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  1. RPGgamer
    Zexion and Demyx made it to class just on time. "Demyx, we can go get a drink after class, how about it?" Zexion asked him
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. RPGgamer
    "Hello Ienzo, what are you doing?" Ansem asked Ienzo as he was running around trying to find something.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. RPGgamer
    "Sorry Demyx, almost time for class to start."


    "Oh shoot! Come one! Lets hurry!"
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. RPGgamer
    OOC: OOOPS! -_- I am in another RPG, and my characters Zexion, so it gets confusing.

    Ansem went to look for his assistants. He found Ienzo looking for something.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. RPGgamer
    Zexion heard the coach and he got up to get to class. He was thinking demyx would tag along, and he did.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. RPGgamer
    OOC: You couldn't imagine

    Ansem went off to look for his assistants. He found Zexion inside one room looking for something.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. RPGgamer
    "..." Zexion was silent. Demyx just has to fidget whenever he thinks about music doesn't he?
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. RPGgamer
    "That'd be cool. But lets wait until free period." Zexion said, he almost smiled.

    OOC: The hug was supposed to be Zexion's soft side, if he has one twilight
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. RPGgamer
    "Um...ok..." Zexion started to get unsure about why Demyx was fidgiting, but ignored it.

    OOC: OMG, your evil, but Zexion's locker was somewhere where no one would usually go...-_-
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. RPGgamer
    chocked to death. "Hey...Ariel...Good... to... see... you...again." Ariel finally let go but...
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. RPGgamer
    Zexion noticed the fidgeting. "Hey Demyx, are you ok?" Zexion asked, obviously worried.

    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. RPGgamer
    " *Shrugs Shoulder* Eh... I dunno... all I ever do is read and study." But basically Zexion didn't really have a favorite class anyway.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. RPGgamer
    Well, rouge angel changed her world, so you know nothing about a girl named Arlene, so change it to make sense somehow. So you don't like the girl Arlene, cause Arlene's from Twilight Town.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. RPGgamer
    "*smirk* of course you do Demyx. You're the boy who likes playing the sitar, so there's no reason why you don't like music. Anyway, we're just going to have to wait." Zexion folds up his schedule again and puts it away.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. RPGgamer
    OOC~Urgh...finally, I was bored to death reading the whole thing.

    As the boys jumped through, a girl appeared from behind the trees. "Well, what do we have here?" She asked the few boys that had appeared through the small hole.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. RPGgamer
    "Sure, I guess." Zexion whispered back. He sat where Demyx wanted him to, and pulled out his new schedule to look at it.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. RPGgamer
    hahahahahahahaha XDDDDDDD That is funny!!!!!!
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. RPGgamer
    OOC: No Demyx is the crybaby, Sora is the well, idiot (no offense, that's my opinion.

    Zexion ran after Demyx, they had to go to gym, so what's the worse that could happen?

    OOC: I think I messed up. :P
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. RPGgamer
    "Yeah, sure Demyx." Zexion was relieved now. He felt less ashamed cause Demyx must have been happier by now.

    OOC: AW... I had to do the guy hug. Probably the only thing that stops Demyx from crying is a hug, and an apology.
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. RPGgamer
    BTW, the answer was LionHeart

    Once you defeat Riku, what keyblade can you get?
    Post by: RPGgamer, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts