Well, i'm "religious" as you say, so i do shun sex before marriage. Sex is an act that siginifies the unity of two people. Without marriage, there is no commitment (ok, no real commitment) because there is nothing keeping your partner from being with someone else. I dont know too many people that say they love each other, have sex outside of wedlock, and stay together. If youre willing to give yourself to someone, truly, 100% then why wouldnt you be willing to marry them? People confuse me too much. I believe that saving your virginity for your husband (or wife) makes loving that much more special for the both of you.
yes, riku's my fav KH character. thats why i owns him. :D
KH1 the first time i played I was playing my brother's w/o permission and tried to beat it the week he was gone. almost did. but it was awesome. and even when i finally did beat it, i never realized there couldve been a sequel (im slow :D ).
Riku elbows Umi softly. "We can't leave without Kairi, quickdraw." He grabs the dock before they get too far and pulls the boat back up to it. "Get in Kairi before you do end up swimming."
OOC: sweet! i broke a rule and twi didnt say anything! youre slipping! :D "Alright, end of the line, your highniness." Riku sets Kairi down. He gets in the boat. "Want me to put those bags in the boat, Umi?" Then he looks over at Kairi. "You're not going swimming again are you, Kairi?"
Mindy hears a thud, like a skull hitting wood. What was that? She shakes off the question and continues working on her math. If you have two monkeys in a tree and five chimps attack them, then... OOC: im so sensitive. XP
OOC: Kairi and Sora are bout to bust outta the hospital. i think Roxas is at the weapons shop with Cloud(puppy), Naruto, and Kakashi. not sure though
OOC: first off, breath.... so far Kairi, Riku, and Umi are still on the mainland getting stuff. Sora's with you on the island and you guys are suppose to be making a bonfire. hope that helps.
Riku laughs. "I think you should be carrying me around, Kairi. I saved your neck today, remember?" Riku keeps walking along despite his complaining. Sora would kill me if he knew what me and Kairi are doing. "Just don't get comfortable. I'm not gonna try to row the boat with you still on my back."
im a girl. but i wanna vote idk cuz it has the word evily in it (i totally use that word!)
Riku raises his eyebrow. "Yeah...I get it..." He turns around and picks up the bag. "There anything else, your highness, before we leave?" Riku chuckles as he teases Kairi.
OOC: HELP!!! SOMEBODY! RENA WILL BE BACK SOON! I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!!!......................... Rena: You heard nothing, guys. got that?
"Don't forget lots of wasabi, Cid. I can never get enough of the stuff." Riku leans against the counter as Cid retrieves the food. "I'm just hoping the weather stays nice all day. Last thing we need is a rainout on a good party," he mentions to Umi and Kairi. OOC: ive never had wasabi but i think Riku can stomach it. :D
OOC: Nuuuuuu.....!!!!!!!!! gotta admit though, its funny. XD
OOC: twi...you didnt tell ruf what i did with Riku, did you...? :p
OOC: *sigh* you guys make me sad. cookie no make me happy.
OOC: thats gonna hafta be one big cookie! :D k, no more n00b talk (that goes for everyone). everyone jes be realistic when they rp and we shouldnt have a problem.
OOC: cant we all jes get along? dont feel bad. twi's known for being straightforward. but he's still me bro :D !
OOC: since when am i a comedian? i dont even know whats making who laugh. :D and i think its great we're posting within our posts. Cloud sees a new member on the site. Welcome, TotalDarkness! Name's HardCore. Post lots and know the rules. Most of all, have fun! he types.
Cloud clicks his pm box. Hmmm... Oh, here it is. "SpunkyGirl's pic." Cloud clicks the title. The picture starts to load. But suddenly, it stops! (lets say it was loading from bottom to top for some reason) All he can see is the girl's midsection revealing just a blue shirt. What am I gonna do? This computer is crap! I know, I'll just act like I saw it. Cloud starts to reply back to SpunkyGirl, You look cool. OOC: i couldnt stop smiling, typing this. Cloud's clueless. :D :D :D