Xarend appears 50 feet away from you two "how toching...i thought his would be one on one...but i guess killing two will count"
ooc: o well then discard what i did
ooc: i dont remember what page but it was when i light the place on fire
ooc: well before you guys always come here and its just my voice im not acully int there
every one hears xarend's voice "no armor...incase u dont kno i dont need armor and Doxyc plan is almost complete ur all to late"
Xarend jumps in front of the portal "i cant let u go"
Xarend smirked agian "i like darkness i finally get my dream"
ooc: regard what this siad Xarend smriked "in case u didnt kno doxyc was pure darkness i am pure light. .. ur incapable to beat me
"yea i kno" Xarend says
ooc:OMG someone post
"ttthhheeerrree wwwaaasss llliiikkkeee ooonnneee"
Xarend apears by u two in the fetual postion "to many freaks"
ooc: someone post
Xarend's head strats to hurt so he unhooks one part of his chain and skids on the ground about 15 feet and he get up and his ead is bleeding "i really should not of done that... o well Xarend extends his arms and his other keyblades come back to him..."now where were we"
ooc: witch is why i siad it is good and bad
ooc: my chain on my pants is hooded to it so im spining really witch is good and bad
"to easy" Xarend says and jumps on your Karxo's Destroyer and rides it around u swinging my Lurebreaker at you from every direction as i ride ur keyblade
Xarend swing his three keyblades at Roka rapiedly
"im going back to halloween town to laugh at the freaks"Xarend says
ooc: no i fliped over u and my chains on my pants went around the top of ur keyblades and it went out of ut hand