"Demyx please, calm down." now Zexion was really, really ashamed. "Please Demyx, I'm really, really sorry." Zexion continued to try and calm Demyx down, but it didn't seem to be working. Zexion pulled Demyx into an embrace and said "I'm real sorry Demyx, can you ever forgive me?" OOC: I think it's too fluffy sorry thing. If it is, tell me and I'll change it.
no, it's ok, just change world of origin to Radiant Garden, if you wanna.
OOC: Nope, that was fine, Demyx is a giant crybaby, never forget that. "Huh? uh... Demyx I'm sorry." Zexion said. He was a little ashamed about what he did to Demyx. "Come one Demyx, please don't cry." Yep, he was real ashamed now. 'argh, what have I done, he was only trying to cheer me up.' OOC: Did I over do the sorry stuff???
King Triton was too stubborn. Ariel got real mad, so she knocked him unconscious with a boulder (XD OMG, that would be hilarious) and...
OOC: I hope you read that pm I gave you... if not, then um...don't kill me kay? "LET GO OF ME DEMYX! CAN"T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFETIME!!!!!!!!!!!" Zexion yelled at Demyx. Of course no one heard, cause they were the only two in the locker room. Zexion was real pissed at Demyx right now.
"Demyx, please shut up, and leave me alone. I don't want you to keep talking to me." Zexion said to Demyx. He was getting very pissed now. OOC: Don't make Demyx leave, I wanna show Zexion's soft side...if he has one.
they had killed Siax. They finally defeated him, cause all they did was hit him on the head multiple times, but...
"That does not sound cute Demyx! It sounds stupid." Zexion was real angry. He just can't get over the fact that Demyx is the only boy that has to call him Zexy. He was a bit pissed off by now cause of Demyx
OOC: Yeah, Demyx is supposed to be annoying and disobey people, so even if I tell you to stop as Zexion don't, it's Demyx. "Don't call me Zexy, Demyx. " Zexion said angrily. He really did hate being called Zexy knowing that it sounded a lot like sexy. (XD I got that from a fanfic too!)
Jeez, Demxyx is annoying. Glad I never talk to him. Ha! Can't even believe he actually tried to make me skip. What an idiot (no offense, but this is Demyx's personality XD) OOC: If you can, make Demyx call Zexion, Zexy, cause in all of the fanfics I read, Demyx will always do that. XD I like annoying Zexion, it's fun.
'oh my god, these clothes look ******ed (no offense)' Zexion thought. He had found his clothing and when he looked at it he was disgusted. 'Oh well, not like I really care right now anyway.' he thought again.
Zexion walked to a far locker. Zexion was the type of person who liked being in crowded areas. So he decided to pick a locker, far, far away from any other civilization. (I make him sound weird.)
'...when are we actually going to do something?' Zexion thought. He was irritated at why the coach just kept babbling forever. (jk, he's not babbling forever, i just got bored. XD)
hahahahahaha XDDDDDD Everyone either thinks of RPG's or Games whenever they see my name.
Luster Dragon make me think of a Yu-Gi-Oh Dragon. Cause Luster Soldier is from Yu-Gi-Oh, or was it something else, and the dragon is just dragon. So it make me think of Yu-Gi-Oh Dragon
Demyx, cause I'm happy-go-lucky. Sephiroth, cause I'm evil to some people Zexion, cause I can be silent and not care Xigbar, cause I love to annoy and make fun of my brother. I guess that's it. XD
'er...isn't he supposed to be a teacher. NOt teaching us a lot is he?' Zexion thought to himself.
Zexion decided to think for a while. He was bored out of his mind today. He was thinking about some stuff about school. He also overheard what Kairi said. 'Hm...well, you have the right idea.' he thought.
you have to be Namine since someone's already Kairi, and Marluxia kidnapped kairi.
"You never know kid, always something that has to do with sports or that related." Zexion told Roxas as he walked by him.