...I'm in Geometry H, and like the first thing we did was Conditional and Bi-Conditional Statements. Like easiest **** evar.
Hm... Weeeelllll, it's kinda dead lol. But if I can get it up and running, sure you can :3
lolfiller <3
I tried, and it didn't work.... and then I pressed both shift keys down and pressed every letter on the keyboard, and I could only press "T", "Y", the entire middle row, and "B" and "N".
-spontaneous combustion-
Thanks for joining, I'll have your characters on the list in a little bit :3
DELETE ME PLEASE lol double-thread fail.
Original thread started by Jayney The first thing they notice about you is that you are not normal. Whether it be pale skin, strange eyes, fangs, wings, immense knowledge, power, speed, or even your voice. They will call you out, and you will be discarded. Secondly, they realize how “inhumane†it would be to simply kill a baby. They are not stupid, they know that the public would notice and that they would be arrested. So they do not. Instead, you are torn from your dying mother’s arms and sent away to be Cleansed. Thirdly, they realize that you will be recognized if you are present in the everyday world. You are too strange. So, you are sent away again to a dark, lonely castle in the middle of a dense, “undiscovered†forest. Lastly, you cannot be found. You cannot escape and tell of their horrid prison. So they will lock you up. No unbarred windows, no unlocked doors. A trained guard will be at every post, watching your every move. You will be punished daily for your impudence. At least... that's how it was. Through miracle or tragedy, you've managed to escape the Hell which has been forced on you for as long as you can remember. After venturing through lands you've never known existed, you find yourself in a valley. One hidden from the hateful eyes of the rest of humankind. In this valley stands an empty, old Spanish looking town. Well, it seems empty. As you step within the city walls, you begin to notice the city is actually inhabited by people fulfilling their everyday lives. Children in the schoolyard down the street. Teenagers hanging out at the street corner. Shopkeepers announcing sales in the market. However, there's something wrong. Something about this town is very different from the ones you've seen on you're way here. A cautious, but optimistic sort of hope seems to thicken the air. All of the people are like you, with some physical characteristic that would label them a gift and a freak in the outside world. A boy with wings walks down the street with his friends, a skateboard under his arm. Like it was the most normal thing in the world, to have wings. A feeling that you're being watched nags at your mind, and you look to your left to see a young girl with eyes an entrancing snowy shade of blue-gray that couldn't possibly be natural. She approaches you with her hands clasped behind her back childishly. "Welcome to Siletste. What's your name?" ~.:Two Years Ago:.~ The O R P H A N A G E was a compound formed to rid the world of Gifts like yourself. One day, a group of these Gifted children escaped from their cells, wandering the castle and releasing the others from their cells. Among these were the only children who survived the destruction of their prison: Eva, Elevir, Ren, Kaylee, and Seth. The Director, the man who started the whole thing, escaped with his life as well. One might be wondering how the whole project collapsed. It was the Director's own doing. He destroyed his life's work. Why? It's actually pretty simple. Sort of. Along with the other children, a different race of Gifts were released from their cells that day. They were called the Manics. The Manics weren't like the other Gifts. Their power was used for the purpose of death, and only that. Not only could they make the most strong-minded of people go insane, to the point where they killed themselves or even other people without even realizing it, but they enjoyed it. They could go on for hours until they drowned in the blood of their victims. One of these Manic Gifts would happen to have been the Director's own son. Larenzo, he was called, and called himself the Mad King. Or, at least, the evil part of him. He sort of had a split personality. When one side of him was killed, the truly murderous side took over. The Director couldn't allow Larenzo, or his released followers, to run free. In fact, he had to stop them at any cost. So that's how our story ended. Or began. _____________ Types of Gifts Elemental Gifts: Gifts who control elements such as fire, water, earth, ice, wind, climate/weather and such. To use this power, they must channel it through a sort of tool or weapon. Intellectual Gifts: Gifts with superior knowledge to those around them. They are brilliant and extremely witty and on their toes. Their personalities are sometimes a bit ‘know-it-all’, but they usually actually do know it all. Formidable Gifts: Male Gifts who are incredibly strong. They can mean to give someone a hug or handshake and instead snap their spine or break their hand. Reader Gifts: Gifts with the power to read and sometimes manipulate people’s minds. They are normally quite quiet, lurking in the shadows and reading the thoughts of other people. Skilled Reader Gifts even have the potential to read the minds of several people and predict the outcome of a situation involving them because of it. Though, there are very few who get to this point. There are also very few Gifts with the power to change or influence the mind. Surreptitious Gifts: Clever Gifts with the power to shape shift. They are usually quite daring people with a love for adventure. What they can shift into splits them into groups. Some can mimic humans, while others can mimic certain types of animals. Melodic Gifts: Gifts with the power to control the flow of time through music. By playing a certain tune on usually a wind or string instruments or singing perfectly in time and melody, they can stop, slow down, and/or quicken the flow of time. The limit of their power is up to them, though subconsciously. Some of the more shy and quiet Melodic Gifts are afraid to overuse their power and therefore can only do these things for about five minutes or so. Others, who’s personalities are bolder and more confident tend to be able to draw on for longer. Winged Gifts: Gifts who were born with wings. These wings vary in shape, size, appearance and function. Some wings can retract from wherever they grow. Some wings merely disappear when they are not needed. Others cannot make themselves unseen. Enticing Gifts: Female Gifts who are beautiful beyond all compare. Their bodies are flawless, eyes normally a gorgeous shade of rouge, lips a luscious red. They have clear skin, varying in color, and a strange glow about them, as if they’re always surrounded by a pale moonlight. Their voices are alluring; sweet and sultry and their personalities are usually a sort of passionate and eager along with some who are more innocent and lovably clueless to the selected audience. They are identified by a rose shaped birth mark across their lower back. These Gifts are very skilled in archery, even flawlessly so. They have a way of influencing people to think their way or do what they want with little effort. Very sneaky, sly, manipulative Gifts at their best. Animator Gifts: Gifts with the ability to animate whatever they draw and make it into something real. Some Animators can only animate what's on the page like a cartoon, while others can go as far as drawing doors into walls or drawing a weapon to use in a fight. ____________________ Rules 1. No Godmodding kthx. 2. No more than three characters. 3. Don't spam. Every one of your posts should be at least three lines long and contribute to the storyline. 4. If you're inactive for a long period of time without notice someone else may play your character to continue the storyline until you get back. 5. If you tell us you are going to be gone and that you do not wish for someone else to play your character, then no one will play your character, but they may be left behind depending on how long you're gone. 6. For God's sake, tell us if you are leaving so we don't have to be all "Okay, where the **** is [insert name here]?" 7. Put "Pancakespwnwaffles" somewhere in your first post. 8. No major cliche' characters, please? At least try to be creative. 9. If you have a new idea for a Gift, PM me or Legion, and we'll see what we can do. 10. You can either start as an escaped gift who finds the city, or as a citizen of the city. 11. Have fun. Character Skeleton Username: Full Character Name: Age: Appearance: Bio: Personality: Weapon [If any]: Gift: Characters 1.Username: Near Full Character Name: Elevir Riavfera Age: 15 Appearance: 5'1 1/2, very fair-skinned. Gray, sometimes purpleish eyes that are often closed due to sensitivity to light. Platinum-blonde hair with about an inch of black at the tips that ends at her shoulders. She has unnaturally long and sharp canine teeth. Her ears are pointed and elf-like. Bio: Her mother died during childbirth, as with all of the Orphanage children, but her father, who had a Winged Gift, hid her away before anyone could notice. She grew up in the thickly wooded areas surrounding her mother's hometown, where she honed her Reader skills with the many wild animals, and even learned to communicate with them. However, telepathy, even in it's simplest forms, is no easy task. One day, her and her father were attacked and her father killed. She awoke afterward, in the Hell known as The Orphanage. There, she tried to become a member of the guard to free the other Gifts, but when she was forced to kill Larz, instead releasing the leader of the Manic Gifts, the whole project was destroyed. After realizing that out of hundreds of children within the castle, the Director had only saved four, she flew away and hasn't been seen since. Personality: Though quiet at first, she can be very headstrong and seems to rush into things without thinking. Weapon [If any]: A knife her father left her. Gift: Winged and Reader (NOTE: Special circumstances here. If you want two gifts, you better have a damn good reason.) 2. Username: Near Full Character Name: Illian Paysien Age: 14 Appearance: 5'1, dark skin, snowy gray-blue eyes. Dark, midnight blue hair that ends at her shoulder blades. Bio: Illian was a normal girl until she was taken by a Gift compound separate from the Orphanage when she was 12 so that they could do experiments and research what gave the Gifted children their Gifts. They lied to her at first, telling her that she had to be taken away because she herself had a Gift when she didn't. After she was on the brink of death and they could no longer do any tests on her, they threw her out like a ragged doll and she was found by someone living in Siletste. Sometimes she has premonitions due to the experiments she was put through and can see who's going to enter Siletste next and when. Personality: She can be bouncy at times, but is usually quiet and spacey. . Weapon [If any]: none Gift: none 3. Username: Twilightblader Full Character Name: Seth Walker Age: 17 (changed his age) Appearance: http://i736.photobucket.com/albums/xx2/RODGER_73/BOYcopy.jpg Bio: A really advanced reader who had lived in the orphanage for a very long time. After meeting Elevir his life changed. He was able to escape with the others. He really regrets not being able to help the others escape and spends his time training his reader skills Personality:Seth is a a quiet guy that is usually by himself. He is a very lazy guy but despite this he is very kind and will do everything he can in order to help somebody Weapon [If any]: After escaping he gained a sword Gift: Reader 4.Username: Twilightblader Full Character Name: Ren, ????? (unknown) Age: 25 Appearance: http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r47/azincsenkahai/Ace16.jpg Bio: When Ren was little managed to hide away from the guards for a very long time so he wouldn't be taken to the orphanage. Soon they actually caught him but offered him a job as a guard where he accepted. He was a guard for a very long time but after meeting Elevir he changed. After they escaped the orphanage Ren revealed that all along he was work as a guard so he could try and free everybody which was an extremely hard task. Being unable to save the many that died, Ren hated himself for not being able to free them and was never seen again Personality: A quiet and serious guy. He does have his nice side Weapon [If any]: A sword Gift: Reader's gift 5. Username: Deathsight44 Full Character Name: Toxyn (real name unknown) Age: 15 Appearance:http://i412.photobucket.com/albums/pp202/moioku/blahdablah.jpg Bio: Unlike most of the children who were abducted, his kidnapping was very simplistic. He was a crack baby. His last memory of his parents were them selling him off for a nice good deal of drugs. From there, he was sent off to be tested on. Due to his powers revolving around electricity, which is generated with an overuse of the electric waves the brain uses, he was frequently tested, performing experiments which monitored emotion, physical stress, etc, to see if his powers worked any differently because of it. What they mostly experimented with though was his nerves since the nervous system is the most effective way to monitor electricity, so most of them involved pain. Because he lived such a traumatizing life, he has grown to be very distant from people of all kinds. After escaping, he has been wandering aimlessly, looking for a place he can stay without people coming by, which leads up to now, which has lead him up to the discovery of a strange town which is populated by what can only be described as people with the most unique of qualities. Also due to the experiments, his body is always in what can be described as a constant pain. Not agonizing, but a constant ache. Personality: He is very distant from people. As a person, he is good, always helping whenever if he can. He hates to see people disappointing or having any kinds of negative feelings when he knows that they don't deserve it, since he himself is quite familiar with the feeling, so the thing that drives him is knowing that he might be able to help others at least. From his point of view, he has no problem with getting close to others, believing that as long as he can provide some form of kindness to those who need it, he'll be able of help. He tries his best not to let others get close to him though, due to his own fears of betrayal. He also have a fear of any forms of physical contact. He flinches if he ever feels another touch him. Weapon [If any]: Attached to his middle finger is what can only be described as a glove. It only covers his middle finger. It is made purely of steel, and at the edge of it is a tiny needle. Though small, it is sharp enough to be used as a type of claw. It is also useful as a conductor for his electricity. Gift: Elemental 6. Username: Magick Full Character Name: Evangeline Age: 18 Appearance: http://i625.photobucket.com/albums/tt332/kaymoy04/f5ee85e41bd0e4141.jpg (green eyes) Bio: She escaped the Orphanage, now she makes a life for herself in the new city. Her favorite activity is drawing, but she like to garden as well, and is learning to cook, slowly. Personality: Slightly sarcastic, mostly cautious, she tends to look at a situation fully before jumping in the middle of it. Weapon [If any]: A small belt knife. Gift: Surreptitious. 7. Username: Jayney Full Character Name: Kaylee Renee Day Age: 20 Appearance: http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x241/elementalXfairy/mostlygonnadeleateoq6.jpg Bio: Barely escaping from the ruins of The Orphanage, Kaylee spent most of her time in the woods recovering from injuries. When she felt well enough, and needed food she ended up finding her way to the small town through the meadows and fields where she journeyed. She searches, wondering if any of her past friends made it there as well, and hoping for a new and carefree life. Personality: Kaylee is compassionate and gentle, though a bit on the clueless side. She sits on the border between lovable and annoying. Weapon [If any]: none. Gift: Animator. 8.Username: Akua WaterDragonKing Full Character Name: Jordan Clearwater Age: 15 Appearance: http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb266/Evil_Soul_Within/Anime%20Boys/Icewizard.jpg Bio: He always wonders who his family was, and why he has this 'Gift' of his. He was always told his parents 'left' him there. "What did I ever do to them to make them do this to me?" he always ask himself Personality: Outgoing, and sometimes shy. Quick tempered when things get bad. Weapon: A Trident, the only weapon he can control his Gift with. Gift: Elemental (Water) 9.Username: Rexa Full Character Name: Rea Lee Adams Age: 15 Appearance: http://api.ning.com/files/WDggWl0tO...qJJBfyXGslK6oVIskaP6m19T4/AnimeDarkGirl1.jpeg Bio: Rea has lived her entire life in solitude since she was a little girl. But one day when she was 13, she met a boy. The boy was sweet and kind, every girl's dream... or so it seemed. Rea traveled the world with him, helping him take money to give to the poor... but not a cent went to a poor person. The boy was using her. One day, Rea was stricken with an illness. She was bed ridden for weeks. When she recovered, the boy was gone. He left a note with merely 6 words written on it, "You are of no use anymore." As a result of this, she trusts no one. Personality: Kind, but prefers to be left alone. Weapon: Katana Gift: Melodic Gift 10.Username: Fayt-Harkwind Full Character Name: Black, Leon Age: 19 Appearance: http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/A/AN/ANI/Anime.Fantasy.Chicks/1201783647_nSexyAngel.jpg Bio: with him being near the death date he began thinking of a way out by himself. His wings have grown back and the guards have not removed them yet due to his death being near and the fact that his body is not used to the use of them and he would litterly jump slightly farther than a normal human then plumet. After escaping he wandered for some time before finding sanctuary. Personality: Cold, hateful, afraid, dramatic Gift: Winged gift 11.Username: DPWolf Full Character Name: Rei "Wolf" Verd Age: 18 Appearance: http://www.akibanana.com/files/image/0AKIHABARA/0904/Tabi/Horo.jpg Clothing is almost the same, but with a red and black color scheme and has additional fur suited for cold temperatures. Bio: Shunned as a child due to her red eyes, ears, and tail. After escaping, she wandered far to the North to avoid any contact with others. Her aggressive nature and wolf-like attributes made her an excellent hunter and tracker, and survived by acting as a bounty hunter. The people of the north had no other alternative, so she lived in relative peace hunting for some time. She began to grow restless however, because of hearing stories from other northern inhabitants of the other "freaks in the South"; after discovering that she could manipulate fire, she decided to head south to see what this newfound power could do in order to help others like her gain freedom. Her appearance and behaviour has earned her the nickname Wolf by those who know her. Personality: Distant, trust needs to be earned, somewhat of a short fuse and a temper to match, but sometimes seems lonely Weapon: Similar to this: http://www.onemanga.com/Inuyasha/382/12 Also is skilled at hand to hand combat and utilizes her fangs and claws. Gift: Elemental [Fire] 12.Username: Twilightblader Full Character Name: Drake Gray Age: 21 Appearance: [insert link here] Bio: Like most children with gifts, Drake was taken from his mother's hands and taken to the ORPHANAGE. At first he was just taken because of his strange eye color and did not know his gift but soon enough it was revealed when Drake went crazy and caused a lot of damage. He was locked up with the other manics and he stayed in his cell awaiting the time when he could escape. His time came when the king of Manics Larz set him free although unlike the other manics who were slaughtering everybody, Drake just took the opportunity and escaped from the place that held him Personality: Drake has a split personality. At times he would be a pretty calm guy but other time he will become more brutal and sadistic Weapon: Claws Gift: Manic 14.Username: Legion Full Character Name: Larenzo, Kendrith Age: 22 Appearance: [insert link here] Bio: After being buried in the demolishion, Larz and his fellow survivors took half a year to escape the rubble. Starving, they decided to feed upon few of the gifts who were not manics. The rest were drafted as lackies and spies. Larenzo's troop traveled through the forests for three days until reaching the city of Gifts. By that point, Larenzo said screw it and ordered his army to disperse into the populace. He spent the rest of his time going from job to job, trying to find his will to complete his plan. I believes soon that day will come. Personality: sadistic, cruel, inconsiderate, and a master at reading things upside down, Larz is everything you'd not entirely consider for an evil overlord. He'd probably agree, but that would just so he could get close enough to scramble your brains. However, on rare occasion, Larz has a kinder side. Usually it is intended for those he considers pets. Weapon : claws Gift: Manic 15.Username: Periwinkle Full Character Name: Charis Laverna Age: 12 Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/a...mall.jpg?o=182 Bio: Charis is a lonely young girl that moved to the town of Siletste a few years ago. The only relative to her that is possibly alive is a person named Claire, who happened to be a teenage victim in the Orphanage. The odds are very slim that Claire is alive, but Charis refuses to believe that she is dead. Charis doesn't know how much of a relation she has to the girl or who she is exactly, but if she happens to find her alive, it just might be possible for her to learn of or find information on her father. A friend of Charis's mother told her that Siletste was one of the closest towns near the Orphanage, making that her area to move and spot for Claire at. Her clue to finding the girl was a picture that was given to her from her mother, before she died. Personality: Optimistic, kind, childish, can be serious during a certain situation. She also seems to have a slight obsession with sweets. Gift: Animator
Through the final seconds of the Orphanage, Elevir finally reached her answer. The Director hadn't saved anyone. He had dragged Seth, Ren, and Eva back to a useless existence; hundreds of other children would suffer the same fate as the self proclaimed king and his murderous disciples. He had saved the world and damned them all to hell. In silence, she stepped back from the falling towers and took to the air. She couldn't stand to be there anymore. The night was dark, but from the altitude she had risen to she could see the fluorescent line of the horizon where the sun was destined to rise in a few hours. OOC:// So I guess this RP is over; but not totally. I'm not going to say anything about that yet, though.
Aw, lucky. See you laterr.
Ooh, you use KHV during school, too. That explains it. :/gasp: Just talking to you on my laptop and learning about this online system I need to...
Hola. Iz in science class :lolface: What's up?
Elevir dove off of the battlement after Eva and the Director, her wings appearing behind her, but only catching the air after she had caught the two in her arms. She came to a swift, sweeping stop on the ground, hardly being able to support the extra weight. Just after letting the other two go, she ran and kicked off into the air again to help Seth and Ren. It had to have been at least a fifty-foot fall, and they couldn't afford any of the group to be injured. But as she flew higher into the air, she couldn't help but thrive in the sudden feeling of freedom in the moment. It was short lived, however, as she reached the top of the castle tower where Ren and Seth still stood. She helped them the same way as the other two, gliding to a stop from about twenty feet in the air. After stretching her wings, that were actually a lot longer than they seemed otherwise, she had only one question. "Where are the others?" she spoke, more like a command than a question, to the Director.
'Sometimes,' Elevir replied without words, 'It's just not that simple.' She took off, running as fast as she possibly could on foot. It didn't seem fair to take flight when the others didn't have that ability, and by no means did she have the physical strength to take any of them in the air with her. Still, she was pretty fast, and caught up to the others quickly. A sickening thought tugged at the back of her mind, of the similarities of this situation to the day she was taken to this damned castle in the first place.
"The castle is going to implode," Elevir spoke, "and when it does, the Manics will go with it." But what about the other Gifts? Why would the Director bother saving Eva and Elevir when there were so many others sure to die? Maybe he already had. Maybe that's why he took so long to get to where they were... or maybe she was just being optimistic. However, their current situation didn't seem too bright. "Let me down, I can run fast enough on my own." 'At this rate, none of us are going to make it out...'
"What about everyone else?" Elevir asked suddenly, through the obnoxiously shrill alarms. The manics' power still flooded the castle, but it wasn't as murderously overwhelming as it was before. Not from this distance, at least...
Elevir's first instinct was to fight off the Director, but something told her this wasn't the time. Even through the manics' combined power thick in the air, she could still read the man's thoughts because of their close vicinity. Through the anger, fear, and pain already forced through her mind, she couldn't comprehend a response to his sudden change of plans.
"I'm not asking for death," the Reader stated. "You've had so many oppertunities to kill me, and yet you haven't." As Larz got farther away, the pain eased enough so that she could breathe again. "Why not?"
"That's not going to-" she winced and gasped briefly, reflecting only a small fragment of the pain she was actually in, "happen, Larz. Even if you wait-" another wince, "forever."