ok i've search through the final mix codes and i can't find something to get my health to 120 i'll take any i can get right now.
ok i've looked through 91 pages and i can't find a code to make my health bar 120. all i need is that code.
but how do you up jap codes on a usa code system. and how can you get the game to load. i'm somewhat new to this import thing. and i kinda thought all who hack fm+ had magic coder or a modified ps2 cause mine is basicly stock cept for the lid now.
so xemnas can't fight then dang, man he is really screwed up. oh well i'll just use him to get out of the map still. also is there a way to use armax with imports i was watching a video on youtube and in the comments the maker of the vid said it was possible.
just wondering can xemnas' reactions finish clash and break through be used without facedown and would xemnas fight when the reaction is complete?
the more i hear about multiplayer mode the more find myself turning away from this game more and more. not everyone has close friends damn it... i'm hanging onto a shread of hope that i can play as xemnas, but at the very least saix is there. i want the other one to come out first because xehanort just might get some screen time.
someone else asked for the cornerstone dump.
ok i have the cornerstone dump finished and it's uploading on rapidshare. since emuhaste is figured out i got all my stats to 99 just to make things quicker, but it didn't give me all abilites. also what are the boss fights that mickey will save you, the only two i know of are cerberus and xaldin.
ok i got emuhaste to work properly but all the xaidin cutscene trigger did was take me to beast's castle entrance and i can't do anything and the joker didn't work, it came on without me doing anything right as loaded the game.
i actually got to disney castle last night at around 5 am but i never got through timeless river so the thorns are still in the room. but i've got a problem and it happens randomly, i get black borders around everything and the game slows down badly i think it's a setting i'm using. i held down R2 but nothing happened, but emuhaste does work because i used a code and it turned valor to wisdom form gave me ping and beast in my party, and when i had normal sora he showed up in the menu as valor form. so it does actually work but i haven't found the trick to it. i think it might be you have to load the game normally activate the code then load the save game normally but i haven't tried it yet.
unfortunetly yeah i just started a new game yesterday cause i finally got psx2 to work right.
ok i am in beast's castle now and i'm getting an average of 10 to 30 fps.
yeah snap process is about as far as i can get.
oh well i guess less work for me then. could an action replay work somehow.
no the code wouldn't work or well not for me. i'm lost now.
ok i think i got lost somewhere, did you mean dump file on emuhaste because it gave me an error. edit: i had to click snap process first.
ok i did that.
i couldn't get emuhaste to work no matter what i tried.
emuhaste doesn't work still i've tried everything i could think of even tried different types of code.