She continued to stare at him, in glad disbelief. "Sora!" she exclaimed happily. Tears of happiness stinging her eyes. She suddenly embraced him lovingly, her arms going tightly around him. "Sora... it's you... It's really you..." she whispered, almost beginning to sob.
Haha, is cute. XD Sada tilted her head slightly as he opened his eyes. After he spoke, she thought for a moment. Before it all came back to her. "S...Sora?" she asked softly, her eyes wide. 'Finally.... after three years... he's home...' she thought, happily. 'Is it really him?' No. Something was wrong here. Sora had blue eyes. This person... had yellow.
She wanted to sing the little girl a lullaby. Hush a bye, Don't you cry. Go to sleep, My little baby. When you wake, You shall have All the pretty little- And it was cut off by Sora falling to the ground in her house. The baby didn't make a sound. She was asleep. Hearing the thud, she gently placed Kurisataru in her crib. And set off to find the sound. She gasped, startled by the sight of Sora passed out on the ground. She thought he looked familiar, but she didn't no why. Three years have passed, so she obviously wouldn't have recognized him. "S-Sir?" she asked, kneeling down beside him. She placed a hand on his shoulder, and shook him gently. "Sir? Are you okay?"
How long has it been? Three years.... ------------ A girl stared out of the window of her house. She was a teenager; eighteen, to be exact. She stood there, staring, everyday. For three years. Waiting... The silence in the house was suddenly broken by the sound of a baby crying. The girl left the window and moved quickly towards the sound. She picked up the baby;a baby girl, and cradled her in her arms. The baby's name plate was on the foot of her crib: "Kurisataru." Crystal. The memory of that horrible day flashed into the young mother's mind: Her love, suddenly taken away. And he hasn't returned. She sighed softly. Beginning to lose hope in him ever returning back. For now, the home they were in belonged to a family that was broken apart with death. Sada's house. Her house.
Aww, YAY! I am included in teh list. And Sada in teh title! wh00t! 8D Now then.... -cough- Shall we continue? x3
Nuu... why the end? D: She watched with horror as Sora was suddenly gone in Darkness. Gone... "Sora!" she cried out, reaching towards him. But, it was too late. It was no use. He was gone.... She fell to her knees in the soft sand, and buried her face into his hands. Sobbing. He was gone.... NOW LE END.
She blinked after he kissed her. 'It doesn't seem okay... I'm very worried. What if this gets out of control?' she thought desperately. Her eyes met his. Staring into them with concern.
She continued to stare in worry. 'Is it...happening again? Is he... going Anti?' she thought. She took a step closer to him. "It doesn't look like nothing... Sora, we need to get you some help." she said, looking up at his face. Her expression was filled with worry and concern.
Uh,oh.... =O She smiled and stood up as well after the castle was done. "It looks great." she complimented on him. She turned to look at him, to see him looking down at his hands. She looked at them as well, and gasped silently. They were black. "Are you okay?! What's going on?"
" He did?" she asked, watching him build the castle. She got down onto her knees beside him, and helped him make the castle as well. It was beginning to get late into the morning, and the tide was low. The soft sound of the gently crashing waves made this seem like a romantic scene,
Sada looked down at the sand he placed her on. Then gasped with happy surprise. "Yes! I remember! The tide kept coming in and ruining it. Eventually, Riku let us use his dad's boogie board as a shield until it was done." she replied, before looking at him. Smiling. "Such happy times...."
"Okay..." she said, taking his hand as they walked down the hall. Soon everyone was on Destiny Islands once more. It was sunny, and warm. The two were on the little Play Island, some distance away from the Main Land. As for Roxas and Karura? .....I dunno. :/ "Wow... it's been a while since I've been here. But... It's so beautiful!" she said happily, a bright smile on her face as she looked at the little Island. Ah,the memories...
She smiled weakly to herself, as he buried her face into his chest. And as he held her closer. Her fingers clung to the front of his shirt. Now not ever wanting to let go. Ever. However, all good things must come to an end. After a moment or so of loving silence, she looked up at him. "Should we go?" she asked softly. I apologize. I have no idea as to where our location is... :/
"And..." she replied softly. "I will always be with you, in your Heart. So whenever you feel alone, you won't be..." she said,feeling his tears fall down. Her grip around him got tighter, trying to comfort him.
To Roxaslook-alike: Basically.... I think... Xemnas kidnapped Karura and Sada.And,Sora and Roxas basically just destroyed some of the Org. to get them back. I unno. o.o;; Her tears did not cease completely. But, they fewered in numbers. She looked up at him, tears still in her eyes. Another moment passed,before she buried her face into his chest again. "I know......" she replied softly, fighting oncoming tears. "I love you,too..... So much....." she choked. She was so scared;so afraid, she would never see him again. Ever....
Whoa,I'm back. :3 "AH!" she cried out,suddenly being kidnapped by teh Org. members. "Let me go!" she struggled to break free,but it did no use. And then she vanished. "Sora!" she said,the second she saw him again. How long had it been? A week...? She embraced him,almost crying, before he picked her up and they escaped. Soon they were safe. (I am only sucking on this post because I missed oh so much. D: ) And did not let go, she didn't. She only held onto him tighter, her head buried into his chest. She was so scared.... So scared.... Her shoulders shook a little. Muffled sounds of crying were faintly heard. And his shirt got a little damp in one spot from her tears.
"Eh.... It doesn't look very cute right now..." she sighed,with a '>>' expression on her face. Blowing a strand of an outofplace hair from her face. "Oh,well.He'll get bored.Sooner or later..." she plopped down lazily. Joining her luff by laying down. Bored now. The clock in the town bonged. 1 O Clock...
XDDDD LMAO. That made me laugh so much. x3 "MEEP" she squeaked at Sora's actions. She looked at the direction that Sora threw his Keyblade. She gasped silently,and quickly pulled the blanket over her. Like a little kid hiding from the monster under his bed. "Mehn.... Doesn't he wanna spy on Roxas or something?" she groaned silently to Sora. Surprised she had even known his name. She had never met him before,it just kinda...came out of her mouth. Why.... 'You don't want to go through with this,young Keyblade Master...' somebody thought to himself,staring at the couple from a different angle.Outside. Watching them through a Portal thing that acted like a TV to spy on the two. 'If you do... It could mean a great loss....' he thought. Smirking evilly to himself. He chuckled evilly,then disappeared in a different portal. Who was it?
Yeah,it could be Riku. I was kinda torn up about it. I mean,what would Axel be doing with Riku? Maybe that was before Diz got to her? O.o :?
Erm... Not exactly convincing. Sorry... D: Yeah,Axel could be talking to Roxas about Castle Oblivian.But Roxas wouldn't say that with a happy face on him. I wanna make a guess-translation: Axel is talking to Roxas about the Organization,blah blah blah. Axel: Oh,yeah. And there was one person that got rid of all of them. Roxas: Who? Axel: Your original. Sora. Roxas:............ Axel: Roxas? Roxas:I want to meet him. Axel: Huh? Roxas: This Sora person...I want to meet him. (If you look at the subtitles in the picture where Roxas is smiling like '=D',it even has Sora's Kanji in it. :3) ----------------------- Axel is talking to the cloaked figure and Namine. Who that cloaked person is,I unno.Most likely Xemnas. Axel: His mind is made up. He really wants to meet this guy. Xemnas: ........... Namine: There isn't much use in stopping him. -smile- He had a strong Heart. Xemnas: He has no Heart. -look to Axel- Axel, go get Roxas. Axel: Can't. He's already gone. -shrug- Xemnas: Then go find him. Tell him he has to return to the Organization....... or else. Axel: ................ ----------------- And that's where the whole Axel saying 'I have orders to destroy you,blah blah blah,if you refuse to come back with me'.