She smiled as well,being snuggled with.Her head gently nuzzled into his chest.He felt really warm.And her eyes slowly began to close.
"Yup..." she replied,hearing it as well. "Wanna go to sleep?"
"Well,of course!What's the point of buying clothes if they don't fit?" she smiled.Before dragging him towards the back of the door,and pushing him friendly-like into a changing stall.
Two people come to mind: Jack Sparrow,and Jack Skellington. XD
Oh,I forgot to ask: When is the wedding? XD She smiled faintly as he did that.Her fingers swayed gently up and down his back.And somewhere in the town,there was a large clock,like Big Ben.It rang with a 'BONG!BONG!' sound.It rang about ten times.It was 10:00.
She smiled brightly as well.Her index finger twirled a lock of his spikeh hair around.
She smiled softly.Sada leaned up,and gently kissed the tip of his nose.
"Great!" she said. "Do you wanna continue,or is his enough for now?"
She smiled back,and mouth out three words,without sound. "I love you..." was mouthed.
After a few more moments,she slowly parted from the kiss.Her eyes opened half-way.One hand moved so it would gently caress his cheek again.
Her grip continued to tighten as his did.Her Heart beat even faster.A question was starting to go through her mind.A lot of them,actually. 'Boy or Girl?What are we gonna name it?When is it coming?'
"Huzzah!Now,how 'bout this top?" she asked.It was an over-lapping shirt,or a duel-shirt.The shirt-shirt part was read,with a Japanese logo for 'Dude' on it.The under part,or the long-sleeved part,was black.
Her hold tightened as his did.Now they were engaged.And in a few months,they would be married;husband and wife.Then a few more months after that,they'd be a mum and dad.That was the future.For now,she just wanted the present to be great.She almost forgot they were still in a swimsuit.Haha.XD
"How about this?" she asked.She held up a pair of dark blue baggy pants.
Oh.Pssh.Duh. She didn't want this to end,either.Her grip on his neck grew tighter,not ever wanting to let go.
"Sure" she replied with a smile.
Whoa,where did the bed come from? Oo Her arms moved back around his neck.Also becoming warm with him.This was the happiest day of her far.
"Meow." she winked,a ;3 on her face.
She smiled in reply as he deepened the kiss.She returned the kiss,loving his body's warmth.Her free hand slowly and gently caressed his cheek.
Kyouko panted,and chuckled as well. "'re not so bad yourself..."