I have,a couple of times.Never knew why. You'll get through it.Wanna feel better? Cuddle with a pillow or favorite stuffed animal. :)
Okay,then.So then if Sora's swimshorts materialized onto him,then her swimsuit did the same to her....I guess? "Okay." she replied,also smiling.She was trying her best to forget what had just happened. What is Sora planning? :3
And what is that he remembered,pray tell. She,too,had noticed the sun finally setting.Looks like they had slept in more than she thought.She smiled,happily this time,at his question. "....Sure..." she replied.
Sada tilted her head up a little,as if to look at the boy holding her.She smiled weakly as he ran his hand on the top of her head. "No problem..." she replied.
Apparently. ;3 Haha.
She kinda stared down at the ground,as he took her into his arms.She could hear him crying a little. "It's okay..." she crooned softly,and placed her hands on his arms around her.Though,she wasn't so sure herself.I'm not sure Sora would think so,either,had he had been in her position.
LMAO,Misty. So,it appears that I am now gonna marry Darkness. :3
Whoa....bad,Sora. -slap- She inhaled another sharp breath,it felt...weird.And,she /was/ kinda frightened.The chains had vanished after Sora had turned back to normal.Still in shock,she stumbled back into Sora's arms.
She tried to back away from him,but was too late.He had already bined her in that weird,black string stuff.Sada struggled to break free,but it seemed the chains were too strong.She inhaled sharply as her eyes widened.It felt weird,being touched by someone,or something,besides her luff.
She looked down and watched with horror as his body went black. "S-Sora?" she asked,hoping that what was happening wasn't what she thought it was.Then his eyes opened.It was... haha,thought so. XD
She gasped silently,her eyes widened yet again. "Sora!" she said,shaking him gently,a little.She picked him up best she could,and held him close.She didn't like it when bad things happened to him,for no reason. I take it bad choice?If so...too bad. >:3
Her eyes widened and she blinked,surprised.She placed her hand on his shoulder.Hoping it would comfort him.
Tried it,didn't work...back to bowling. XD But,seriously...Having problems. >>
Oh.... Bad,Shadow Sora.You mean,he is going tie her up,and....do that stuffs? Bad. >> "H-Huh?" she tilted her head a little.She knew about Anti-Sora,but then Sora was still in control then.But Dark Sora?It confused her. "What do you mean?"
She sat up as he did,but then her smile faded as he got onto his knees and puting his hands on his head.She quickly went over to him,and kneeled down beside him. "Are you okay?" she asked,worried.
Haha,busted. XDD She didn't seem to notice his clothes materializing back onto him.Then returned his smile.It didn't seem like anything could spoil this....except for the fact that she knew they were gonna be parents in about 9 months.Wow,looks like what Sora was trying to do worked. XD
Haha.Well,/Sora/ still is.She got dressed a bit,remember? :3 She continued to smile brightly as his hands were placed behind his head.She just nuzzled even more,before looking up at him.She tilted her head a little,at his,cough,'noticing' expression. "Something wrong?"
Her smile just grew as he held her closer and tighter. "I love you,too,Sora..." she replied.Before nuzzling her forehead into his chest.
She opened her eyes as he did,only not as slow,and they opened all the way.She stared back into his eyes.Before smiling brightly.