crud, does sheba have healing powers? you had to give jenna something to make her a healer (i think). felix eventually learns some kind of healing too. it'd help if i could remember...
another game i haven't played in awhile... well, i think jupiter djinn are very effective against the serpent(venus djinn are not). so, maybe try using a couple summons. i always had it where felix, pier, and sheba would attack while jenna would jes focus on healing the party. hope that helps a little. :o
*sighs* is no place sacred anymore...?
thats ok. my brother has trouble spelling benjamin and its his middle name (plus hes 22). XDDD
good vid, vince. what song is that? i've heard it before but i can't remember the name.
it sure isn't going to be me. :D
haha! twas a joke, Kairi's so gullible. :D tell Cait she's an awesome writer too.
it sounds almost like song lyrics. *drools* you're too talented. jk
i shouldve spotted this part earlier. glad i stumbled on it. it jes keeps getting better. ...and you blame me for being secretive...
nah, i already knew bout Aerith dying the way she did (go youtube :p ). plus, ive seen advent children. so no surprise.
great, as always. i definitely have to play FF. :D
it would be cool to be Riku. and jecht, were you the one that said Riku's an idiot? cause i think its funny how ironic this seems. :D
*choking from huggles* 100 posts for me! yay! im not a complete n00b now! kh-vids members rock!
i'm not gonna list everyone, too many. but i like the people i rp and spam with (that narrows it down to like 100 people, not really :p :D ). The only person i don't like is NRA. brain eaters are not cool! :D jk-youre cool NRA btw, i'm closest to twi and ruf, if you haven't already noticed :p
hahaha! that was so funny. i think its great when people make corny vids. :D
Canadians make great bacon. jk. i jes couldnt resist. :D
im a n00b! shes a n00b! hes a n00b! their a n00b! we're all n00bs! shows what a n00b i am even though ive got like a bazillion posts in the rp and spam zone.
i live in the great state of Illinois! (USA of course) where the weather never knows what it wants. patty cake right? thats always torture. :p
i heard about em and its hilarious! darn Wii players. :D