You know them for DBZ abridged, ya dolt. --- Post updated --- I award you no points. (okay I award you many points and a pat on the head)
It was Xaldin, I think. I thought it was Darkandroid but it turned out I was wrong. A LAAAAAAAME one. Hmph.
How do these end when there's no post limit?
He's right Out of the titles and nothing else, "we are number one but the lyrics are ruined"
I'm really glad I made that post now.
Germany doesn't have animals, silly.
So, you pick an alias and that becomes a player name. No one knows it's you, just that it's one of the players. The other thing you pick is a character with the DM uses to gauge what kind of role and abilities to give you. Once the game opens, it's all about private chats and trying to gain as much info as possible so you can connect people to their aliases and figure out who to shoot. Along the way, there were betrayals, alliances, an actual war, lies, etc. It was ruthless and it was a blast.
That was super fun. Would play again.
SO I'M HERE AT THIS TRANSFORMER NAME GENERATOR BECAUSE I FEEL BAD LET'S DO IT I would be "Bombpunch." You would be "Dynamo". I hit "next" until I saw some I liked.
You asked me if you fapped actually. To which I replied that you should know more than anyone. Probably Atlas. Probably Below. Idk. I rushed this out because I'm hitting the deadline. Will edit if I think of a better answer. Also, went back and added "worst girl of 2016" because OOPS I forgot that one. Because he's a cutie who's having fun with this thread. 1. BOY THIS IS A GOOD QUESTION. I don't know if I can choose one as "most interesting." One of my favorites is the story of Tetris's console port. There's no way in hell I can do that justice, so there ya go. Another is SEGA freaking out about Tom Kalinski wanting to bundle Sonic with the Genesis in America and they refused so he did it anyway. There's actually a lot of good stories about producers going rogue. Like, Keiji Inafune was denied on Lost Planet (and I think also Dead Rising) but put it/them into work anyway because he knew they'd sell well in America and didn't repitch it until they were too far into development for them to be canceled. RE2 is infamous for Hideki Kamiya (Devil May Cry/Bayonetta/Okami for those who don't know) being made a laughing stock at Capcom because it got multiple delays because he allowed too many ideas into the game from staff that didn't fit the vision, so in the course of a week or so they basically remade the whole game and became heroes. However, I'll tell ya a few that're relatively unknown. This one was from a 1up interview. RIP 1up. There was this developer/composer named Kenji Eno (he is no longer with us). He's highly niche, most famous for "D" and "Real Sound"- two things no one knows about. That said, D was a horror game with many, many instances of things that would be considered taboo such as cannibalism. In the early 90s, there was no way in hell this game would get rated by the ESRB decently or even at all. Eno had a plan, however. After studying the fine print, he knew that if he missed the deadline to ship the "master discs" (this is the disc they use to rate and put into production, etc) that he would have to hand deliver them. So, he created a fake version of the game with clean scenes and got it rated. He then waited for the shipping deadline to pass and took the masters of the duplicate and switched them with the original discs- which kept all the horror themes in tact. Eno got off his plane, handed them off, and no one was the wiser. This dude went rogue a lot but man was he a true artist who knew how to manipulate the business system. There's one more I'm going to share and it's the only reason multiplatform games can exist. See, once upon a time, Nintendo was HYPER controlling of the industry. So much so that if you made a game on the NES you couldn't put it on another system for a few years. If you did, you'd violate your contract and Nintendo would stop supplying you cartridges, thus pushing you out of the biggest market share in gaming. They'd also sue your butt off as Nintendo had a part of the product's ownership back then. Tim Burton's Batman had a very famous game for NES made by Sunsoft. The publisher (I think Warner Bros? I'm not sure if it was licensed or internal tbh) wanted to hit the rising Genesis market (this is pre Super Nintendo, mind you. Genesis would take 55% of the market the next year) with a port of one of their most popular games. It was around this same time that Nintendo was being hit with an FTC investigation for monopoly-like practices. They were under a lot of pressure and it was pretty public among adults interested in the hobby. Sunsoft, to combat Nintendo's clause, made a different game that also stared Batman, was called Batman, and was based on the movie and they released it in Europe ONLY. The game was pretty damn good and different enough that consumers WANTED it. Magazines were covering it as "The Batman Game You Want to play!" Once the hype train was rolling, the publisher went public to a game magazine about why Batman Genesis wasn't coming to America. This put Nintendo under A LOT of pressure. There was now an actual incident happening because of Nintendo's practices and it was PUBLIC. The FTC could easily reference it and fans KNEW Nintendo was keeping something they wanted out of their hands. From all perspectives, they were painted as the bad guy. And to keep the hype train going, the publisher distributed imported European copies through multiple magazines so people would enter and want this game even more. They drove demand so high and there wasn't a supply to be found. In the end, pressure was so high that Nintendo dropped the clause entirely and litigation was put in place to prevent this type of business from happening again. So whenever you buy a game that can be released on all three consoles, remember that it was good ol' Sunsoft, real game journalism, and Batman that made it possible. Source video. Thank you for this question. I really love talking gaming trivia. 2. First: I don't remember my first impressions of you. You were staff and we butted heads a lot because you were staff. I don't even remember how we got on good terms Current: I often ask people if it's possible for you to be mad. I don't think there are many people here as fun loving as you. I wish you'd participate more because KHV needs more positive energy. 3. Like, musician? I don't actually think I have a favorite soooooo uhhh..... Ummmmmm....... This is awkward. I don't like picking favorites? Recently, I've been really digging Yasunori Mitsuda's work so instead of picking a favorite, we're just linking Chrono Cross music. 4. Monstervine. I'm proud of that work every day. At the age of 16, I found a staff and got them together through. There was a lot of brotherhood but no success so I stopped making content (because it wasn't good anyway) and went to full work at gathering numbers. In 2008, I had the idea for a let's play with facecam (And I have proof of this- we were gonna do Silent Hill 2) and if I had done it, we'd have beaten a lot of people to the punch. But I got our traffic spiked by shaking hands and working with N4G and Twitter during its rise. I made an article that was 100% clickbait before clickbait was a common practice ("Uncharted 2 ISN'T IN MY TOP TEN?! A reply to our readers") that was more popular than IGN's article about Hideo Kojima's Birthday on N4G. It was from this consistent traffic, that my colleague was able to put ads on the site and we were able to make Pete (KHU owner) a profit on us. We ended up getting to E3, Comic-Con, the Game Awards. Hell, the cofounder did a panel recently and we still get passes to freakin' everything. My colleague and I got someone NOT FROM THIS COUNTRY to E3 during the PRIVATE YEARS. Every day I measure myself against that potential.
1. I'll avoid the private stuff for this one, but I'll say KHV helped a lot in helping me find my self-esteem and humor. There was a military run program that I went in for two weeks of my junior year in highschool that let me feel comfortable being social and college kind of cemented that confidence in myself. It all came together during my time working as a phone salesman where I had to turn up the volume on all my good traits because it made me more likable while learning a lot about business because I had a manager who didn't wear kid gloves. It was around then I met Nova too who really helped me figure out how to aim my personality, so to speak, and have a lot of empathy. He really calmed me down- I owe him a lot. I owe a lot too to those opening shifts at the phone job where I'd sit for hours before open eating fast food breakfast and watching YouTube which is where I found my passion for online video production. Did that answer your question? 2. As far as what to do with my life, my drive is "do better than your parents did" and be able to provide and settle before I make any dumb dream chase attempts. When it comes to making things.. it's kinda the same drive I have in a debate(?) which is "prove I know what I'm talking about; prove that you can do it." You know, saying that last bit out loud... That might be my drives for a lot of things. Merge the answers. 3. Hindsight says no and that it was just highly fueled infatuation due to extenuating circumstances. I've had numerous relationships, but only three did I ever drop that L bomb with. There was one when I was a teen but that was def just hormones and low self esteem, one when I was in college but that was just "first real gf" syndrome. But there was one where I still don't know what the extenuating circumstance was so maybe it was love or just hyper infatuation. Either way, it's always such a gamble for me. "Do I like this person or where they are in their life. And trying to figure that out is always 90% of the reason why it takes me FOREVER to ask someone out. You wanted heavy answers, you got 'em. 1. First: What a know-it-all. Current: Absolute sweetie who wants people to know she cares that they're around and talking with her. I have a lot of fun chatting with you and wish I knew you sooner but somehow you went ignored despite that '09 registration. 2 If I had to pick any superpower right now, it'd probably be flight. But I often jest that I'd want to live forever so something involving that might be nice. 3. NO ONE ON THIS FORUM HAS ASKED THIS EXCEPT YOU. It switches between Green and Teal depending on my mood. 4. Would I go? Depends on the day, and today no. But if I had to choose one to go to, it'd probably be Cowboy Bebop or Chrono Cross. I know I'm such a pleb with my love of that show but like, the culture of the civilians here looks so calm and joyous. Almost like it's two advancements above our own culture. As for Chrono Cross.... it's ****ing gorgeous. All of it is gorgeous. 5. Permanently pink. I do not look good without hair and for those here who've seen what I look like, they'd agree. 6. You keep saying that and I keep appreciating it. I don't think you've ever once said it where it didn't help to see it. Idk. I just try to make myself laugh and I just so happened to land in a spot where other people laugh with me. 7. I answered this earlier, so I'll give another favorite food of mine WHICH I MADE TONIGHT! Shrimp Alfredo. I love it. 8. Okay, ignoring the 20 answers I can't say, I would take the time to learn a language. Better myself. 9. I keep trying to think about this and I keep thinking slice of life. It'd be nice to see an outside perspective of our friendships and bonds. Though maybe it'd be interesting to see the Death Note game or a mafia game converted to a fanfic. 10. Make an awkward joke and be like FINGER GUNS . That's actually similar to what I do. Make a joke and then say "I'M OUT" only I basically salute-wave with two fingers Okay, that's fair, but it still didn't look like you were taking advantages of crits or anything. I'm not sure. But yeah, only one. Oh... Oh no. So let's talk Capcom's side? I want Gene from God Hand. I want Gene more than MCU fans wanted Spider-Man in the Avengers. Gene is perfect for fighters and he needs to be the Ness or Marth and be used to revive a franchise that got screwed. Gene, Viewtiful Joe, Scrooge McDuck (we can do it), Tron Bonne, Grey (Dark Void/Dark Void Zero- basically be Capcom's Iron Man), Amaterasu, Susano (also Okami), Asura, Nathan Spencer, Ryu (Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter), Captain Commando, Frank West, Actual Dinosaur (Dino Crisis), Bren (E.X Troopers), Haggar or Cody, Sissel and Missile (Ghost Trick), Sir Arthur, Kou and G-Red (tag team/Gotcha Force), Harman Smith (Killer7), Jubei (onimusha), VANESSA (PN.03), Rouge (Power Stone), Strider, Zero, Ibuki, Ryu, Akuma, Bison, Hannah (Cadillacs and Dinosaurs), Hero and Familiar (Magic Sword), and just a GIANT MECH from Steel Battalion. I'm not too into Marvel so basically I just want them to bring back Gambit and Venom and other MVC2 favs. Wolverine too, he was fun. AND I'M HYPE FOR THIS QUESTION!!! So ever since Ocarina, I've loved fishing mini-games. It wasn't until recently I kinda came into liking a few arcadey fishing games like SEGA Bass Fishing and Fishing Resort (EVERYONE needs to play Fishing Resort for Wii) but it's always been when it's a side thing that the extra hours in a game just stack. The thing is, I love down time in expansive games. I'm not saying Contra or Gears of War needs fishing, but in a game where there's a lot of freeroam and you wanna take in the sights, fishing is perfect. It's both competitive and tranquil with the constant back and forth between you and the fish being a neat enough loop of interaction with a constant benefit. 1.First: This must somehow be a Roxas alt Current: Lovable and 100% unique shitposter who's just as much a blast from the past as I am here. I couldn't predict what you're going to post if I tried, but I always read it, laugh and say "pfffff fucking Rat." It always makes me comfortable to see you around because I know you have about the same amount of investment I do. 2. Never?? 3. Makaze. I didn't have to think about that one. 4. Uhhh Christhor sparked some life in it with a "WHAT COLORS SHOULD PREMIUMS BE" and then it died again. Like, the last post that wasn't that poll or a name change or Ams' activity log was in November It's tough. I wanted to say Rat for the sig, but his avatar is jank. Same with Makaze but the opposite problem where his sig is jank. So I'm saying @Karuta . Congratulations. Your oblivion stuff is stylish albeit premade. 1.First: Tummer's such a sweetheart. He's probably never going to get in a fight around here. Current: Where'd tummer g- oh, he changed his name. You definitely have grown up. Wish you'd talk in the discord so I could get to know you more. 2. Since Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice came out, I'm cheating and going with Maya from Phoenix Wright. There might be a bias here, but I've played the first two Ace Attorney games like all throughout October and she was the best companion/murder suspect one could hope for. 3. SO OUR FAST FOOD CHOICES IN THIS AREA ARE A WEE BIT BASIC? 5. McDonald's (KFC wash ere, but I like McDonald's coffee and breakfast fight me) 4. Taco Bell 3. Wendy's 2. Subway 1. Five Guys Burgers and Fries I should add here that I don't often eat fast food. There's not even a Five Guys within an hour of me. 1. Sombra. :| 2. Boy, this question's a wee bit dangerous because if I answer, it gives away my location but I'll do my best. 5. There's a local pizza place around here that really NAILS the NYC pizza vibe. 4. There's a Thai place around here I LOVE. 3. there's an italian place near a beach back home that showed me what real pasta should taste like. 1. THERE'S THIS SUSHI PLACE BACK HOME RIGHT? They'd do half price Sushi on Mondays and I kid you not, I'd go there and spend $50 every week of 2012-2013. It was such a feast but that was my one treat. 3. GoogleMa- Okay no, but let's think about this. The overall message is to care about others and stay motivated... Soooo ThunderSnail This is honestly a really good question that I can't come up with a good answer for. I may come back to it. 3. I told him that I fapped apparently. Alcohol man. Yeah but only like this. 1. What is a Yugioh boss monster? Google didn't help. 2. Trickster for first playthrough. I like the dodge. I wish Gunslinger was better, and when going for S-ranks or DMD I switch between Royal Guard and Sword Master 3. Off the top of my head? Black Suit because nostalgia or Amazing Spider-Man 2's costume. 4. Depends on the day. I like to mix it between options like buffalo or mustards. Sometimes bbq. Rarely ketchup? 5. If we can believe the equipment menu, it's detachable. So they'd probably put on the canonball. I REALLY dig Mk II and all of Exia. I can't help it. I'm basic. Freedom's pretty rad too. I don't know what that is so we're going to google images bb. ....Boy I regret that. There was one with shortish/longish dark blue hair? I liked her design the best. What the hell is this?
Do you remember this user? Apparently you styled on her pretty hard
Next year she cycles back to being a troll. Gonna be fun. Fearless vs GhettoXemnas vs Makaze
We were all cringe at one point. I used to be a jerk to everybody.
I mean, if I can cook and spice it- maybe throw it on a sandwich or in a soup, I wouldn't mind.
You get Jayn to show up, I'll eat my fucking sock.
I know where I'm exclusively hanging out if I play.
It's so quiet.