I remember EarthBound, Cave Story, Smash, Anarchy Reigns, Xenoblade Chronicles, Donkey Kong Country, Wonderful 101, Splatoon, Jet Set R-


    Really now.

    1. Perception says possibly no, but the fact that we're basically identical means probably yes. Humans all react the same to blue and orange, generally, but if you saw blue the way I saw brown and green the way I saw orange, you wouldn't think so. So probably.
    2. Marketing loop. You have to buy more buns or your hot dogs will go bad, but then you have six buns left over and you don't want them to go moldy.
    3. I think Ox Tail tbqh. But it wasn't bad.
    4. I don't live alone, but when I'm alone I still do. Can't get startled that way.
    5. Cat dreams of Jojo crossing into Kingdom Hearts and then pulling her into the TV to take her away to memeland.
    6. Yes. See: Makaze.
    8. The celebrities are being made into an army because God doesn't know that movies aren't real. The devil trolled him PREEEEETTY GOOOOOD.
    9. Depends how close they are to each other, I assume.
    10. Genius in a world of idiots has a chance of watching a really good game of mafia, just ask Makaze. That's my actual choice tho! One has to assume idiocy would be locked into a generation or two, so if you were the genius then you could fight it.

    (these were great gg)

    Depends on which is canon: YouTube, DeviantArt, or the cartoon



    Post by: DigitalAtlas, Dec 30, 2016 in forum: The Playground