Hi, whats up? I don't know, what post did they rep you for? Was it good or bad? EDIT : HI CTR!!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!^^
Hiya, everyone! ^^
OOC: Wow, am I stupid. When I read that Seth teleported to get Kyle out, well, I just remembered that my characters can do that. BIC: Philippe pulled Xandor up. "Come on." He opened up a portal and walked through, out of the cage of darkness. Xandor was on his feet. Instead of making his own portal, he walked through Philippe's. I can't believe it took that long to figure out how to get out. He sighed, then pulled out two hidden daggers.
Zexion realized nobody had followed him. Well, I hope they are looking in other places for the Golden Heart.
Good, just like always!
Xandor snorted, "Y-You're joking, right? Suriously..."
Philippe looked at Kyle, "You didn't feel anything? I thought the two of you had some sort of connection." Xandor glanced at the evil Kyle and that demon woman, he then smirked. "Serves you two right." OOC: Goodnight, Gharanth
Xandor growled at Cloudroth and his pointed ears twitched, but he said nothing. Where Philippe hit him still hurt. Philippe smiled back, "Good thing you can."
Xandor screamed and fell, but realized Cloudroth didn't get him. What? He stuck out his tongue and back in, as if testing it. He suddenly felt a sharp pain at the back of his head. "Ow!" Philippe had hit Xandor on the back of the head. "Are you that stupid?" Philippe had seen where this was going, especially when Xandor taunted Cloudroth, so he had made the air solid right in front of Xandor, just in case. Luckily I did that....sometimes Xandor is so stupid. He is fairly young, though. Philippe looked over at Cloudroth. "Try doing that again, and I swear I will kill you." If only I wasn't stuck in this cage, it would be more fair.
Xandor stuck his tongue out at Cloudroth, "Make me."
Philippe was listening to the demons' conversation. This is so annoying. I want out.... Xandor pounded on the cage. "Let....us.....out!" With each word, he punched the cage.
Xandor stepped back as the darkness came in front of him, only to back up right into the other side of it. "Wha-" He was surrounded, in a cage of darkness. Philippe movement in the corner of his eye. He turned, but it was too late, the cage trapped him in. "What is going on?"
I am doing pretty good. *eats a cookie* Thanks!^^
I just read some more of what your posted up. I wonder what those creatures are? Though, I think when you said "whole" you meant "hole" right?
OOC: kk BIC: Xandor looked over to see how Jecht was doing, then he looked at Ceri, "Do you think Jecht needs our help?" Philippe turned to see how the battle was going.
Hiya, everyone!^^ lol, I sure hope not!
Xandor surveyed the other demon. He nodded, seemingly coming to a conclusion, and said, "I am Xandor. I have heard about you from Ceri, Kyle, and Philippe. It is nice to finally meet you, Darkeon."
Philippe gave a start. "Hmm?" He realized what he was doing. "Oh, this? It is a long story. Let's just say it was when Xandor and I realized that the peace was gone between humans and demons." He gave a small smile. "Well, we are still friends, and then there is Xandor...oh!" Philippe gave a start. "I forgot, you haven't met Xandor yet, have you?" Xandor smiled to what Ceri said, but was still unsure. When he heard Philippe, he turned and walked over, to stand beside Philppe, facing Darkeon. "Uh, hello."
Philippe absently touched the scar on his face, "Uh, for the most part, pretty good. Other times..." He smiled grimly. "Well, how have you been?"
Philippe lowered his bow. I think Jecht can handle this. He spotted Darkeon. Philippe walked over to him. "Hey, haven't seen you in a while." Xandor looked over at Philippe. What is he doing? Who is that demon? OOC: I do not think Xandor and Darkeon have ever met before. Xandor has heard about Darkeon, but they haven't come face-to-face, yet. Am I correct? Or did I miss something?