Xarend walks into the mansion
Xarens smirked and started walking to the mansion
Xarend keeps walking forword and says "yea and i became a freat worrior by not getting affect by people" and then turns and looks at u while your attacking "i am emotionless"
Xarend gets both keyblades in his and anf walks over to roka
Xarend gets hit in the chest and rolls backward and gets up...his eye glowing white
Xarend smirked "so u dont care if you die...ok i let u die"
Xarend srtands up and watches Zona help him
Xaren takes one keyblade and pushes it down on roka's chest "be quite...or ur blood will be on him"
Xarend lookd at Noza " you help him and you will be in wourse condition than him" Xarend has his keyblade in his hand
Xarend smirked "i dont need your heart...i dont need a heart"
Xarend walks over and nells over you..."i could kill you right now...but you bore me so ill let you live"
Xarend walks over to roka...with a smirk on his face
Xarend smirks and licks the blood off his face...he then picks you up "ur blood is so tasty" Xarend then throws you agian into a building
ooc:oh...ok rp: Xarend sees that Roka's keyblade is to low to block he keeps his keyblade going and it conncects with roka's ribcage
ooc:...to many rule lol jk jk...and roka...did u lift ur keyblade where ur ribcage is...or where
Xarend throws one keyblade at u and it rikashase my and urs out of the way...i then swing my keyblade with all my might toward ur ribcage ooc: i g2g be back 2marro...SEEYA
Xarend gets and and charges at you ooc: ok ill get u
Xarend jumps at u but the secert keyblade u swong hits me from my right and i fly to the left ooc: and y is that
Xarend swings his keyblades and they conncect with roka's
ooc: ok, lets get back to the fight