As did hers,and so on and so forth.Her hands slowly moved from his hair,to his face.Half of her palm rested on his jaw,and the other half on his cheek.This went for both hands.
"I DUN THINK SO!" she said,and began to race against him.
Sada felt his as well,with his body now against hers.It caused her Heart to beat even faster.It was like the two Hearts were beating together in harmony.
I told you mine.My future life should be pretty interesting. I /WILL/ be known! -smashes hand to table-
Oh...sorreh...Ice Cream still at the shopping place,right? :3 "Yay!" she grinned.Then dashed out of the room,pulling him along with her.
Her fingers gently played with his hair.And she softly returned his kiss.She smiled into the kiss as well.Her Heart beginning to take flight.
"UHM..." she thinks for a moment. "Iunno.Wanna get some ice cream?"
She stopped speaking,his finger on her lips now.She smiled a little,and slowly closed her eyes as he kissed her.Her fingers tangled in the hair on the back of his head.
"Eep!" she squeaked,startled a bit.She quickly goes back to her seat.
Ah,darn it. >> She really didn't want him to stop,but she went along with it anyway.She opened her eyes part-way,and smiled back as she stared into his.She got ready to tell him something that she had been wanting to since they woke up. "Sora...Remember that question you asked me yesterday?About,if I would bear your child?" she asked.She leaned in closer to his face. "It's going to come about nine months." she whispered softly,gently tapping his nose with her index finger.Hoping he would get the message.
x3 Muahaha. Her grip upon his neck grew a little tighter.And she leaned into it a bit,feeling his hand on the back of her head.Okay,let's go with /that/ whole 'together' view. :3
'YUP!" she replied.A happy-go-lucky mood inside.
Haha,nice. 8D And yus.VERY fun. ;3
Ooh,Sora's gonna French..... x3 She smiled to herself as she felt his.Then opened her mouth a little as well.It probably was destiny that brought them together.But true love is what will keep them together.
Pssh. My game graphix are gonna own yours. Guess what. For Christmas,I got a 3D Game Designer. Haha. x3
I will try... "Aww,nobody will think you're a freak!" she replied cheerfully.Then a group of three preps passed by,laughing and pointing at poor Koneko.
Mmm... Nah. Thanks for the offer. But I am gonna try and see if Square will work with me. Pretty kick-arse graphix. ;3
Pssh. You wish. I shall create the most memorable game in HISTORY!! Muahahahahaha. x3
Me? On America's Most Wanted. Being known as the 'Ninja Poker'. x3 That,or going into the video gaming business. :3
Okay,then! Let's us continue with our other one,too.:3 "Meep!" the girl,named Kyouko,squeaked.Being bumped into by a kitty boy.She is about ready to kick his head off,her being the leader of the Martial Arts club.But then turns and sees it is the new kid. "..........." she stared at the boy,with a '._.' expression on her face.Before,going to a "HIYA!" with an '8D' expression on her face.