Well, excuuuse meh :/ So what's up?
Which one? :/
We haven't. :/gasp:
Wow, you sure pissed water mage off. [/nosey]
WE MEET AGAIN. Welcome back ::L:
Aww, that sucks Dx Maybe try writing in NotePad or some other external word processor? So KHV won't eat your post. and lol xD
Uhm... Read the paragraph under "Home" on the first post >.<
Xinamar was about to speak, but was interrupted by Xelidan. "If we succeeded in taking the real Kingdom Hearts, we would have nothing to come back to," Xelidan spoke, almost angrily. If they took the Heart of all worlds for their gain, there would be a price. There was a virtually zero percent chance of success. The dark-haired girl nodded absentmindedly, shrinking back a bit at Xelidan's words. He was right. If they even attempted to touch the real Kingdom Hearts, they'd all be destroyed.
OOC:// There are a ton of guards surrounding Larz o_o
Elevir growled inaudibly and sent a backlash to Aly's attack. 'Finally, the moment when Humanity... will be saved...' Now she understood why it was so important for Larz to die.... It wasn't the Gifts in general that were a problem... it was him. Turning towards the manic, she paused. Could she really kill him; hours after calling him her only friend? It was then that she realized that she was, again, in a situation where she didn't have a choice. She'd be killed if she didn't follow orders... even if she wasn't a guard yet.
The girl nodded breifly in understanding of what she had to do. "I'm going to need a weapon..." she spoke, ignoring the other two girls. The guards could deal with them. The dark haired girl looked around, not surprised to see a shocked look on many of the other gifts' faces, as they watched the events unfold. As her eyes met the Director's once again, for a fraction of a second she thought she'd felt a fragment of... regret. It seemed to linger there, forcing hesitation from where it hid in the shadows of her mind.
"A staff postition?" the Captain laughed bitterly. "She's hardly what, twelve?" However, orders were orders, and he stepped aside, signaling for his remaining men to as well. After the Captain kicked her side, like one would a savage dog, she thought she tasted blood in her throat. It was probably caused by the same thing that did... whatever that just was a few minutes ago. "An... Another test?" Elevir asked. She stood up shakily, using the wall to hold herself up. "Why are there so many tests..." the girl asked discreetly to herself, although she spoke it as a statement and less of a question. "What... am I required to do... Director?"
It could ruin someone's idea for a plot line if Luxord knew where everyone was at any time. It's better for everyone if that's just removed from...
Famous nodded, then took off running toward his sister. The blood... it's bleeding a lot, he thought, arriving next to her. However, as he looked at her now, blood-stained hair over her face,he could tell what she was trying to do. "So clever, whatever. I'm done with these endeavors. Alone I walk the winding way..." "No, Legend! You can't use your gift right now... You'll only weaken yourself more..." Legend looked up at her twin brother. "They won't let me live much longer... in the condition I'm in, it's my only hope..." she spoke, although she was getting weaker by the minute; Famous was correct. The loss of blood made Legend sway a bit. "It's not your only hope, Legend. It can't be.... You're eleven, they only kill us when we're twenty, okay?" Elevir only regained her focus moments later, hearing the scream of a girl younger than her, and then, what could only have been downed guards. However, only then did she realize the cold metal of a gun against her head. She felt utterly defenseless... utterly useless without something to defend herself with. Then again, looking around, she wouldn't be able to defend herself, even with the knife. Guards surrounded her and Larz; she could see the gun up to the manic's head, too. "Listen up, useless twats. Any of you make one more move, and we open fire," the guard next to Elevir spat through a megaphone, echoing off the walls and making her ears ring again. However... she could hear that he didn't want to do this... "You don't have to do this..." she spoke weakly. "Why... why are you?" "Sh... shut up. None of you... mutants could ever understand the real world." he replied, kicking her roughly. OOC://@ TwilightBlader; Have you read the last two posts? ><; what Seth is doing to the guards seems a bit OP...
The guards.... Elevir thought, looking around. It was as though the Gifts weren't even there... the guards held a war within themselves. What's happening to them? Her eyes wandered back to Larz, who had collapsed on the floor a second time. However, she couldn't see him. Something was in the way... wait, no. Nothing's there.... The grip around her knife loosened absentmindedly, and it clattered against the bloodstained floor. Her hand reached to her neck shakily, her eyes wide, but not staring at anything. What's going on? Was I shot? No... no, I would be bleeding... I would be dead if I was shot... Am I? She didn't know what it felt like to be shot... but she imagined if she were shot in the neck, it would feel like she did at that moment. Her back, and her wings hit against the wall, though she didn't even know she'd been stumbling backwards, and she didn't even know her wings were there. What's going on? "Make it stop..." she said, sinking to the floor. Her eyes closed, and her lip bled from being bit down on. "Make it stop..." she repeated, and the few guards remaining stopped fighting. The pain softened a bit, but she still remained in a heap on the floor when they noticed her there, not guarding Larz, and vulnerable to attack. Legend had backed away from the guards fighting amongst themselves when they regained their focus. However, the few that were left only aimed their weapons at the manic and his... well, it seemed former protector. They're only attacking the weak... the girl thought, the easy targets. She rushed in to attack, but didn't get far. One of the group of guards, which then appeared much larger, took out a handgun and shot at her, rendering her left and dominant arm useless while ripping a scream from her throat. The stolen sword clattered against the floor while her other hand fled to the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding and the pain. "No!" Famous yelled, seeing his sister shot. Almost instinctively, he began to run towards her, but had only taken a step when the guard's gun was pointed at him next. "Move a muscle," the guard spoke, "and the two of you are dead." What choice did he have? He didn't have enough energy left to kill the guards with electricity... Any action he took would only result in.... No, I can't even think of it...
We seem to be getting closer to catching him every minute >D
Thank yous :'D
OOC:// Yeah; it's been the same for me ._.
Fire has already been taken, and you can only have one element. The lava thing is OP. Numerous characters already use swords. Please send me a Role-Play sample by Private message. Every character must have a different text color. This is power playing. Please be careful and use proper English in your posts. A good thing to remember is to line break (press "Enter") before a character starts to speak. Further violations of these rules may result in exclusion from the role-play. Hey everyone, there are two new sections to the front page, the first is the "News" section, and the other is the "Advisers" section. Please go check them out. Also for some reason every time I hear "The City is at War" by Cobra Starship, I think of this RP o_o. IC:// Before he responded to Jinnex's inquiry, Xelidan turned to see the member who had been unaccounted for when the meeting started. "Glad you could join us, Kexim," He spoke quietly, although he could barely see the other's face under his hood. Getting back on topic, he continued. "It would truly be an unnecessary challenge to create a plan centered around something unknown to us. Tell us, Xinamar," Gray eyes met green as the girl looked up in response to her false name. "What have you found that holds the power to lead us to our ultimate goal?" Of course, there only could be one answer. The only thing with enough power to restore the hearts of the entire Organization... "Organization XIII," Xinamar started, "is trying to recreate Kingdom Hearts," Xinamar looked away from the rest of the Organization as she spoke. It seemed to be unbelievable that anyone could create something with such power... if someone didn't trust her words, it could ruin everything. "I'd hope each of you know what this means..." Some of the newer members might not have known what Kingdom Hearts was... it wasn't exactly something they taught kids about in school, and for good reason.
Sorry, the spot's being saved for plot purposes.