jack:"what do u mean" zozo:"did i here rum"
jack:"are u sure ur not going gold crazy zozo:"wow i fill a lot better zorn:"i new u would
zozo:"did u ever notice the sky its all pretty and stuff"then he throws up agin jack:"i think u should lay of the rum zozo:"why im absoulutly fine."he then threwup once agin zorn:"stop drinking that"then he snached the rum out of zozos hand. zozo:"hello bro and giv me the rum
zozo:"wow this rum is great oh i think im getting sea sick"the zozo throws up in the sae
jack:"would u guys like some rum" zozo:"ill like some
jack:"ai hows xemnas"
jack:"good to see u mate"
zozo:"look matts coming"said zozo as he came up to the dock jack:"iv see uv gotten up.the girls over there" zozo:"thanx"
zozo:"im doing great.i just woke up"
few minutes leter aww.zozo:"nuthura where are u"
jack:"no mate i dont mind.take him inside"
jack:"im captine jack sparrow freinds with sora.didnt u say ur freinds with him to
jack:"ur on my boat mate" zozo:"um were freinds of S__
occ:sweet zozo:"i cant move i need some rest
zozo:"thank u
zozo:"no.iv loss to much blood"
zozo:"ahhh crap.my back
zozo gets up then lempers to xemnas and hits him.zozo:"thats pay back"
xemnas:"how said that"
zozo:"riku can u help me"