It was all right; could have been better.
How are you?
It was all right. Could have been better.
...I actually saw Twilight. ._.
I finally saw Twilight. xD
Woah, I haven't been on in ages.... I've been all right. How are you?
'Tis fine. Some other time, I guess.
You'll get the opportunity, I bet. ^^ School promoted it.
Yeah. It was so cool. The twins are awesome, Mike is awesome (I talked to him the most), the substitute drummer is cool, and Jasen is awesome. And...
Already Over ~ Red They throw the most epic concerts. 8D
What? It's dA. >_> Fine...I'll copy it. I'm going to copy the other thing too; I think you should know about it. Red Envelope Campaign This is...
Yayz! Also read the first bit too; it would be a good thing to get involved in.
I'll just give you the link to my dA journal. It's all explained there. xD
Do you want details or will that make you more jealous? xD
THAT CONCERT WAS SO EPIC. 8DIgot to meet them. X3
Pfft, don't do that. xD I g2g in a few.
My Life Be Like ~ Grits
Yeah, I read that somewhere. Yeah, I read that on their site or on their myspace. Forgot which. xD
Yeah, but Comatose has the most sales/downloads than any of their other albums. It's almost twice the amount of Collide. And they might even mix...