The Wii U and Switch versions are going to very close in file size (and very compressed holy moly). The game will be 13gb on Wii U while 13.4gb on the Switch. Source here. I don't even know where to begin whenever I'm gushing about this trailer "ZORA AND RITO?!?!" "BEARDED GORON BUDDY?!?!?!" "THOSE ITEMS?!?!?!" "VOICE ACTING IS TOP WHAT?!?!?!?" "TOWNS?!?!" "RAFTING!?!?!?!?" "DEKU TREE 2!?!?!" I just want it.
Because to me Smash 4 Turbo is a short hand for saying "but plays like Melee"
What I'm suggesting is I don't want to take step backwards for either games. I'd love Melee HD if they said "NOW WITH THE ENTIRE SMASH 4 ROSTER" just as I'd like Smash 4 Turbo if it was "now plays like Melee"
The thing is though, Melee is ALREADY that way.
Smash 4 Turbo so we can have characters and balance tho. instead of FOX MARTH CAPTAIN FALCON SHEIK JIGGLYPUFF
You don't want Ice Climbers?
I'd say "just throw that in Turbo mode" because SFII had changes like that between modes buuuuut That'd basically throw off the everything. Except Ice Climbers, toss them in.
Why would you want Melee HD? Just ask for Smash 4 Turbo so it's actually balanced and has more characters, but has what people like about competitive Melee. WHY STREET FIGHTER II THO
I mean, they are robes. We can totally go the Akiba's Trip route.
That's not enough for the post cooldown though. Huh.
Voting Stardust (STILL NOT SORRY)
RIP me, forgot tags. @Dr. Lux @Explode @Fearless @Stardust
Vote now.
Enjoy your life in full trains.
This thread title is no longer truthful. Some would say it's... DATED
He's talking Amazon though which is just average joes selling though the percentage is higher, especially since the only competition is other average joes.
Except those posts were like 3 minutes apart.