Kinda; company kinda compromised it a little. (pm? You seem to be moving faster; you back on the comp?)
The church loved it. In my opinion, the performance could have been better (we had stage problems, and we were very out of practice), but the...
Lol *hugs, nuzzles softly* Happy Easter, Tifa. X3
*softly hugglecuddles* It's okay, I understand, I need to do the same. I'm doing a performance tomorrow myself, so I need to go ahead and go to...
It's okay, I've been busy myself. Yes, she's fine. Worst thing that happened was a little flood damage, but she was back at work this morning....
Might want to start, then. I need to get some sleep, got a lot to do tomorrow. I'll ttyl. Goodnight.
How many hours a night? A person needs at least 8; less than 4-5 on a regular basis can cause problems. 6 is barely permissable.
That could be a contributing factor to your whispers.
Have you been getting enough sleep? How much sleep do you normally get?
What do the whispers say?
How long has this been going on?
Look, I'm not saying your nuts, but there are some conditions where it might a simple chemical imbalance; if it's medical, it could be treatable....
Have you been diagnosed with any long-term/short-term conditions? (just eliminating all possibilities, please don't take offense)
Whispers, plain as day talking, loud, screaming?
Are you awake, are they real-appearing, do they look human, etc., just...start anywhere...
Describe your "hallucinations."
...fine, have it your way. If you change your mind, I'll listen, without bias.
...I won't judge you, if you tell me. Yeah.
No, seriously, tell me what's up.
What makes you think that?