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  1. Near
  2. Near
    Thank you for reading the rules, and you're in! ::L:​
    Post by: Near, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Near
    Someone didn't read the rulleeessssss :l

    Oh well, you're in anyway :lolface: 'cause you're awesome like that.

    Let's see how long I remember to update the first post this time lol.​
    Post by: Near, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Near
    For all of you that have been waiting, it's finally here!

    I apologize to all the people who may have been waiting for me to restart this, I've been doing some major procrastinating 8th grade has been ruling my life and I haven't had time to brainstorm or anything.

    So, for all you who weren't here in the old thread here's how it goes:

    Basically, in an AU, there are two Organizations of Nobodies. Organization XIII, and a nameless Organization. One member from the nameless Organization found the World that Never Was, and soon enough, the Castle that Never Was. After a few days of spying on Organization XIII, that member found that they were planning to use Kingdom Hearts to get their hearts back.
    This unknown Organization wants it first.

    "I know they have something we need. I can feel it."
    "They're too powerful right now. Can't you wait?"
    "This can't wait forever."
    "It can't turn out well."
    "It probably won't turn out well."
    "Be careful."
    - - -

    "I found it."
    "However... something else occurred."
    "What is it?"
    "We've... been spotted."

    6/19/09 11:46 PM: Updated Rules; added Advisers and News section on first post. Gatekeeper is now an Adviser.
    6/20/09 10:18 AM: Deathsight44 is now an Adviser.
    6/20/09 11:25 PM: cstar7777's character has been removed per her request. I may not be on as much, for my cat ruined my laptop's charger... my apologies for any inconvenience this may cause down the road.
    6/21/09 6:58 PM: The Fifth Element's character, Zaliix, has been temporarily removed for inactivity. If The Fifth Element doesn't send me a visitor message or private message with a good reason for their absence, they will be excluded from the role play.
    6/25/09 1:07 PM: The Fifth Element's character, Zaliix, has been permanently removed for inactivity. ansem59 has been removed per his request. I got a new charger, so I don't have to worry about not being on KHV as much.
    6/27/09 8:39 AM: keybladewarrioroflegend's character, Phenox, has been removed for inactivity. We need someone to play Zexion.
    8/5/09 3:43 PM: I'm quitting this roleplay.... Sorry, I really just don't want to take part in it this time around. Either you guys can make a new thread, or *TwilightNight* and/or Asterisk can lead this one. See ya.

    The nameless Organization live in a world called Shrouded City. In it, there is a city surrounded by a thick, green forest. Deep in that forest, far away from the city, is a castle. Somewhere else in the forest is a lake. Any other physical features may be added if needed in the plot.


    Organization XIII
    I. Xemnas | Last of the Organization
    II. Xigbar | HellKitten
    III: Xaldin |
    IV: Vexen |
    V: Lexaeus | Asterisk
    VI: Zexion |
    VII: Saix | Near-to-Tears
    VIII: Axel | *TwilightNight*
    IX: Demyx | water mage
    X: Luxord |
    Marluxia | Asterisk
    XII: Larxene | Nymph of Destiny
    XIII: Roxas | *TwilightNight*

    Nameless Organization
    II: Kexim | Deathsight44
    III: Jinnex | Near-to-Tears
    IV: Aliaxane | Magick
    V: Brixania | PainAndBliss095

    IX: Jex | morphine and lollipops
    X: Xengla | Firekeyblade
    XI: Rexyggor | Rexyggor_thenewmember
    XIII: Xioimara | HellKitten

    My Advisers include people I trust to have the judgment to warn people when they break the rules, help newcomers fix their characters to fit the "Elite RP" environment, or discuss other issues with me or the other RP'ers as they see fit. After all, I can't be here 24/7.

    Currently, these people are:

    • Asterisk
    • Deathsight44
    Character name:
    Text color:

    • I don't care how unoriginal it is, your character's name MUST MUST MUST have an X in it. Also all characters usually wear Org. XIII coats <_>.
    • Use proper English. You're posts should be the same quality as something you'd submit to your English teacher.
    • Please at least try to make your posts five sentences or longer.
    • No posts shorter than three lines. Come on, you could do it if you tried. A multitude of three line posts will increase the minimum to four, and so on.
    • No Chatspeak or txt-tlk or w/e. None. NONE.
    • Put "suddenly, bananas" somewhere in your first post.
    • Romance kept to a PG-13 level. Try to follow the forum rules on cursing, but I really don't care personally.
    • Keep all rivalry inside the RP.
    • OOC is allowed to a point. If it gets to be too spammy I will ask you to take it to VM's or PM's.
    • Also put "Transformers" at the top of your first post.
    • Try to make your abilities and weapons and characters and plotlines creative, pleaaase.
    • Okay, try to come up with something creative that you can actually use.
    • Every character must have a different text color
    • If you are gone for an extended period of time(say, five days depending on the importance of your character) without explanation, you will be kicked out. I might let you back in if you PM me.
    • ABSOLUTELY NO tl;dr. If you do, I will kick you out.
    • Read other people's posts carefully.
    • Original Characters must be under 25 years of age.
    • All your posts must include your character interacting with some other character.
      [*]No Keyblades on OC's please.
      [*]If you break the rules three times, you're out. No questions.
      [*]You must not ask me to be an Adviser. If I want you as an Adviser, I will contact you.
      [*]If you or your friend doesn't get in, come up with a valid argument before you come crying to me or the mods.
      [*]Read the News and Rules sections regularly, they will change often.
      [*]"I didn't know that was a rule" is not an excuse for breaking a rule, and use of this excuse any more than once will result in exclusion from the role-play.
      [*]You may ask for a recap after you've first joined, and after missing no less than five pages.

    Username: Magick
    Character name: Aliaxane
    Age: 17
    Number: IV
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Ability/Element: Controls glass.
    Weapon: She uses only her glass to make herself weapons. She can also use small knives hidden in her clothing.
    Bio: After she was turned into a nobody, she wandered alone and homeless. After the Organization found her, she gave her service to them without question, but always wondered who she was before she was turned.
    Personality: Sarcastic, but quiet unless spoken to, she is usually invisible to the other members. She tends to use her skills against whoever angers her, and asks questions later.
    Text color:

    Username: Near-to-Tears
    Character name: Jinnex
    Age: 17
    Number: III
    Appearance: Quite a way below average height (~4'11), purple ringlet hair that's midway between her waist and her shoulders and yellow eyes that lack pupils. Tends to have her fringe pulled back with a large metallic hair clip.
    Ability/Element: Manipulation of the visible light.
    Weapon: Throwing needles
    Bio: Originally from Radiant Garden, her "Somebody" lost her heart trying to find someone in the chaos. She does not, however, remember this except in dreams, and those she usually ignores.
    Personality: Jinnex tends to be nosey and rather noisey. Pretty much everything you would not expect from a Nobody. However the only reason she acts as such is to compensate for her lack of real emotions and distract herself.
    Text color: Dark Red

    Username: morphine and lollipops
    Character name: Jex
    Age: 17, although he has a tendency to act much younger.
    Number: Nine, please.
    Appearance: Jex is tall-ish, and lanky, at about 5'10". A thick shock of dark hair hangs over his face. Recently he added one lone silver streak through his hair. He is rather white, though not as pale as some. Think sun-kissed, but not tan. He has clear skin, though he once had horrid acne. He holds himself with an air of importance. His eyes are gray, with specks of blue.
    Ability/Element: He is gifted with the sword, and quite a poet. He has a small gift of manipulation using words. Using his gift of words, he can sometimes convince others to see things his way, or to feel differently about a situation.
    Weapon: A damn creative sword.
    Bio: Jex tends to keep to himself about his past. Honestly, he doesn’t remember much. He does, however, remember a girl of whom he feels a strong connection with. He wants his heart back to find this girl.
    Personality: Jex is like a butterfly: pretty, vain, and with his head in the clouds. He is normally a happy person, though he contains a rough sarcastic streak. When faced with a serious problem, Jex can and will be serious. He is quite loyal, but also a prankster. At times, he can be slightly angsty.
    Text color:
    Pale Turquoise

    Username: PainAndBliss095
    Character name: Brixania
    Age: 16
    Number: V
    Ability/Element: Water
    Weapon: Two Fans
    Bio: Brixania doesn't really care if she gets her heart or not, so she kind of ignores anything that might or is related to her past. She can't remember anything of her 'Somebody', not that she cares, and is only looking for something to amuse her, even though she doesn't feel any emotions.
    Personality: Perky, bubbly, unusually malicious
    Text color: Purple

    Username: Deathsight44
    Character name: Kexim
    Age: 18
    Number: 2
    Ability/Element: energy (can create particles of energy and form it as he wishes, as well as being able to harden it into a diamond like substance)
    Weapon: The two things that are seen in the picture, which serve as shields, though they can be used to generate his crystals as well
    Bio: The first one to join into Xelidans orginization, not knowing him from his past, but merely encountering him. he has kept to himself for most of the time until the discovery of an enemy orginization. He does not reveal his appearance to others, only very rarely, since it has only been revealed to Xelidan. He also tends to do most of the spying for Xelidan, keeping an eye on his members, since most of the time he goes along unnoticed. Not speaking nor being seen by others. His goals out of this orginization remain unknown to him, and him alone.
    Personality: Very anti-social at the moment, though he'll slowly begin to speak more and more as time goes on, revealing his true nature
    Text color: Black


    Character name:Xioimara
    Number:I think I got reserved under XIII? >.<
    Appearance: Xioimara has medium length auburn red hair and light brown eyes. She isn't the tallest of everyone and stands at about 5' 4''.
    Ability/Element: Xioimara can shift forms to a dog.
    Weapon: Xioimara uses whatever is in her surroundings. Mostly she just fights in her dog form which also gives her great agility.
    Bio: She has no recollection her past. There's bits and pieces but she purposely did her best to forget them. Xioimara joined the Organization as she saw it as a better chance in life.
    Personality: Xioimara is quiet most of the time. Sometimes she is talkative depending on who is speaking with her. She is known to be brave but does have her cowardly moment.
    Text color:Teal
    Thread by: Near, Jun 15, 2009, 217 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Near
    Legend winced internally. How had the melodic guards known that she'd frozen time at that specific moment?

    Concentrating on the prisoners around her, she began to sing again, almost silently.

    "He's a stranger to some, and a vision to none;
    he can never get enough, get enough of the one.
    For a fortune he'd quit, but it's hard to admit
    how it ends and begins.
    On his face is a map of the world.... A map of the world.

    Now, they were with the rest of the gifts, in the interrogation room, as they had been before. However, now, some gifts were fighting, as there were guards everywhere. Looking around, Legend took a sword from a downed guard and jumped into the fray near her brother.

    "Larz, wait... where are you going?" Elevir asked calmly, fighting off guards as the manic approached them. It was a hassle protecting Larz, but Elevir owed it to him...
    Post by: Near, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Near
    Huff... huff... the storm ended, leaving Famous exhausted. He could barely stand up... everything seemed like a blur.

    'Famous!' he heard someone yell, and felt himself zoom to the side.
    He also felt a bullet zoom pass his head. Looking back to where the voice (that still seemed to echo in his head) came from, he saw a dark-haired girl fighting off a couple of guards. He channeled electricity to the guards through the ground until they couldn't stand.

    "Thank you!" he yelled to the girl.

    Elevir nodded a quick 'no problem' to the boy, turning back towards Larz. She had a headache from using her Gift so intensely.

    "Larz," she said, shaking the man gently, "Larz, you have to get up."
    Post by: Near, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Near
  8. Near
    Elevir looked around at the crowd of guards. What was wrong with them? Was there another Reader working to stop the onslaught? She didn't have much time to think about it, however. The two assigned to take Larz were drawing closer.

    "You must really want to die," she spoke, aware that she was the one with lower chances of getting out alive.
    Post by: Near, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Near
    "No!" the boy yelled, extending his arm toward the crowd of guards. A wall of lightning shot out, reaching out in attack toward the guards as electricity ambushed them from the ground.
    "We're not useless! Damnit, we're not!!"

    "We're not..." Elevir muttered under her breath, drawing the knife from her poket, still stained with blood. She kept her wings hidden, but jumped over Larz to defend him.
    "Don't even try!" she yelled, and the guards seemed to struggle a little as they moved closer.
    I'm getting better at that... she thought
    Post by: Near, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Near

    "I said go away," the blonde replied, bright sparks flying as though in warning. The woman's beauty didn't impress him; he could see that there was someone much darker underneath.
    Post by: Near, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Near

    Famous growled under his breath, the sparks growing in intensity and jumping up his arm. This woman was acting as though they weren't even there.

    "Go away," the boy said quietly, yet threateningly.
    Post by: Near, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home