" Thanks... but I can take him if you want." She said, feeling kind of bad.
" Are you sure? " Ayanna said.
" Ayanna." she said, helping him.
" Sure...." Ayanna said.
" I guess." Ayanna said.
" Well just because I'm a fallen angel doesn't mean I can't be a good person." She said.
Ayanna turned to him. " What do you mean?" She asked.
Ayanna just stood there, right before they died they foggyness in their minds dissapeared and she could hear their thoughts, and none of them were pleasant.
Ayanna looked up at Michael. " These are innocent people." She said flying up to him.
Ayanna flew over to Ren and pulled him out of the way. What kind of soldier faints at the sight of blood? Then she flew over and landed next to Blade. " What now?" She asked.
Ayanna looked up at the people.
Ayanna looked away from the scene, she felt that if she saw it then she would puke.
Ayanna was so focused on controling Terra that she didn't notice the piece of ice comming strait for her.
Ayanna tried harder. If I could just stop her for 5 seconds that should give Ren enough time to get her.
Ayanna focused hard on Terra. It was harder to control people because they had their own mind. She had only been able to do it a couple times before and that was when her powers were at full force, unlike now when they were failing.
Ayanna nodded, " I can try I guess."
Ayanna nodded kind of surprised that he was talking to her seriously.
Ayanna landed next to Ren, she was actually quite impressed that he was beating her.
OOC: Sorry i gtg even though I just got on, be back in like a half an hour
Ayanna followed Ren, hoping he wouldn't do anything dumb.