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  1. Near
    OOC:// You can take the role of L, What?. I'm sure you'd be great at it, lol.
    Post by: Near, Aug 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Near
  3. Near
    Profile Post

    Hola there o:

    Hola there o:
    Profile Post by Near for GenesisRebirth, Jul 31, 2009
  4. Near
    Almost instantly after Matt made his statement, Diary realized that she was up to introduce herself second, having chosen the far corner rather than something a little more mediocre. She slouched in her desk, fruitlessly hoping to make herself less noticeable so she wouldn't have to introduce herself in such an elementary school-like fashion. There was another student in front of her(Obviously one of those happily teacher's pet kinds, with how genuinely enthusiastic he sounded), but he definitely wasn't big enough to hide her from view.

    She stayed silent as her turn came, still clinging to that little strand of hope that maybe, just maybe, she could stay unnoticed.
    Post by: Near, Jul 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Near
  6. Near
    Okays ::L:. and Lol xD Good idea.
    Profile Post by Near for Doukuro, Jul 31, 2009
  7. Near
  8. Near
    Looking up at a clock she had set and hung on the wall not ten minutes earlier, Diary spoke.

    "I have class in a few minutes... I should leave so I get there in time. Sorry I'm leaving so suddenly,"

    At that, she grabbed a book off of the bookshelf, putting it in her backpack and heading out quickly. The first class on her schedule didn't seem to have a name or room number... It was only a bunch of numbers.


    L wouldn't have made a mistake like that; it had to be a puzzle of some sort. And, she observed, glancing at her cell phone, she only had five minutes left to not only solve it, but get there on time. Not that she couldn't deal with being a little late.

    First had to come the name of the class, so the numbers had to stand for something. Each pair of numbers could be a letter of the alphabet. It wasn't a bad guess, though it seemed overbearingly simple.

    08... H. 1, A. 3, C. 11... K. Hacking? That seemed to be the only answer. So, she had four minutes and fourty-three seconds.

    Classroom numbers at the academy were all only three digits... But if she crossed out every other number pair, starting with 08...


    125. Or... 134? Everything so far had been in pairs, though, so she found that hard to believe. Oh well, the two rooms were in the same hallway regardless; if one didn't turn out to be the right class, the only price was some embarrassment on her part. She'd definitely be able to make it in four minutes.

    She stepped through the hall at as quick of a pace as she could manage with how tired she was. Finally, she reached room 125, which happened to have a school laptop on every desk. Entering, she could see that the room had only about ten students in it, assuming the redhead sitting up front with orange goggles hanging around his neck and a Nintendo DS in his hands wasn't a student.

    Picking a desk in the far back of the room, Diary tapped her finger against the touch pad of the laptop lightly to clear the screensaver. The screen went blank for a few seconds, then gray text appeared at the top of the screen.

    Congratulations, if you are seeing this message, that means you've finished the first puzzle. You are part of a group of Gifted young minds that hold a promising light for a world with an otherwise dark future.

    How, you ask? I can't tell you at this moment. You've only solved one of the puzzles, after all, and an exceedingly simple one at that. We wouldn't want to let the future of the world rely on a bit of beginner's luck, now, would we?

    Before I forget, do not speak of this letter to anyone. Not even the students in the classroom with you. All the students staying at this academy for any worthwhile length of time will be receiving this message eventually.
    Sincerely, Headmaster L.

    The screen went black again for a few more seconds, more text appearing centered around the top of the screen.

    P.S. The young man behind the front desk, in the striped shirt, is indeed your instructor for the time being. Please be sure to listen to him carefully and follow his instructions to the best of your ability.

    After that, the screen stayed blank and the laptop seemed to power off, leaving the class to turn their attention to their instructor. He looked as though he felt that there was no worse way he could be wasting his time, but nevertheless closed his DS and stuffed it in the pocket of his vest.

    Diary couldn't help but wonder why L had made this guy teach the class so unwillingly, when he could've gotten any hacker in the world to do it... Maybe they had some sort of link or something.

    OOC:// Okay so I kinda just altered the storyline majorly in my mind; this assumes L and everyone else do not know about the Death Note yet. I have an idea as to why L made the Academy; a question that I believe went unanswered in the last one.
    Post by: Near, Jul 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Near
    "Um..." Danael started, scratching the back of his head before crouching next to the girl. "I think we should get him to an Infirmary or something. He looks pretty bad."

    "Anyway," he continued, "I'm not mad... just worried. Do you think you could help me get him back to camp?"
    Post by: Near, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Near
    When Diary looked back in Blue's direction again, the taller girl seemed to have spaced out.

    "Are you okay?" she asked, concern touching her voice. The other girl was probably just tired or something.... Judging by her accent, she was definitely German, so she probably had a long trip, too.
    Post by: Near, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Near
    Looking around, Danael spotted someone over by the lake. It seemed like something was wrong... like he could sense it or something. Regardless of what kind of common sense told him not to, the sense that someone really did need help drove him to run in that direction. As he reached the shore, he could see more clearly a girl trying to help a boy laying on his back on the beach.

    "Hey!" he called, rushing over, "What happened?"
    Post by: Near, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Near
    "Hey," the shorter of the two responded, with a small smile, "I'm Diary."

    Surprised at the other girl's kindness, Diary took the ribbon from her hand delicately, not completely sure what to do with it. Even so, it was a nice gift, and made her wish she had something to give to the other girl in return.

    "Thank you," she spoke, looking the ribbon over. "It's really pretty..."

    She'd already finished putting her clothes away when Blue arrived, and was about to set up her side of the desk when she remembered something and turned to face the taller girl.

    "Uhm, you're okay with that side, right? I'm fine either way..." she asked, turning back to the desk to plug her dead laptop in to the power strip hanging on the wall, among other things one would use on a desk.
    Post by: Near, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Near
    The dorm Diary had been assigned to was a nice size, although to her dismay it was a space she'd probably have to share with another student. There were two beds, two dressers, a bookshelf, and a desk large enough for two people to study at the same time. And, now that she'd noticed, the already large closet had two bars on which to hang clothes.

    The window in this particular dorm faced the East, and Diary didn't want to wake up particularly early every morning, so she placed her bags on the bed furthest from the window and started sorting everything out.

    Hopefully, her roommate, whoever she was, wouldn't mind the strange quirks Diary had that she got picked on for in high school; it was annoying enough to hear the half-witted taunts five days a week, let alone having to live with them for the entire year.
    Post by: Near, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Near
  15. Near
  16. Near
    OOC:// Accepted.
    Post by: Near, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Near
    Diary stepped off to the side sightly as the other student passed her, deciding that greetings and introductions could wait for later. She pulled the door open gently, and inside a woman sat behind a desk, idly filing her nails. Aside her was another door, presumably leading to the headmaster's office.

    Carefully, she headed towards the door. She probably would've appeared nervous to anyone watching, though the only other person in the room was too preoccupied to--

    "He doesn't bite, you know," the woman spoke, almost startling the young, darker-haired girl.

    "I understand," she responded, opening the door and entering the other room before anything else could be said.

    However, what she could see inside the room was far from what she'd expected. The headmaster of the school; the greatest detective of the world, or so she'd heard, was a seemingly sleep deprived man (What with the dark circles under his eyes, and the almost unnaturally pale tone of his skin) with raven-tone hair that looked like it hadn't been cared for in weeks, and wearing the least formal outfit she'd seen in days. He sat in a strange, crouched position behind his desk, next to a table lined with numerous varieties of sugary foods; probably the cause of the sweet smell that drifted through the room.

    After introductions and a few small questions the girl didn't want to miss the chance to ask, Diary left with her schedule, and her dorm assignment and key.

    On her way out, she heard another student attempting to introduce himself.

    "Hi..." she responded, "My name's Diary... But I can't talk now; sorry."
    Her pace quickened an almost unnoticeable bit, and after a few paces she turned to face the black-haired boy.
    "Maybe we'll meet up later," She spoke, with a small smile, before heading off to her dorm.
    Post by: Near, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Near
  19. Near
    OOC:// Okay, we have above and beyond what I expected in OC's, but we really need some people playing canon characters, even if temporarily xD

    IC:// Diary stepped through the front hall of the school, tired from the long trip from her home in America to her new school in Japan. However, she could deal for now; the excitement she felt, being in a completely different environment, with people who would actually expect her to do more than an average, mediocre student in a less than average public school system would keep her through today.

    As she approached the door that read "Headmaster" in large, Gothic print (Which she found stood out uncannily against the rest of the hall), she spotted another early student heading in the same direction. She stopped her pace, feet from the door, and felt like there was something that should have been said to her fellow student. A greeting, or something... but in a somehow awkward moment, stood in silence, observing the boy's actions.
    Post by: Near, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Near
    Hey, guess what! You've just recieved a scholarship to a new academy that opened in Japan! It's supposed to be a school for the gifted, but when you arrive you are greeted by none other than the world's greatest detective, L. Just about every teacher is actually a Death Note character, including Light Yagami himself.

    However, not all is safe in L's academy. A nameless Shinigami has dropped a Death Note there. When this is picked up by a student, it becomes a race against time to discover these new Kiras before the world is once again in danger. Worst of all, Light could regain his memories.

    Every Death Note character is available to be played, though we won't start until we get five original characters. I will play any free canon characters until they are taken.


    • OC's must be above 16 years of age.
    • No godmoddding.
    • Posts should be three lines or longer.
    • Put "the cake is a lie" somewhere hidden in your first post.
    • If you are inactive for more than a week, your character may either be used by someone else until you return, or kicked out :/
    This goes by the Anime timeline, so all the events in Death Note happened in 2007. This takes place in present day, though, in an alternate universe where Light never regained his memories after he and L caught Higuchi.

    If you are a character with a Death Note, you may only kill another character if you abide by these rules.

    1. Your character must have somehow found out their name.
    2. The person playing that character must come to some agreement with you (i.e. delaying the death, dramatic death etc...) The circumstances of this agreement may cause Rule 3 to become invalid (i.e. accidental death)
    3. Must speak to the character immediately prior to the death in a similar manner to what Light did with Naomi, L and Near (at least, tried to with Near ). You know, "I'm Kira, and you're dead now, mwuhahahahaha!" except more subtle.
    4. Give other characters at least SOME chance to stop you. (i.e. interrupt you when you're about to write their name, switch your Death Note for a fake like Near did or soemthing along those lines).

    Canon characters (so far):

    L: What?
    Near: Near
    Mello: Near-to-Tears
    Matt: Random Angel

    The Alphabet ::L:
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    OC Form.
    Played by:
    Real Name (Last, First):
    Personality quirks:

    Original Characters.
    Played by: Near
    Name: Diary
    Real Name (Last, First): Riavfera, Elevir
    Gender: Female
    DOB/Age: June 21, 1992/17
    Appearance: Waist long, layered black hair. Sapphire blue eyes, and very fair-skinned. 5'1". Underweight, but not severely.
    Backstory: She lived in the west coast of the US before getting the scholarship for this new school, although most of her teachers and peers were shocked to hear that she was accepted into the school. She had never gotten great grades, although her test scores were amazing. She was made fun of by some fellow students for her quirks, though she ignored them, and really only spoke when answering a question from a teacher or when around her close friends. This was not because she was shy, but because she had nothing to say
    Personality quirks(If any): She sometimes copies the quirks that she observes in the people around her, and has strange tendencies to organize things in patterns that other people might not catch on to.

    Played by: Cherry
    Name: Noir
    Real Name (Last, First): Sommers , Maya
    Gender: Female
    DOB/Age: 01/08/92 (dd/mm/yy) = 17
    Appearance: Short dark brown hair that flicks ever so slightly at the edges. 5ft 5, Slender. Usually likes to co-ordinate her clothing with a hair pin of different fruits daily.
    Backstory: Maya has always been quite chatty, sometimes taking the brunt of arguments due to her slightly insane mind getting the better of her in stressful situations. She was elated to discover that she had been accepted into L's academy, hoping that her intelligence may improve and hopefully be used to catch some (if not all) of the new Kira's. She has an odd fascination for the art of telekenisis and tarot cards.
    Personality quirks: Very playful, plays almost any kind of game which includes the possibility of winning. Likes to invent things, whether it would be new flavors to food or truth serum disguised as a normal lead pencil. The cake, for her, was indeed a lie. She loves to draw things that come to mind, and loves to eat sweet food.

    Played by: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Fate
    Real Name (Last, First): Simons, Fredric
    Gender: male
    DOB/Age: 6-23-93/16
    Appearance: Short brown hair with grey streaks. His clothes are tattered black jeans and a loose red t-shirt with a not as loose black hooded jacket over the top. He is incredibly thin due to bulimia and seems to only eat a select candy. He has pale blue eyes and his skin is a sickly pale white.
    Backstory: He was originally from France. At a young age his mother moved him to England with herself after a divorce with Fate's father. By the age of 12 Fate had learned many things from high class schools yet was always considered the lowest of class person at the school for his scruffy appearance and lack of high class maners. A short while later his mother was murdered by his father after he found them and his father was arrested. Fate ended up moving to Japan to live with his uncle and his Japanese wife. He was soon admitted to L's Academy after a few years.
    Personality quirks: He contantly coughs, claiming it to be choking on air when he talks more than a few sentences. This could be considered a way of throwing peoples trail of thoughts off balance while he picks away at them for evidence.

    Played by: Shizzy
    Name: Scath
    Real Name (Last, First): Sights, Jame
    Gender: Male
    DOB/Age: 8/7/92, 16 (almost 17)
    Appearance: Sleek long black hair,Usually appears in jeans and a black hoodie. Black tatto of a dragon behing his right ear that fits the curve of his ear.
    Backstory: James was never very talkitive, but rather sat down and drew. He has a great personality, but people would never give him a chance to be himself. When James found out he recieve a scholarship to L.'s academy, he was thrilled at the thought of being able to start over.
    Personality quirks: Smart, but quiet unless someone comes up to him. Has a unique sense of justice, and is a skilled drawer.

    Played by: Magick
    Name: Magick (Please?)
    Real Name (Last, First): Olau, Rashel
    Gender: Female
    DOB/Age:Halloween, 1992 (Almost 17)
    Appearance: Long black hair down to her waist, green eyes, long lashes. She looks elfin like, or delicate, but she does exercises daily to get strong. 5'6-ish, she wears usually all black, occasionally switching for a dark purple or red.
    Backstory: After coming to the school, she hasn't really opened up to anyone. Her past is unknown to most, and only a few even know about it, let alone talk about it. Her mother was an assassin, and she doesn't know who her father was. After her mother was killed on a mission, she came to the school, looking for a place to train and learn in secret.
    Personality quirks: She talks in short sentences or one word only, and doesn't hang out. If a guy checks her out and she can see it, he usually finds his pants to his knees in some various fashion. She typically spends her days and nights alone in her room, coming out only for classes or food.

    Played by: Random Angel
    Name: Winter
    Real Name: Gensis, Maria
    Gender: Female
    DOB/Age: December 15 92/17
    Appearance: Spiky, short red hair that is dyed often, somewhat tan, well bulit, stands 5'4" feet tall
    Backstory: Was orphaned at the age of four and brought to the Wammy House a few years later after living on the streets. Even though she was homeless she became spoiled. She tought that she'll easily become the next L, but when the Kira case came to be her pride did take a blow when all those people were dying and L couldn't stop it. She began to wonder what was the meaning of being L; even being human was a strange conecpt. She was put into the Academy offically because Roger hoped it'd help her.
    Personality quirks: Can be very lazy, but in a strange way. Like she'll run to get someone to do something for her who is further away from her than the object of her desire. She also can be very picky. Has often mood swings.

    Played by: Near-to-Tears
    Name: Tears
    Real Name (Last, First): Sakame, Tannya
    Gender: female
    DOB/Age: 16/10/1991 (18)
    Appearance: 5'2", slightly on the skinny side, has naturally white hair and eyes with a tinge of red. Her clothes tend to lack any thought or co-ordination, the outfits usually consist of black tops/hoodies and jeans or denim skirts. And always at least two different pairs of bright neon socks.
    Backstory: It's easier then trying to condense it ._.'
    Personality quirks: Whist the rest of her clothes are rather dull and plain Tears has an love for her brightly coloured socks. She also has a inclination towards either being painfully shy or overly outgoing when she first meets people. Tears also seems to spend more time jumping on furniture then using it for it's real purpose. She also seems convinced, when in her hyperactive state, that the cake is really a lie.

    Played by: PainAndBliss095
    Name: Blue
    Real Name (Last, First): Traurig, Liebe
    Gender: Female
    DOB/Age: 11/11/91-18
    Appearance: Shoulder-length dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. 5' 6'' in height, average weight, looks more scrawny than strong, paler than most. Usually wears many hues of blue and many ribbons.
    Backstory: Blue was born in Germany in a normal family that blanketed her from the horrible and insecure things of life. In school, she only had one close friend to keep her 'in line' and help her concentrate better. When she was accepted to the school, she was pretty shocked and felt a bit lonely that she had to leave her friend, but excited. Now she needs to look for a new friend before she ends up somewhere she'll never be able to explain.
    Personality Quirks: She's usually very serious and comes off as cold, but gets so easily distracted that she has to be with someone at all times. When on a task, she's very concentrated on that thing and can't really hear what's going around her, which explains her high grades, but when in class or simply in the hall, she becomes slightly oblivious and begins to kind of wonder.

    Played by: morphine and lollipops
    Name: Parker
    Real Name (Last, First): Newrim, Lysander
    Gender: Male
    DOB/Age: 5.29.92/17
    Appearance: Dark, messy hair. 5'11. Has glasses, though he rarely uses them. Lanky. Moves like someone who is used to not being noticed.
    Backstory: Born to a maid and a dealer father (who is no longer in the picture) in a bad part of Chicago, he soon found out that the cake is a lie. He was involved with the wrong crowd, particularly druggies. He had been called Parker by his friends for his uncanny ability to run Parkour style from the police. It took his sister nearly OD'ing to make him realize his life was going no where. He started going to school, and found out he was, in fact, quite intelligent. He took this scholarship to save his mom some money, and to start down a new path. However, he is still quite worried for his sister.
    Personality quirks: He uses slang, and still runs Parkour. He is dramatic, and enjoys laughing. He is a complete and total flirt, though when in school and in study he is quite dedicated and serious. He writes in cursive, and drinks his coffee in an odd manner. If he doesn't have coffee, he goes beserk. When he gets nervous, he sucks on hard candies.
    Thread by: Near, Jul 30, 2009, 133 replies, in forum: Retirement Home