Why? What's wrong?
Tired and worried; there are tornadoes touching down where some of my friends are.
Hey. How are you?
Idk lol in the pm or something constructive XD
Ah, well, you should probably put it to good use, then XD
lol oh mai XD
O_o methinks you should slow down or you'll burn out lol ^_^;
O.o how much green tea did you drink??
lol that's okay XD I missed you, though X3
Well, this should be interesting then XD
Lol that's why we need to seal the leak XD
Maybe, but should I be involved with someone, I'll need them in order to be of some real, serious use, not just to make her laugh and be happy XD
Might lose the next batch too lol XD
I wouldn't do that until we learn as to how I lost them, first lol XD
Ha, I'll sing "be kind to your old, ragged wife" XD
Tell that to my short attention span XD
X3 (I'm old. I'm entitled XP lol)
Yay *purrs* X3 (ok, go on and clean up, ya scamp XD lol)
*huggles softly* but you're better now. X3 *snuggles* (pm? Or are you still tired?)