Xarend jumpps and lands on the keyblades going for my head and faces you with a smirk "hmp simple tricks"
Xarend Blocks two of them but then one of the othrer ones hit my side and the other one misses "four keyblades...this looks like a challenge" Xarend kicks off of the wall and goes over u and one of ur keyblades gets hooded by my chans and it halls into my hand "now its even"
"sounds like fun" Xarend then smiles
"it was ok" Xarend said
ooc: yea ^_^
fine well this is when they r comeing down on me rp: Xarend quickly draws his keyblades and blocks it "owww man im scared"
ooc: Duel wielder u just power played
hello...how ru
Xarend smriks "yes i did...u going to attack me or what" Xarend still stands there with a smirk on his face
xarend walks up "Man is every place around here wired"
Xarend stands away from all the heartless...he leans up agienst a wall his pants now white with more chains on them now "there doing what we want them to do" he smriks "and they siad they were strong...guess there nothing what they say there are"
ooc: i g2g 2marro will somebody tell me what happends Xarend walks over to Doxyc "u will be ok... here" he hands u an orb
ooc: ok Xarend says"looks like im keyblade less" he smile sbut then two new keyblades appeared in his hands. it was the Serphant cross keyblade and the Lure-breaker keyblade
ooc: so should what i did count yes or no
ooc: yea but shattered sounded cooler so i did that
ooc: i jammed them into really freakin fast rotateing keyblades what eles would they of dont...stay together not really
ooc: i like what i did ^_^
ooc: srry i had to get off rp: Xarend Noticed that Hemixuka's keyblades were the only thing that could stop the cannon if it was going at that speed so Xarend Ran up and grabed his keyblades and thrugh them into Hemixuka's keyblades...that made my shatter but his slow down
Xarend jumps back and slams his keyblades in the ground and he strats charging at Hemixuka. Xarend keyblades start glowing white and he jumps and his keyblades lift out of the gound with ease and he throws them at Hemixuka