Which is why I said "At least".
The video doesn't really fit with the audio...
Please don't spam the thread... You've said "Hmm. *fillers*" at least 100 times already...
Judging from the youtube video, it doesn't seem too different from #2... I just hope custom content will still work, as custom content is what makes me continue playing Sims 2 all the time.
You probably missed 1 or 2 materials, try finding out which ones you need still.
Play through the battle a few times, and don't try hard to win. Just try to memorize his attack patterns, and eventually he will be easy.
I hope the camera will be able to go up and down, the fact that it couldn't in KH1 really annoyed me.
Its just a generic RPG plot. Random person wants power, random person does whatever possible to get power.
...Damn. I need the other box.
YAAAAAAAY. Shall I get the gloves?
...*grabs a knife*
e_e Guys, I'm not a tree.
Wait, weren't we just on page 666 yesterday? Its already 686?! ...Wow, I have a really messed up sense of time >_>
I know I'm gonna get my name changed when I move to Japan. But, for now I mean user name. >_>
I still wanna get my name changed to Deii >_>
Looks like your name is finally changed. Congrats? >_>
I'm a nightmare, a disaster That's what they always say I'm a lost cause, not a hero But I'll make it on my own I've gotta prove them wrong Me against the world~~~~~
hai cud u plz not stab my friends