Ok. I need to go, start loading up my car to go back home. I'll talk to you later, ok? Bye bye.
Yes...some, but it's still an improvement...I'm sorry if I caused you any discomfort with my attitude.
Ah, ok. Sure, not a problem. I was just curious is all.
Why's that? And do you want to continue on the pm?
Ok...are you home now?
For delaying, like this...
I'm sorry...
Ugh, slight change in plans, I'm not going to be able to leave until 2; brother's got a class.
The trip was cancelled. I'm going to take this opportunity to pack and head home. With luck, I'll be able to talk to you soon after you get home...
*lowers head in facepalm*....sorry
*sighs*...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that...this week has just stunk all around. I know you do, and I still want to talk to you, it's just...
I'm so fed up right now, I honestly don't care if I die on his stupid field trip. He's so obsessed with Darwin and evolution, that he frequently...
He's supposed to cancel it if there's rain and thunderstorms, but as full of it as he is, I bet he won't even notice.
We're supposed to get rain and thunderstorms.
brb going to get lunch
I'm not seeing a cancelation email from my prof, so it looks like I'll be in class at the regular time til 5:20. Another field trip to the woods....
When do you get out?
Focus on yourself and school for right now. I'll be fine, for sure, in time.
I'll be fine...I'm just numb from all this.
Yeah...me too.