xemnas dropes zozo.he fell to the ground.xemnas:"owwwww."
back of the neck down to his higher back
xemnas cuts zozo xemnas:u should of never moved
xemnas:"come any closer and the boy dies
zozo:"i can use some help" occ:this kinda look like a love sien
zozo:"um guys said zozo as he came out the portal with saix zozo:"my name is zozo"
xemnas:"ah riku why are u here" zozo:"let me go saix" saix:"no u and i are going to nuthura and xemnas and riku"
xemnas:"there is no exit" zozo:"what the-"saix:"now i got u" zorn:"im going to do nothing
occ:zorn did not say that zozo did
zorn:"I am zorn brother of zozo" zozo:"where did nuthura go" xemnas:look where u stand look where u fall just look what do u see"
zorn:"ur not alone im here"
zozo:"no were no humans nuthura is a complet and im a half nobody half complete xemnas:"u like what i did to the floor?"
zozo:"well we still can use some help" xemnas:"are u sure u can have a family agin
saix:"get off me"saix threw zozo at zach zozo:"what are u doing here xemnas:"come on now come to ur unckle dont u want to see ur mother i can make her in the digital twilight town
saix:"get of me u little hariless monkey" xemnas:"now niemie dont do anything u will regret
xemnas:"u spoiled the serprise" zozo:"ur not turning me to data come on zorn snap out of it. zorn:"huh where am i.XEMNAS!!!!let go of my older brother"then zorn punches xemnas zozo gets free then zozo jumped on saix then saix grabbed zozo and let goed of nuthura.
xemnas:"lets say we need some data"
xemnas:"turn on the computer saix"
as xemnas and saix walked out the portal they end up at twilight town mantion