Happy Birthday <333
Foamy is <333
I miss you
I didn't say it was right, I said it was acceptable and understandable in some cases. Maybe I just haven't been very clear. I wish I was more...
That's great, I hope everything will be ok with her. Haha, you're welcome.
Haha, to be honest a lot of people are like that, especially those of the male gender. Speaking as someone who has been on the recieving end of...
I'm sure you're not hurting her, you just need to be supportive. Don't try and force help on her, just make sure she knows that you're there for her.
Hmmm, hurting how? Emotionally or physically? There is never nothing that you can do though, even if all you can do is be there for someone and be...
To be honest, I don't think that it is that he has become dull or generic. I think that it is just the novelty wore off. When he first showed up he caused such a huge impact and he made the world stand and look at him. Now though we are so used to him that even though his music is still good, it doesn't have the same effect on us. It isn't so much that his talent has decreased or lessened, rather that our expectations have risen and he hasn't managed to match them as he would have once done. It happens all the time in music when something new comes along; we adore it and idolise it, but after so long we grow tired of it because something new comes along.
I am actually not a fan. I find that to me they are over-rated and over-hyped, and whilst their music isn't neccessarily bad, I don't think it is the orgasmic fantastic beauty that everyone is always trying to convince me that it is.