ooc:wow you guys are confuscion me
xarend smiled "go right ahead...i get roka"
Xarend looks at Blade "this is going to be one fight..." Xarend looks around "this will decide what will happen..." ooc: i dont kno what his story is...i just want him to get on so we can fight
Xarend sits on the clock tower he takes his serpant croos and hs lura-breaker keyblades and combindes them to make his Scythe keyblade, and he takes his broken world and viper keyblades and forms them to make his Broken Melody keyblade. "like i siad...no holding back"
Xarend appears in twightlight town and runs around in circles...Xarend has no armor he has a white shirt and white long pants with alot of chains on them..."WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!"
ooc: no i have not found it yet...ive been busy...so yea
xarend smiled "dont worrie...im always ready"
ooc: yes i think ur fight would be kool...and rokuxioon i will find the part
ooc: what about the big fight rokuxion and roka vs Xarend and blade...i think that will be a big fight...and rokuxion doxyc almost killed u in the big fight u two had
ooc: how come no one is posting
"i think ur right..." he closes his eyes...and sences people comeing "its roka and rokuxion...this will be one battle" he has all four of his keyblades at his side "and this time..." he opens hs eyes "i wont hold back"
The Final Betrayal
ooc: does doxyc and I still get to fight roka and rokuxion
ooc: you guys do kno that me and doxyc are in twightlight town on a building like right in from of Jaxed rp: Xarend sits on the building...with doxyc at his side
Xarend looked at the city
Xarend looked away and clinched his fist..."your right..." he looks at you "but when you mix us together...we are unstopable"
Xarend looked at Blade "how come we are so differnt...but so much alike"
Xarend smiled...his hair turning almost a white "how come you opened your heart to Darkness...and im about to open my heart to light..."
Xarend looks at him "so i see your true power has come out...is that right...blade"
Xarend sits on a town in Twightlight town "man i wanna hurt someone..." his broken world keyblade...(now fixed) in his hand...he was twirling it around.