we are sorry for thinking oh powerful overlord
Yeah, I agree with you guys, but as always, there is a chance
I have no idea what you just said...But there is a chance that Crossroads is there. Were else would it be.
would those guys go through all that trouble though. But that can't be coincidence either
I thought that was actually fan-made, but you got me thinkin
no, the thing is that we don't know where the crossroads really is. For all we know it could be in wonderland. I'm just saying that revenge would give Mickey a reason to be there and he got Sora invovled to help
We don't know who the bald guy is, and I'm trying to get the thoughts that baldy is Xeha cause nomura said all new characters so Xehanort could not be reintroduced I agree we're getting too far ahead of ourselves. At least I know where to draw the line while others just go on and on about Mickey after Yen Sid's training and no keychain and yada yada
I have no idea which knight your talkin bout
I like you Knighty Mcknight, think that this battle took place in the future. I personally think that when you fight E.S. in the game you are portatled to the future of Disney Castle (yes I think that barren wastleland is D.C.) I see it that way because that letter Mickey sent ment something big for Sora to be called on. Plus if you look at their faces, Riku's smiling and it's like he's thinkin 'here we go again' and laughing to himself, Kairi is like 'oh no', and Sora is looking at the paper in disbelief so thats gotta mean somethin P.S. Why do ya think E.S. has different armor in the fight and movie (I'm thinking cause the movie one was destroyed)
hey, haven't you guys seen the kh2 guidebook? There was a symbol on there too on like every page. It looked like a circle with and X in it and it had ridges surrounding the outside. I thought it was that that he drew
yeah...so his master for training send poor mickey out to get slaughtered by crazy old dude. He freaking took out a night with one magic!!!
I saw the really crappy version the first time I watched it which kinda ruined it a bit for me...I wanted music but it was worth...and I agree that I like the girl the best (is her name Aqua or something cause that's what I heard the knight said on the game [from someone else])
Rebirthing in my pants by Skillet
I mean soul, woops, I got confused I'll fix it
until the end in my pants
yeah i know, but I want to know where mickey fits into all a this. I have an idea but I want to ask you guys
that's cool if it would be like Zelda Though I hope the Wii would be easier to get by then...
Okay people, one of ya has to know where to get that fanmade remix of Faint by linkin park. somebody tell me
soon isn't good enough
no I mean that everyone is like "OMG, Xehanort is the old man/e.s." after one person suggests it, I didn't mean you. I'm just saying that people are going crazy off a theory The crossroads is in Disney Castle...I think, wait no it's not I thought since pluto was there that it was the castle. Well the fact is that we don't know if it's the same world