OOC: Srry gtg bbl
" Cut it out!!!" Ayanna yelled at him. " Terra is controling them."
" Those are innocent people you're killing." She yelled and landed in front of him.
Ayanna looked over at Ren. " What an idiot." She said and quickly flew over to stop him.
" I can't..... there has to be some other way."
Slowly she shook her head. " I...I can't." she said almost a whisper.
Her eyes widened in absolute horror.
Ayanna slowly landed. She didn't know what to do.
Ayanna didn't know how to defeat them without hurting them.
Ayanna flew up and over all of the people.
Ayanna just chuckled.
" I'm not proud of what I've done, and I'm not proud to have these." Ayanna said letting out her wings, " But I know what I did was wrong and that I'll never be able to fully make up for it but I'm ready to try."
Alec snarled when he saw Megumi. " It's what we stand for." She said defiantly.
" Monster." Ayanna said. " So how is this going to work?" Alec asked her. " I wish I knew."
Ayanna nodded. " I'm comming too."
Alec leaped out of the hole and landed on Ayanna, " Thank god." She said. When she finally got him off her she looked over at Terra and noticed all the people. " What in the world." Both Alec and Ayanna said at the same time.
Ayanna looked at Blade with a thankful expression. Quickly she started digging through the dirt until she finally saw his paw that was also trying to dig through the dirt. " Alec." She said letting out the breath she was holding. With both of them digging it didn't take very long before the hole was big enough so he could get out.
" ALEC!!" Ayanna screamed into the ice banging on it. She gathered all kinds of different sharp things and started just throwing them at the ice. Some made small cracks but it still wasn't enought to get him out before he suffocated.
When she there was no response from Alec, Ayanna started to panic, quickly she used the swords to try to penetrate the ice that was covering the hole but for some reason they couldn't break through. " **** it." Ayanna said trying harder and harder.
Ayanna landed next to the hole and tried to communicate with Alec, making sure he was ok.