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  1. Rena88

    Ed It Out

    OOC: twi! keep your elbow outta my ribs! it hurts! *shoves twi* (we're gonna get yelled at for posting only OOCs)
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Rena88

    Ed It Out

    OOC: if you think im crawling out of this corner, youre wrong. its warm! :D
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Rena88

    Ed It Out

    OOC: i was celebrating, not rubbing it in. sorry. didnt know you guys were keeping your eyes on it. *balls up in a corner*
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Rena88

    Ed It Out

    OOC: *does a little dance* that'll probably be the only millennium post i get. :cool:
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Rena88


    im bored too. thats probably why i freaked. :D
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Rena88

    Ed It Out

    OOC: 2000 posts! yay! i feel so special now. XP
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Rena88


    *jumps back in fear*

    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Rena88
    i wanna say its at the world in between (kinda like twilight town). but don't take my word for fact.
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Rena88
    Lady Luck

    How many times do you have to ring the bell at traverse town to reveal the keyhole?
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Rena88
    this song is awesome! its funny and rockin at the same time. :D
    Princes and Frogs
    by Superchi[k]
    (the guys sing this)

    All princes start as frogs
    And all gentlemen as dogs.
    Just wait til its plain to see,
    What we’re growing up to be.
    ‘Cause some frogs will still be frogs
    Some dogs will still be dogs.
    But some boys could become men,
    Just don’t kiss us til then.

    You hate men is what you say
    And I understand how you feel that way.
    All girls dream of a fairy tale,
    But what you’ve got’s like a used car salesmen,
    Trying to conceal what's wrong behind a smile and a song.
    And I'm not saying that boys are not like that.
    But I think you should know,
    That some of us will grow.
    Because. . .

    All princes start as frogs
    And all gentlemen as dogs.
    Just wait til its plain to see,
    What we’re growing up to be.
    ‘Cause some frogs will still be frogs
    Some dogs will still be dogs.
    But some boys could become men,
    Just don’t kiss us til then.

    You found him is what you say
    And we all want you to feel that way.
    The frog you've got is cute enough to kiss
    And maybe frogs seem like that's all there is.
    But just because you haven't found your prince yet,
    Doesn't mean you're not still a princess.
    What if your prince comes riding in,
    While your kissing a frog, what's he gonna think then?
    So look into his eyes.
    Are you a princess or a fly?

    All princes start as frogs
    And all gentlemen as dogs.
    Just wait til its plain to see,
    What we’re growing up to be.
    ‘Cause some frogs will still be frogs
    Some dogs will still be dogs.
    But some boys could become men,
    Just don’t kiss us til then.​
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Rena88

    Ed It Out

    OOC: no, Riku's fine. its jes thinking about him gives me a heavy conscience. (inside joke) :D
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Rena88
    i was jes trying to be courteous, thats all, Roxas. and i agree with twi that you should try to quit, Lithium. i know its very hard for people, but youd feel so much better. dont end up like my uncle. he had a triple bipass surgery because he was so messed up. now hes gotta drag around an oxygen tank wherever he goes.
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Rena88

    Ed It Out

    OOC: yay! some peace. and why do i always get Riku cookies? its not like i own him or anything...
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Rena88
    now this IS off topic. i encourage you, Roxas, and everyone else who reads this, to continue refusing alcohol (drugs and such as well). ive seen it mess people up and its all they think about and live off of nowadays. its really sad...:(
    k, im done digressing
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Rena88
    darn internet guys. :mad: someone should disconnect their internet.

    *gives ya a big hug and some cookies*
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Rena88
    and you are...
    nah, youre cool, Kairi. :D
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Rena88
    if i do sound childish, im sorry. but im 18 and very rooted into christianity (not because of my parents or anyone else but of my own accord).

    i hate the word religion. it makes people's beliefs seem like nothing more than another watercooler topic. and what you were saying about how different religions support different opinions about sex/marriage only supports my belief of manipulation. i am a christian (i dont like just saying christian cuz its more than a title, but that would be completely off topic). i dont believe that any other religion is the absolute truth, if any truth at all (not to put anyone down). so when people say its okay to have multiple wives or its wrong to have sex period, i disagree. i dont choose to stay abstinent until marriage just because the Bible says its wrong, i choose it because i believe it is right and the Bible makes that belief even stronger for me. sex isnt evil or wrong. but it can be when its abused.
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Rena88
    a little off topic, religion is not causing world problems, its what people have twisted it into. using it to satisfy their own wants. saying their doing something for God, just because they think its a reason no one will argue against or question. back on topic, sex is stupid if not performed in the appropriate manner (wedlock). thats my belief.
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Rena88


    my cats are annoying. my tortise is lots more lovable. :D
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Rena88
    good job, Claryssa. you were able to put into words what i couldnt.
    Post by: Rena88, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone