I'm glad. I was worried about you last night. (naturally XD)
That's good, at least (I sneak on muahahhahaha >3)
I'm good. You? (sorry, I've gtg. I'll talk when I get back, ok? Bye bye)
Yeah, sorry. Kinda snuck up on me.
It's okay. I just got done with a workout. I'll have to leave soon, though; family and I are going out for lunch.
*hugglecuddles softly* shh, it's okay. You're just having a tough week, emotionally. Happens to all of us once in awhile. Certainly happens to...
*huggles* And that's what makes your world go round X3 it wouldn't be fun if the world was flat XD or shaped like a mouse...O_o
O_o.....no I don't XP
Thankies, lil sis XD *nuzzles softly, huggles* X3....ribbit XD
Admit it, you loooooove it XD :glomp:
I do not! The issues have me! X3....waitaminute O.o
*purrs softly in your ear* moooooo....
*huggles* I thinks we can make yuu feel betters X3
I know...anyway, what happened with you today?
Yeah, yeah...XP
He's back now. I'll ttyl. Bye.
It would almost be worth it. He's nearly an hour late.
Blast it, I should make him walk home for this...
Stupid brother is apparently going to make things difficult by being late and not answering his phone, apparently.