He's had to quit the second too 'cause his girlfriend has banned him for Lent haha
I hope you're ok wherever you are
... That is one huge necklace ._.
Oddly, I had the same issue when turning left, but then I had to spend literally two hours just doing left turns until I was fine. Worst two hours...
Haha, these visits are always nice. Anything exciting happened since your last one?
It is ok Misty, I did the exact same thing. Also, you can delete repw now too for a short time o:
I love you.
Haha, oh man I had completely forgotten about that plan. That would be aces.
Happy Birthday, I hope you're having a nice day so far <3
Oh man, I have done that several times, I've also repeatedly almost dropped it. I am one of the clumsiest people I know so I am always having...
Haha, just one of my many hidden talents. Go for it, and I wish you ever piece of luck <3 we only live once
I know the feeling, trust me haha. Well, I am sure the site will benefit from your presence <3
Sounds good, do you have many plans for it? I hope it is all sunshines and cloudless skies <3 You're welcome C:
I need to get something off my chest, because I am raging a little, and think that it should be sa-Catch the Rain has been silenced
I know that feeling well, I guess I am alright knowing I'll never be able to do it all, as long as when I die, I can say yeah, I really lived.
I have been a fan for years haha, the vids make me laugh so much
I fully agree wth you. I would have hated to have been an only child.. True, I'm going to have to just bite the bullet and hope they don't go...
*Puts down gun* Haha, so that's why you asked, and no D:
Indeed ^^ Good luck <3 I am sure you will do fine, plus at least you will have the weekend to chillax
I think my Tidus gif. has been in my sig for pretty much years now '-'