unknown soldierin my pants Welcome to the Black Parade in my pants What I've Done in my pants
and here...
I was like "Holy ****!!! Why'd I watch it...damn, now I want the game even more" then I ended up watching it like 20 more times
hey hey hey...when did everyone say that this all is about X's memorys. I mean that heartless soldier thing could be his memories which mr bald turned into a being. And what's so wrong with Mickey and the threads and Starseeker? You guys are taking everyone elses theories too seriously
Has anyone really confirmed that one of them is Xehanort
hey read this, it's my post which I am to lazy to retype woops here it is http://kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=8930&page=2
Rebirthing by Skillet and What I've Done by Linkin Park
does anyone know if there's a version like that for Sanctuary/Passion (there the same song pretty much right
so that would mean that Sora went into the future to fight E.S... Wait! Since the portal is in Disney Castle and sora (could have been) transported to the future then maybe Disney Castle is reduced to rubble and that wastleland is Disney Castle!!!!! That would explain Mickey's appearance!!!! Do any of ya agree
oh...damn, if that Vin and Aqua are gone that means we don't get to meet them. I hope we get to see them in some flashbacks.
what? I don't understand Japanese! What did E.S. actually say Vin and Aqua? You know the full story cause I wanta hear it
where'd ya get that
whose aqua and vin?
the song is awesome, plus it's an instant hit. It's already the second most downloaded song on iTunes. I must agree that Mike was sorely missed, but people he's not again which is awesome. Cant wait for Minutes to Midnight
I think anyone who thinks that mushroom kingdom hearts thing is real is a complete idiot
what about this person loses heart=heart becomes heartless empty body=Nobody the soul that is lost=something What if the heart itself became a being which then completes the heart+soul+body=human thing Do you kinda get it...like you know how when Sora saw the guy lose his heart in KH1 and you saw the heart float up and up, what happens to it?
hey have sora eating pie then donald comes and demands some but then Sora kicks him and hes like 'my pie!!' then donald flies through the air and hits larxene in the head
that sounds kinda easy...
You S.O.B.!!!!!!! But...I can't believe I fell for it...Damn you...why the hell did I believe you... Was anything real you b***ard?