i dont want to...*pushes Amy and Sonic together* SO KAWAII!!!!!
O.O'' *does bankai(yeah, im readinbleach XD) and takes bow and arrows from her* we...don't need that... Demyx_IX, yeah, you can join ^x^
"Well, you'd best be off to your grandmother's, thats where you're going, right?" I asked, "I'm thinking you want out of this horrid wood, want help?"
Xigbar,Xigbar, and Xigbar, he was hard because u can barely attack him, and when he makes you go into the pit-like thing for the third time, but u just have to run around in circles :^D
it was Sora's necklace... about the heartless thing, he held onto his heart, with the help of Kairi's, because they're one.
you'll find him, if thats what u mean...
-.-'' whatev...PARTY!!!!*puts linkin park on* w00t!!!!
*gets the knife*ready, Rikus#1fangirl?
t0 the after party!!!
*holds then finally breaks, smiles, and yells* YES!!!!!
*whispers* right! *kisses her and then throws another dagger into the boombox playing barney quickley while we're kissing*
*quickley throws a dagger at the music playa and makes it stay on 'here comes the bride'*
.....*waits patiantlly*
*music plays from nowhere* O.O' *goes up on stage and stands and waits and smiles*
is everyone ready?
well...i guess Onee wo'nt be here....>x> oh well, let's start!*waits for the bride to walk up and smiles* EDIT: SORRY ONEE!!!!
spam zone...