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  1. Nanaki
  2. Nanaki
    IC_Naki 10 characters...bleh. X.x
    Post by: Nanaki, Jul 11, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Nanaki
  4. Nanaki
  5. Nanaki
  6. Nanaki
  7. Nanaki
  8. Nanaki
  9. Nanaki
  10. Nanaki
    Profile Post

    Your welcome. XD

    Your welcome. XD
    Profile Post by Nanaki for Hissora, Jul 10, 2009
  11. Nanaki
  12. Nanaki
    At first the users on here all seem to be nice. Then, almost all of them seem to be cold and rotten. After a long while of being here though, you learn who is actually nice and who is actually mean. Posting a thread like this here though...won't serve you any help.

    ...Seriosuly, it's the internet. You have to learn to not let it bother you, while staying within it's rules. Aside from that, just take things as they come, go with the flow. That's the way it works here, as well as in the world.

    Edit: A poll? Now your overdoing, just wow.
    Post by: Nanaki, Jul 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Nanaki

    I Lol'd

    Wait, that makes no sense. If you wanted it to go in this section in the first place (which it is the wrong section for this type of video as others have said, anyways), then why would you say:

    See? Nonsense makes no sense.
    Post by: Nanaki, Jul 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Nanaki
    Rep titles are the titles that appear when you hover your cursor over your rep box(es). Rep boxes are those boxes below your mood. Green indicate that you have good rep, black indicates that you have no rep, and red indicates that you have bad rep.
    Post by: Nanaki, Jul 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Nanaki
    My version says publish, but then again, I have the version of WMM that came with my computer, whatever that one is. My computer is new, and I have Vista, so I really don't know why it's publish movie, but that's what it's called. *Shrugs*
    Post by: Nanaki, Jul 9, 2009 in forum: Production Studio
  16. Nanaki
    Alright, I love all of the Organization members. But...

    My least favorite character-wise would probably be Lexaeus, just because I don't really find him to be as interesting as the other members. But, whatever, he's still a part of the Organization. *Shrugs*

    My least favorite to fight would be Luxord. Everytime I fight him, I just find myself becoming annoyed. I perfer straight-up fighting where you can just go trash the person, but while fighting Luxord I found myself feeling very restricted...and I don't like that.
    Post by: Nanaki, Jul 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Nanaki
    I wonder this all the time, actually. What is the point in censoring curse words when everyone knows what they are? It's useless.

    If you want a deeper analysis, then why even bother worrying about curse words, anyway? Words are nothing more than the pathway for a meathod of communication used by human beings. In reality, they affect nobody in any way, unless if you allow them to.
    Post by: Nanaki, Jul 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Nanaki
    Open the video in Window's Movie Maker, then go to File, and click Publish Movie. That's what converts WMM's videos into uploadable ones.

    Now, if that doesn't work, I can't help you. ^^;
    Post by: Nanaki, Jul 8, 2009 in forum: Production Studio
  19. Nanaki
    This actually made me laugh a little. Your spreading your sleepiness to the other KHVidians.


    What kind of a word was that? O.o


    Hey, I think I killed this thread! I have a knack for doing that! XDD
    Post by: Nanaki, Jul 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Nanaki
    Dude, I'm 125 pounds, at the age of 17, and the height of 4' 9". That's the part that makes my weight bad....but still, I know there are other people who have reasons to feel worse than I...
    Post by: Nanaki, Jul 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone