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  1. 2Foxxie4U
    I have blackish-brown hair in cornrols going into a bun at the back.

    It's cool, but it only lasts, liek, a month TTwTT; Mom was so mad when she found out, but she should really be more specific about which kinda hairstyles she wants me to have. Srsly.
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. 2Foxxie4U
    What's a kettle?


    Is that like a pot or something?

    Lolz - I said pot. X'DDD
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. 2Foxxie4U
    To everyone that posted, thank you OOGLES for making my day and posting... TTwTT; You guys have NO idea how much that meant to me. srsly. It's nice to know that I'm not COMPLETELY washed up... ^^;

    Lolz, well, anyways, I can't say that I'll really COME BACK to this site... Meaning I'll actually dwell on it like I used to, but PLEASE visit me on dA! DX Folks on DA get TONS more things than you guys do - little side stories that are filled with too much 1337 for the site, awesome fanfic clips that I just HAD to upload because my friends and I are TOTAL drama whores when it comes to RPs and...

    Just visit me there, okay? ;w; I think it's safe to say that my time on KHV (or forums in general) is up, but dA has got a LOOOONG way to go - I can see it.

    Thnx, gaiz! ;~; *uber huggles*

    STILL the Lord of the Wings,
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 14, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. 2Foxxie4U

    Who said anything about it being a meme? This isn't a meme... It's... something slightly ******ed. XD

    Just my taste. XD
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. 2Foxxie4U
    Huuuuh...? 8D

    *blinks like she understands*
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. 2Foxxie4U
    Lost the game.

    LOLOLOL. Spread the loss for internation Lose-the-game day! 8DDD

    Confused? Don't know what this "game" is? Then go here.
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 8, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. 2Foxxie4U
    Would Kairi count?

    Honestly, woman. It's like Disney (and I say Disney because Squeenix's female characters are uber bad-ass) only made you to sit there, look pretty, and get kidnapped. ESPECIALLY in KH 2.

    I laughed at the fact that Kairi didn't even do THAT in CoM. She was only a memory... That Sora soon forgot.

    How sad.
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Aug 7, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. 2Foxxie4U
    The Finale! >D

    Because I should, not neccesarily because I want to.

    I came back for some random reason, and when I saw someone posted in my Christmas Special, I felt warm and fuzzy inside and decided to give you guys this in return... TTwTT

    I've been holding onto this for a while... I didn't think there'd be much of a reason to update it, but for the few people who still care, here ya go. <3 BEWARE - this = 1337, unproofed version because I'm a lazy, ghey tub of lard.



    Revolution (Finale)​

    As the two power-mad competitors jumped on the dance pad, Marluxia glanced over Demyx, a sly smirk on his face. “May I do the honors…?†the Graceful Assassin asked.
    “Sure – you’re gonna get your butt handed to you no matter WHAT you choose,†Demyx scoffed back.
    “We’ll se about that…†Marluxia grumbled, flipping through songs.

    While that was going on, Larxene silently stalked up to Xigbar, and grabbed his hand. He blinked, completely dumbfounded, and turned to her. “What—?!â€
    She put a finger to her lips, shaking her head, and began leading him away. No one seemed to notice their absence…

    Except for one particular blonde gambler, that is. Luxord’s eyes narrowed into slits as he watched the two stealthily make their escape. Why that little… He huffed angrily, slinking from shadow to shadow, following after them. Where do THEY think they’re going?!

    He crouched down and peeked around a corner to see the two caught up in what seemed to be an important discussion. Xigbar was leaning against a wall, listening to Larxene talk with a somewhat incredulous look on his face. He rarely seemed to interrupt, though when he did, Larxene listened intently. She didn’t angrily cut him off or snap at him like one would expect from her.

    Though Luxord strained to listen, he couldn’t make out a single word either of them said – just low, urgent murmuring. His face flushed with indignant rage. What could they be TALKING about that’s so important that they’d have to leave and go by themselves like this?! What is she SAYING to him?!

    Suddenly, Xigbar’s face lit up in sudden realization, and Luxord could hear him give a long, “Ohhhhhhhh…!â€
    “Yeah… See, that’s what I was trying to tell you…â€

    Luxord leaned forward trying to catch more of their secretive conversation, when he heard Marluxia give a loud, “Ah-HAH! This looks like it’ll be a good one!â€

    Larxene looked up. “Ah… Looks like the two boneheads are starting again… C’mon, let’s go – we’ll talk about this more later.â€

    Luxord pressed his body against the wall, trying not to call attention to himself. Damn that limey bloke…! He couldn’t have chosen a worse time to make his bloody decision, could he?!

    He held his breath as the two passed him; they didn’t seem to notice he was there. He sighed in relief, and was about to head off behind them as if nothing had happened, when Larxene called out behind herself, “Yo, LUX! You comin’ or what?!â€

    Luxord stared at the blonde, astonished. H…How did she…?! Oh, forget it! With an angry grunt, he followed after the two.

    Demyx was smirking at Marluxia’s choice as if he were an idiot for even considering it. The arrogant look on his face irked the Graceful Assassin to no end. “Butterfly, huh…? You sure about that?â€
    Marluxia nodded proudly. “One of my favorites. I can beat ANYONE at this song.â€
    “We’ll see about that soon enough. But first…†Demyx’s eyes glittered malevolently. “Why don’t we kick it up a notch…?â€
    Marly didn’t like the sound of that. He narrowed his eyes, peering suspiciously at Demyx. “… What do you mean?â€

    Demyx smirked again, shrugging nonchalantly. “Well these ARE the finals, after all…†he started. “I think that it’s about time we graduated from silly old LIGHT mode, huh?â€
    Marluxia gasped as he flipped the mode onto standard. “WHAT?! Standard – are you craz—â€
    “OOPS! My foot slipped!†Demyx pressed the “start†button before Marluxia could do anything about it. He was going to play on standard whether he liked it or not.

    As the music began, Marluxia’s head started to whirl. BLAST! That son-of-a-biscuit-eating BULLDOG!!! I can’t believe that cur would pull such a cheap shot! I’m GOOD in standard mode, but probably NOTHING compared to him! He shot Demyx a nervous glance. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna DO?!

    He didn’t have enough time to think out a plan, because before he knew it, the dancing had begun. SHIZ-NIT!

    Xaldin tsk-tsked, jerking his thumb in Marly’s direction. “He’s sweatin’ it already – I can tell.â€
    “Aye,†Vexen agreed. “Doesn’t look like he’s gonna last too long, huh?â€
    “Not on standard he won’t,†Zexion grumbled, crossing his arms.
    “You can say that again – imagine if it was on hard!†Roxas cried.
    “Oh jeez – I’m going into cardiac arrest just thinking about it…†Luxord said with a shudder.

    Marluxia gulped slightly, hearing his audience murmuring in slight disapproval. He was so thrown-off, that his foot slipped and it cost him about four “boosâ€. Demyx grinned.

    Xigbar threw his hand in the air exasperatedly. “WELP! That’s it. Game.â€
    “Yeah – no way Marluxia can come back from a slip up like that,†Larxene agreed.

    Marluxia’s eyes narrowed into slits and his jaw clenched tightly. NO!!! he thought. I will NOT go down this way! I will NOT! I am the Graceful Assassin for Christ’s sake!

    He glared over at the Melodious Nocturne who was smirking as if it was already over, and, so overcome with blazing jealousy that he could hardly THINK, did something he though he’d never do…

    Saix gasped. “WHAT THE—?!â€
    “What is he—?!â€

    Demyx yelped and ducked just in time to dodge a fierce spinning kick. It cost him three “boos†and a “good†that Marly easily racked up with all “perfectsâ€. His eyes widened as he realized what was going on.

    He’s CHEATING!

    Indignant rage instantly flared up in the blonde, unofficial champion. CHEATING?! In MY tournament?! Why I oughta—! “O SNAP!!!â€

    He had to sacrifice two more “boos†to dodge a carefully aimed sweeping kick. Marluxia was now in the lead.

    He growled, trying his best to make up the points, but Marluxia wasn’t ABOUT to give up his lead any time soon.

    “Can he DO that?!†Roxas cried.
    Lex shrugged. “I… I can’t believe it, but… It looks like Marluxia’s actually gonna WIN!â€

    Demyx’s eyes blazed with an insane fury. Oh NO he’s not! he thought, glaring in the cocky assassin’s direction. Deciding to stoop to the mongrel’s level, he pushed Marluxia as hard as he could.

    Marluxia screamed, nearly falling off of his DDR pad. It cost him seven “boosâ€. Whether he liked it or not, Demyx was back in the lead!

    “AGH! Why you little! UGHN!!!†Marluxia shoved Demyx back, and continued racking points up.
    “HEY!†Demyx screamed. With an enraged grunt, he shoved Marluxia as HARD as he could. This time Marluxia DID fall off the DDR podium.
    He barely had enough time to get in two perfects before Marluxia tackled him to the ground, shrieking with rage.

    “WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?! GET OFF OF ME!!!†Demyx shrieked.
    “Hell NO, you big CHEATER!â€
    “I’M the cheater?!â€
    “Sure as **** am! I never agreed to play that song on standard mode and you freakin’ KNOW it!â€
    “It doesn’t MATTER! I’M the unofficial champ so I get to make the rules around here!â€
    “Well last I checked that wasn’t a god-be-damned RULE!â€
    “Don’t you take that tone with me you CRETIN!â€
    “CRETIN?! Why I oughta—â€

    “GAME OVER!†the game announced suddenly. “Oh well. Practice makes mediocre!â€

    Demyx stared at the Game Over screen – the first one he’d ever earned. EVER.

    “You…! YOU…!!!†He screamed abruptly, and began slapping Marluxia in a complete frenzy. “LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!!!â€
    “ME?!†Marluxia shrieked, slapping back. “YOU’RE the idiot who rigged the freakin’ game—!â€

    “HEY! Break it up!†Lex cried, ripping Marluxia off of Demyx’s body.
    “Yeah, seriously,†Xigbar added, helping Demyx up. “It’s just a game, after all—â€
    “Don’t TOUCH me…!†Demyx hissed, yanking his arm away.

    Marluxia glared at him, patted himself down, and looked up at the score. A giant, wicked grin split his face in two. “Well, well, WELL!†he laughed. “Look who’s the new OFFICIAL champ!â€
    Demyx gasped, whipping around. “WHAT?!†he screeched. He stomped his foot. “Oh that does NOT freakin’ COUNT! You’re DISQUALIFIED for CHEATING!â€

    “But you can’t do that!†Marluxia said with a snicker.
    “WHY THE HECK NOT?!?!?!â€
    “Because… It’s not against the RULES to cheat!â€

    Demyx stopped for a second. “OF COURSE IT’S AGAINST THE RULES, YOU DOPE!â€
    Marluxia only jerked his thumb in the direction of the chalkboard. “Coulda fooled me.â€
    Demyx blinked, and scrambled back over to the chalkboard, running his finger over the words as he hastily read over them.

    “One: No beginner mode. Two: If someone beats you fair and square, no going berserk, saying they cheated, and cussing the winner, along with the game out with every foul word in the book. Three: … Have… fun.†The boy’s eyes widened as he trailed off.

    Marluxia’s smirk grew wider. “I rest my case.â€
    Larxene blinked. “He DOES have a point…†she pointed out.
    Demyx looked as if he was going to tear his hair out. “AGHHH…! Okay, FINE!†He snatched up the piece of chalk, and scrawled on the chalkboard, “NO CHEATING.â€

    He underlined it three times and huffed with self-content. “There! DISQUALIFIED!†he screamed, pointing at Marluxia.
    “Doesn’t count. You wrote it AFTER the match,†the Assassin replied with a snerky smile.
    “As much as I hate to admit it, I’m with Number XI in this one,†Saix said slowly.

    Demyx ground his teeth together with enough force to shatter a rock, his face turning a dark scarlet color and his nostrils flaring ever-so-slightly. He looked about ready to EXPLODE!

    “… Fine…†he hissed at last. “We’ll go against each other again… BUT!†His eyes narrowed on the pink-haired assassin. “I get to pick the song this time! And if I catch you cheating again…†He let the sentence dangle threateningly.
    Marluxia only shrugged nonchalantly and motioned dramatically to the DDR dance pads. “After you, soon-to-be-defeated-UNoffical-champion…!~â€

    Demyx growled and stomped past him. Xigbar slapped his forehead. “Man, I am really not likin’ the new, crazy Waterboy, dude…â€
    “Neither am I,†Axel huffed, his pride still maimed from the scathing beating Demyx had dished out before.
    “Eh – neutral,†Larxene yawned, leaning heavily on Xigbar’s shoulder.
    Luxord hissed at the very sight.

    “I just don’t get why Marluxia would go out of his way to make him even crazier…†Lex murmured. “It just doesn’t make sense!†He was already plenty revved up about winning…â€
    “That’s what he’s counting on,†Zexion sighed. “He’s hoping Demyx will get so involved with trying to beat him, he’ll slip up and eventually fail. Personally, I don’t think that’s going to happen. Demyx is way too professional… Especially when it comes to this sort of thing…â€
    “I wouldn’t count on that…†Roxas grumbled, watching the steamed Waterboy flip through various songs.

    “……… Ah-HA! Here we are!†He grinned over at the Assassin. “Aerobic ABCs. And, YES, we ARE doing it on standard mode!â€
    “Why?†Marluxia asked.
    “Be-CAUSE it’s a part of the rules!â€
    “No it isn’t.â€
    “YES, it…†Demyx trailed off, then growled. “Hold on…â€

    As he stomped over to write the newest rule up on the chalkboard, Marluxia sighed and began mentally preparing himself for the challenge – something he hadn’t been able to do the time before.

    Zexion shook his head in disbelief. “Ooh, this guy is good.â€
    Vexen gasped. “Oh my… Did Zexion just give Number XI a compliment?!â€
    “Surely the sign of the apocalypse…†Lex murmured, managing to keep a completely straight face all the while. “You aren’t the Anti-Christ, are you?â€
    “Shut up.â€
    The two did as they were told, grinning all the while.

    Marluxia glanced back as Demyx jumped back on his pad, snarling. “…What?â€
    “I wrote it down.â€
    “Wrote what down?â€
    “Th…The RULE!â€
    Marluxia pulled the most irritatingly blank look possible. “… Rule…?â€
    Demyx glared holes into the older man. “… Never mind…†he hissed past gritted teeth.

    Without another moment of hesitation, the match officially started.

    Everyone watched in awe. At first, the song started slowly, but as it went on, the tempo kept on increasing ever-so-slightly. As expected, Marluxia held his own exceptionally. The two almost looked identical, their feet moving in uniform to the words of the song. Both bobbed their heads to the beat, trying to “feel†the rhythm better. Despite Marluxia’s lax attitude before, the air was pretty tense. No one smiled or cracked jokes now!

    The Organization watched in reverent silence.

    Lexaeus raised an eyebrow. “Huh… Marluxia’s actually doing pretty well for himself…â€
    “I agree,†Vexen huffed. “Never would have guessed that the pink-haired buffoon would make it so far. But it’s only a matter of time before IX, as the kids say, ‘lays the smack-down on his whup-ass’.â€
    “Hmmm… I wouldn’t go as far as to say that…†Lex murmured. “In fact, I think he might have a pretty good chance of winning—â€
    “Are you MAD?!†Vexen cut in. “I don’t think you saw how badly Demyx HUMILIATED me before!â€
    Lex shot him a side-ways glance. “And I don’t think you saw how badly Marluxia beat ME.â€

    Vexen rolled his eyes. “Lexaeus… my old friend… No offence, but even I could beat you… And that’s saying a lot.â€
    Lex rolled his eyes with a little huff. “Don’t rub it in.â€
    “I’m not. It’s just that… well… I know XI is an exceptional player, but… well… Demyx is the Melodious Nocturne. Music is his thing.â€
    “And Marluxia is the Graceful Assassin. C’mon, Vexen – I know you don’t care for him—â€
    “COMPLETE understatement.â€
    “—but at least give him some credit. I think you are forgetting how competitive he can be once he sets his mind to it.â€
    “I am giving him credit,†Vexen hissed. “But there is definitely NO way anyone – XI included – could take IX in DDR. There is just no way.â€

    “Mmm-hmm… Well…†Lex turned his attention back to the on-going match.

    The tempo of the music was slowly speeding up and the combinations of the moves were steadily getting more and more difficult. Still, the stony-faced competitors showed no sign of weakness and continued flawlessly. It was going to be an extremely close match.

    “… Then how about a little bet…?†Lex continued softly.
    Luxord perked up a few yards away.
    Vexen blinked. “… GAMBLING, Lexaeus? YOU?!â€
    “Just a tiny one… 25 munny that Marluxia will win. If you are really as confident as you’d have me believe, then you have nothing to lose.â€
    Vexen grinned. “Ah, this is such a big mistake , my friend… But no skin off my nose. 25 munny on IX. And don’t expect some sort of discount because you’re a good acquaintance of mine. No, no – I expect all of it – and in cash.â€
    “But of course.â€

    The two shook hands firmly to seal the deal.

    Sure enough, it was only a matter of time before Luxord came moseying on over, his usual charming grin plastered on his face. “Say, lads…†he drawled in his silky-smooth British accent. “If I heard right, it seems you two chaps are havin’ some sort of deal, correct…?â€
    Lex nodded. “Yes, Luxord – we’re betting on who will win the match.â€
    “Ah… I see…†Luxord flashed another class-A grin. “How’s about I help… uh… make it official? Ya know – cash in the bets and all that rubbish, savvy?â€

    “I don’t know why anyone would bother, anyway,†Axel scoffed with his arms crossed. “Demyx is ‘bout near unbeatable. Got it memorized?â€
    “Yeah – especially as crazy as he’s been getting,†Roxas added.
    “So what – do you wish to place a bet as well?†Lex asked calmly.
    “Yeah – I guess we do,†Axel replied. “Fifty munny that—â€
    “FIFTY MUNNY?!†Luxord screeched. “Oh no, no, no, no, NO, mates! That just won’t do! You need to bet at least 500 munny each or it ain’t a proper GAMBLE, savvy?â€
    “Yes, kids, remember – gambling’s good for you…!~†Vexen drawled.
    “Shut up, ya old geezer – I ain’t no kid!†Axel snapped.

    “So it’s official then? 500 munny each?†Luxord interrupted in hopes of stopping the catfight before it started.
    “Sure, man, whatever.â€
    Luxord grinned slyly. “Good… good…â€
    Roxas raised an eyebrow. “Well, Lux, who do you think is gonna win? Ya know – sine you’re runnin’ this whole gamblin’ charade anyhow…â€
    Luxord grinned and shrugged. “Well, pretty much the obvious choice would be—â€

    “I think Marly’s gonna win,†Larxene cut in.
    “Yeah,†Xigbar added.
    “M-Me, too!†Luxord screamed, blushing furiously. He glanced at Xigbar, and pouted a bit, determined to show his loyalty.
    “Alright then! Wait – why?†Vexen asked with a raised eyebrow.
    Luxord blinked. “Uh…â€
    Larxene shrugged. “I know my way around Marluxia better than Emo-Boy knows his way around mascara,†she grunted, jerking her thumb in Zexion’s direction.
    He glared holes into the back of her head.
    “Once he gets his mind wrapped around something,†she continued, “he won’t let go for all the tea in China, and he’s HELL-BENT on winning this here tournament.â€
    “Yeah, and I know Demyx, and when he starts getting all psychotic like this – as rare as it is, it can only mean one thing. Big trouble,†Xigbar added.

    Xaldin sucked his teeth. “Xigbar, you’re makin’ a big mistake, man. “I thought you were smarter than that! There’s no way Mr. Pink-Haired, Fruit-cup Sissy-pants can take the Waterboy in any kinda dancing game.â€
    “Look how well he’s doing now!†Lex pointed out again.
    “But you’re missing the point!†Zexion hissed. “Anyone who would possibly resort to CHEATING is obviously incapable of coming out on top!†His voice came out a bit more forceful than he would have liked, but he was still stinging from that one emo remark Larxene had given before.
    “Exactly,†Vexen agreed.

    Axel grinned. “Ah-HA! Two bookworms on my side?! Now I know there’s no WAY I can lose this bet!â€
    Lex rolled his eyes. “Well, Saix, whose side are YOU on?â€

    Saix, who was staring silently at the match, blinked slowly as a thoughtful expression caressed his face. After a moment, he turned his golden, emotionless eyes to the others. “Usually, I’d go with IX… But even as much as I loathe that pompous, arrogant fool Marluxia… I can never forgive that boy for mortifying my like that…â€

    Larxene blinked. “But… I was the one who beat—â€
    “Not that,†the Diviner growled.

    “Also, if someone beats you fair and square, NO going berserk, saying they cheated, and cussing the winner, along with the game out with every foul word in the book… Saix…â€

    The dark frown on his face deepened into a scowl. I can’t believe that jackass would single me out like that…!

    “… Oh… Well, um…†Luxord blinked, staring at the tightly drawn expression of repressed rage on the other’s face. “… Uh… Yeah. So how much are you guys bettin’ on this again?â€
    Saix handed him a huge wad of cash. “10,000 munny on the pink buffoon.â€
    Xaldin’s eyes bugged. He let out a low whistle. “So… much… confidence! Alright – I’m in for 50,000!â€
    “I’m raisin’ mine to 100,000!â€

    Luxord grinned giddily as the munny poured in.

    Marluxia and Demyx were in the heat of battle by now – eyes locked on the screen, their minds swirling with the tempo, and their feet going faster than lightning. Neither really heard the shouts and screams and betting going on behind them; their thoughts were both on the utter destruction of their enemy.

    With a wide grin finally cracking his face in two, Demyx polished off the song with a dramatic twirl, earning one last ‘perfect!’ “HA! I win – I didn’t miss a single one!†he boasted triumphantly.
    “Ooh! That’s nice, that’s nice, but, uh… Guess what? Neither did I, dumb-****!â€
    Demyx eyed him carefully. “… Not a single one? At all? Including ‘almost’s and ‘good’s?â€
    “Yup. I swear to God, Kingdom Hearts as my witness.â€
    “Then… I guess we’re gonna have to go by score…â€
    Marly shrugged. “M’kay.â€
    “M’kay, m’kay.â€

    There was a tensed silence, though most of the anxiousness was radiating from the gamblers in the back since both players were absolutely certain they’d won.

    There was complete silence as the game tallied up the score. Suddenly, Xigbar gasped, along with half of the audience.

    Saix blinked. “Well, what do you know…? XI beat him by four ‘perfect’s. Unbelievable.†A grin almost cracked his face. Almost.

    Vexen let out an extremely mature whine. “But… But that’s IMPOSSIBLE!â€
    Luxord cackled giddily. “TIME TO PAY UP, BETCHEZ!!!â€
    Axel groaned, fishing around in his pockets for his bank card. “This is SO unfair…†he grumbleed off.
    “Tell me about it…†Roxas sighed, following after him.

    Zexion glared at Lex one more time before he left. “H…How could you possibly…?!â€
    Lex simply shrugged and smiled. “I have my hunches…â€
    Zexion stared at him a while longer, gave him a quick, short nod, and portalled off to pay his dues.

    Luxord grinned at Xigbar and Larxene who were slapping each other high-fives and howling with laughter. “Well, how did you know Marly was gonna win, Xiggy?†he asked.
    Xigbar shrugged, still grinning up a storm. “Iunno – I just went with what Larxene said!â€

    Luxord grinned, nodding a bit as he thought back to how much munny he’d scored by this lucky strike. … Alright, this makes us even, he decided in his mind.

    And as the now-broke losers hobbled off to pay off their gambling debts, what were the two players doing? Well, Demyx, for one, was staring slack-jawed at the huge TV as if he couldn’t believe it. Marluxia crossed his arms, grinned slyly at the younger man.

    “I win.â€

    Something inside Demyx snapped. “No you DIDN’T!†he screamed with enough force to actually make Marly flinch. “I won! ME! You CHEATED!!!â€
    “I did not!†Marluxia cried. “Everyone SAW me! I won fair and square this time and you KNOW it!â€

    “I WON, okay?! ME!!! Me, me, ME! I’m Demyx! The Melodious Nocturne! A freakin’ SITAR is my weapon for Christ’s sake! I’m the CHAMP!!!â€
    “Not anymore you’re not,†Marluxia replied with a grin as he sidled off. “DDR has a new, official champion, and that champion is me. Ta-ta!â€
    “No, no, NO!!!†Demyx screamed, practically foaming at the mouth. “I WON! Not you! ME! DANGIT!!!â€

    He kicked the DDR pad, in rage, pulling at his hair and screaming at the top of his lungs about how he HATED this stupid game, and how he wished the creators would die in a fire, and how much Marluxia was SUCH a cheater and on, and on, and on for… quite some time.

    Saix watched the spectacle with an amused twinkle in his eye as Demyx broke the very rule he’d been singled out for!

    Ah, karma is a cruel *****, is she not…?

    And this time he DID smile.

    (The End...?)


    Lord of the Wings,
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Archives
  9. 2Foxxie4U
    She's on it, trust me... v-v;;;

    When you're a fanfic artist, stuff tends to get clogged up in your brain easily and then your fingers don't wanna work to type it out... Reeeally long and tedious, if ya know what I mean.

    .................. Sorry for butting in like that. I just am kinda IN Twi's circle, so I know about these kinda things, and trust me. These last couple of months haven't been exactly a day at the beach for her. DX
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, May 21, 2008 in forum: Archives
  10. 2Foxxie4U
    Meh... I unno why I'm here right now. XD; I've practically left the site already. *shrug* Whatever - uploading something to KHV first makes uploading it to deviantArt a whole lot easier.


    I've been wanting to do this for a long time now, sooooo... Even though I'm in the middle of, like, 6 other fanfics, I'mma start another one! XD GO PROCRASTINATION!

    Caution: Is kinda suggestive on a lot of different levels and OOGLES of profanity. XD; don't say I didn't warn ya.


    The Birth of Xilord

    He's a She's a He's a-WHU'?!?!

    Xigbar grinned a bit, slipping his tongue into Luxord’s mouth as their lips met again in a passionate kiss. Luxord couldn’t help but smile as well at the older man’s vigor, sliding his warm fingers into The Freeshooter’s long, silky hair. “Mmmpf…” he couldn’t help but moan.
    “Mmmpf…” Xigbar agreed, sliding his hands around Luxord’s waist. As their tongues continued doing battle, he took the time to carefully slide one end of Luxord’s thin undershirt up a bit, and stroke the warm skin underneath.

    He gasped in surprise as the blonde shoved him forcefully onto the bed, smirking slyly. He blinked, and smirked back. “You know I can just flip you off of me right now and dominate you, right?”
    Luxord drew slight circles on his chest. “Well… Yeah… But I was hoping that, uh… Maybe I could top tonight…?”
    “C’mon, dude… That’s not fair! You gotta win in the dominance fight just like everyone else!”
    “I know, I know, but you’ve been topping for, like, three bloody weeks straight! I kinda miss it…”

    Xigbar chuckled a bit. “Well… I HAVE been hitting the gym lately… Ya like?”
    Luxord pecked him on the lips softly. “Hellz yeah! But c’mon… Just for tonight. Pleeease…? A nasty ol’ dominance fight would go and ruin the mood, savvy…?”

    Xigbar rolled his eyes. “Okay, OKAY. Jeez. Now don’t say I don’t spoil you…!~”
    Luxord chuckled, and kissed him again. “I know, I know…”
    “AND don’t get used to it, a’ight? This is a one-time thing. No more asking for free-bees.”
    “Or else what…?” Luxord asked slyly.
    “Or else I’ll say no! Duh.”

    Luxord blinked. “Oh… I, uh… thought you’d say something like you’d be seme that night.”
    “What else would I be – the ringmaster?!”


    “Shut up and spread your legs, you bloody wanker.”

    A few days later…

    Luxord stretched, yawning slightly as he stumbled into the kitchen, and lazily started scratching himself all over. “Ahhh…” the blonde sighed, opening a cabinet and grabbing his “#1 Gambler” mug and walking over to the huge pot of tea sitting in one corner.

    He grinned to see it was already brewing. “Nice… Tea and I didn’t even need to make it!” Whistling cheerily, he began pouring a cup for himself.

    Then he walked over to the kitchen table, grabbed one of the newspapers by the wall that the mail-Dusk brought in every morning and took a seat. After a quick sip of his tea, he flung the paper out and began reading.

    Not soon after, Xigbar wobbled in after him, groaning and holding his stomach. “H…hey, Lux…” he grumbled, shuffling over to the refrigerator and opening it. “Ya go a minute, dude…?”

    Luxord quirked a brow and set down his paper. “What is it, mate?” he asked casually as he took another sip of his precious tea.
    Xigbar pulled open the fridge, snatched up the jug of milk, and sighed. “I think I might be sick or somethin’... These last few days have been just…” he flailed his arms about. “Aggghhhh…! I’ve been snapping people’s heads off left and right for absolutely no reason… My chest feels kinda funny… I’ve been throwing up for absolutely no reason…”

    He trailed off, and put his hands on his hips, a thoughtful look on his face. “But it’s kinda funny… Even though I’ve felt sick to my stomach, I’ve been GAININ’ weight – not losing it… Huh… weird…” He started drinking the milk without even bothering to pour a glass first.
    “Huh… Well I’ll be darned…” Luxord grumbled, swishing his mouth to the side slightly. “Mmm… Probably just a weird virus flyin’ around… I’m sure it’s nothing TOO serious mate – just make sure you drink plenty of fluids, and—WHOA – HEY, HEEEY!!!” the blonde shouted suddenly, catching sight of Xigbar guzzling the milk. “Cut that out! If you really ARE sick, then all you’re doin’ is spoilin’ the milk for the rest of us, savvy?!”

    Xigbar wiped his mouth with his sleeve, snarling. “Oh get eaten by a bloody shark, you limey Brit *******!” he snapped.
    “Okay, okay! Sheesh…!” Luxord grunted, turning back to his paper.

    Xigbar blinked and suddenly went back to the refrigerator. “…Wonder if we have anymore fried chicken left…” he murmured, as he poked through.

    Unfortunately, they did.

    He squealed with delight, got a bowl, and went back to the milk carton. He poured the milk inside the bowl, miscrowaved it for a minute, and then pulled it out the steaming hot liquid out of the microwave. He set that next to the chicken, and then went into the cabinets. “Where is it…? Where is it…?! AH! Here it is!”

    He pulled out what he was looking for, grinning. “MUSTARD!” He dumped the whole thing of mustard on the cold chicken, and dipped that inside of the warm milk, and then took a bite. “Mmmm… Actually, it's not bad!” he chirped, dipping the chicken again.

    Luxord, as you could imagine, was giving a look of absolute horror at the concoction Xigbar had stirred up – the Frankenstein’s monster of food. Oh, bloody hell – I’m gonna puke…! he thought, pressing his hand to his mouth. “****, man – find some ****ing help!” the blonde cried, getting ready to rush away.

    Xigbar blinked, obviously hurt. “W…Wha…?!” His eyes suddenly grew wide and teary. “Y…You don’t… You don’t like it…?!” He looked down miserably at the bowl, his lip trembling. “Oh… Oh my god – I… I serious feel like I’m gonna cry right now…!” he whimpered, burying his face in his hands.
    Luxord turned back to the man, quickly getting a bit exasperated. Cripes – what the hell is going on today?! “No, no, Xiggy!” he coaxed, running back to the man. “It’s not that I don’t LIKE it – it’s just, that, uh… I, uh…”
    “You don’t like it…” Xigbar finished miserably.
    “No! It’s not that at all! It looks… uh…” Luxord glanced at the strange food again, gulping. “Er… delicious… yeah.”
    “Good!” Xigbar chirped, suddenly perking up. “Then go get me some tacos and chocolate!” His eyes narrowed to slits. “NOW.

    Luxord blinked, drawing back. “Waaaait a second…” he murmured, striking his thoughtful pose. “What’s goin’ on here…? Are you, like… PMSing or something? But, no – that wouldn’t explain the weird cravings…”
    Xigbar blinked and smirked a bit. “Uh… Dude, what are ya talkin’ about? You said it yourself – I’m just kinda sick or… somethin’.”
    “Naaaah – I think it might be something else…” Luxord murmured, circling around his lover a bit.
    “Seriously, dude – you’re creepin’ me out…” Xigbar chuckled. “What – do you think it—”

    “Got it!” Luxord cried, snapping his fingers. “Xigbar… I don’t know exactly how to tell you this, but, uh… I think… you’re pregnant.”

    Silence for a long time.

    Xigbar abruptly cracked up. “OH, DUDE! That is SO totally rich!” he cackled, slapping his hand against the table. “HAHAHAHA – RIGHT! I’m TOTALLY pregnant! Jeez, Luxord – only you would come up with a conclusion like that!”
    “But it’s probable!” Luxord insisted. “Think about it! The mood-swings, the puking, the weird food and the gained weight… All symptoms of pregnancy!”

    Dead silence.

    A mustard-covered drumstick plopped into the bowl of warm milk. “… What?” Xigbar asked, eyes wide. There was a tiny “I don’t believe you!~” grin on his face as he spoke.
    Luxord beamed, and threw his arms out wide. “YOU’RE GONNA BE A MOMMY, MY XIGGY-POO!!!~”

    That was the breaking point. A man could only take so much. Xigbar suddenly jumped up and slammed his fist on the table, his teeth bared in rage. “AS IF!!! That can’t POSSIBLY be! I’m a MAN, DAMNIT! MEN don’t get PREGNANT!!!

    Luxord simply crossed his arms. “Well… Technically you’re a Nobody… And we don’t even know if you’re male yet… I mean… not like any of us actually had the guts to spy on Larxene and see if she actually squats…
    “But…” Xigbar whimpered. Tears started welling up in his eyes. “I’mma guy…! I’MMA GUY!!!

    He slumped onto Luxord, sobbing. “WHAT DO I DO NOW, HUH?! Do I **** it out?! **** it out like… Like some kinda TURD or something…?!” he wailed.
    “We’ll find out the specifics later, m’kay?” Luxord cooed, patting his lover on the head. He then bent down so that he was eye-level to Xiggy’s stomach, and rubbed it gently, cooing, “Hey, there, lil’ fellah!~ Can’t wait till ya come out for us to see…!~”


    Luxord yelped as he went flying across the room due to a boot in the face. He tumbled slightly, rolling across the ground, until he smacked into the wall on the other side of the kitchen.


    “… Oops…” Xigbar rubbed the back of his head slightly, a vivid blush clawing at his cheeks. “S-Sorry, there, Luxxy…! You surprised me…”


    “C…Can ya breathe…?”



    Xigbar suddenly sat up, his chest heaving. He glanced around for a while, and then sighed, collapsing back into the soft sheets of his bed, chuckling to himself.
    “Nyugh… What’s wrong, Xiggy…?” Luxord asked sleepily from the other end of the bed.
    “Heh… Oh, nothing, Lux… I just had this… ya know – HORRIBLE dream that… somehow I magically got PREGNANT, and you...! Oh, JEEZ! You… you were… uhm… Y-You were…” He gulped. “Oh…”

    Luxord sat up a bit, grinning lazily. His nose was plugged up with bloody tissue, and a good portion of his face was black-and-blue in the shape of a foot-imprint. “Oh that? Heh… That was real. It’s just that after I woke up from passing out, you were so sorry that you said that you’d be willing to make it up for me any way you could, and – hell – I wasn’t givin’ up that chance, and at first we were gonna do it right there on the table, but Demyx walked in and freaked out and then XALDIN got involved, so unless we wanted to get castrated then and there, we needed to take it back in room and then you were all like, ‘OH, LUXXY!’ and I was like, ‘OH, XIGGY!’ and we kissed, and I ran my tongue up your—”

    “So I really AM pregnant?!” Xigbar screeched. He could almost feel his brain completely snap in two.
    “Uh… Yeah – as far as I know,” Luxord replied, yawning and scratching the back of his head.

    Xigbar instantly slammed his face into a pillow and began pounding it with his fist, screaming as loud as he could into it. “THAT! IS ****ING! IMPOSSIBLE!!! I! Am! A! GUY!!!” he screamed. “**** IT ALLL!!!!!” He was truly a pioneer, he was. He was gonna be the first ever Organization member to have a child. Shame he didn’t see it as an honor.

    “Hey, heeey…!” Luxord coaxed, rubbing his lover’s back slightly. “Don’t be like that… Just think about it! Wouldn’t it be nice to have a little bundle of joy that we could order around all we want and get to do crap for us without pay…? Like a mini-slave of some sort, but instead we give them a place to sleep so we’re not infringing the child labor laws!”

    Xigbar sniffled. “True, but… How the hell are we supposed to explain this to Xemnas?! You know how he gets about crazy **** like this… I mean, SURE – the guy SAYS he knows all there is to know about Nobodies and hearts and the Heartless and blah, blah, blah, but c’mon, dude! I’M A FREAKIN’ GUY!
    Luxord smiled a bit. “Well… He doesn’t HAVE to know about it… Heh – it reminds me of that time I…” he trailed off. “Er… Nevermind. Ehhehhehheh…”

    Xigbar quirked an eyebrow. “When you WHAT?! Luxord, the Gambler of Fate, is there someone else I should know about?!” the Freeshooter demanded.

    Initiating ***** mode!

    Luxord chuckled a bit, scratching his head nervously. “Nononono! It’s nothing like that, mate – I swear it! Nothing that bad!”
    “YEAH?!” Xiggy shrieked. “THEN WHAT IS IT LIKE, HUH?! What can it POSSIBLY be that’s not THAT bad, huh?! Ya know what?! That one time I was at Port Royal, and we were supposed to meet each other at the town at 8:45 pm, guess when you came! JUST GUESS!

    He didn’t give Luxord enough time to answer. “8:47!!!!!!” the Freeshooter exploded. “You thought I didn’t notice, didn’t you?! DIDN’T YOU?!?!?! Oh, I noticed, alright! You’ve been sneaking over to Xaldin’s room while I’ve had my back turned, haven’t you?! HAVEN’T YOU?!”

    Initiating psychotic wife that every man regrets marrying after two weeks mode…

    Luxord growled. “Xigbar, you’re acting REDICULOUS! If I was cheating on you, don’t you think it’d take longer than TWO BLOODY MINUTES?! So I needed to use the bloody John before I met you – so what?! Xaldin and I are just friends is all! We don’t do THAT! Sheesh!”

    Xigbar blinked. “Oh, really? You’re just friends?” He sighed, grinning. “Phew! Oh, that’s a relief! Cuz, ya know, at FIRST, I thought, like, MAYBE, but then I was like, ‘Oh there's no WAY!’, and…” he kept happily chattering on and on about this.

    Initiating preppy Girl Scout mode!

    Luxord face-palmed with a soft sigh. “I’ll be back…” he grumbled as he made a portal that would lead to Vexen’s lab. “Just… stay here, out of sight.”
    Xigbar gasped. “What?! NO!!!” He clung to Luxord’s arm, whimpering. “Dun… LEAVE me, Luxxy…!” he sobbed. “I’m sorry for EVERYTHING!!! I’mma WRECK without yoooouuuu…!”

    Initiating sniveling fool mode!

    Luxord yelped in surprise as he felt Xigbar’s strong arms wrap around him. “Wha?! Huh…! Oh, for Pete’s sake! I’ll be back, you bloody wanker! Let me go!”
    Xigbar sniffed, finally giving up. “O… Okay…” he whimpered. He let go of Luxord’s arm, and pulled his blankets over his head. “Just… Just make sure you get me a t-shirt, okay…?”

    A pause.

    “Oh… and a peanut-butter and mayonnaise sandwich? I’m starving…”
    Luxord quirked a brow at the t-shirt comment. I wasn’t like he was going to frickin’ HAWAII! But he nodded anyway. A gift probably would make him feel better.

    He then shivered at the sound of the nasty-sounding sandwich, desperately holding back a gag as he stopped into the corridor of darkness.


    Luxord glanced around slightly. All of the lights were dimmed, making everything look eerie, and a few instruments next to him were glowing soft, vibrant colors in strange patterns…

    The blonde blinked, and cupped a hand around his mouth like a mini-megaphone. “Oh, VEEEE-XEEEEN…!~ Ya home?!”

    A far away gasp. “L-Luxord?!”
    “Yup – it’s me, mate!” Luxord yelled back.

    A sudden cry of distress and sounds of scuttling footsteps. “What are you doing in here?! D-DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE OBLITERATED ON IMPACT!”
    Luxord gulped, blinking slowly. “… ‘Kay…!”

    After a few moments, the weird machines next to him stopped glowing funky colors, and the lights flickered back on. Vexen sighed, stomping over to where Luxord was and growled, “Yes, what is it…? I was in them idle of something VERY important,” in a fairly distressed tone.
    “Well, uh… It’s pretty awkward to say this, but, uh… I got someone pregnant – and one hell of a weird ‘someone’…!” he added under his breath, “and now they’re freaking out like crazy! What on earth do I do?!”

    Vexen quirked an eyebrow. “Huh…?” Suddenly, his eyes widened. “Oh my… You don’t mean LARXENE, do you?! I never knew you swung that way! DAMN, you’ve got guts! Do you still have your…?" He trailed off, spinning his finger meaningfully.

    Without giving the poor blonde enough time to answer, the scientist turned away, running his fingers through his hair. “This is some kind of breakthrough! So, wait, she really IS a female?!” He didn’t know exactly know WHAT to think of this.

    Luxord smacked his forehead. “It’s NOT Larxene, dumbass! No one’s stupid enough to get anywhere NEAR her to even find out, man! But, seriously, mate. They’re bloody freaking out and I have NO idea what to do. Advice PLEASE?”
    Vexen scratched his head. “Uh… Wear a helmet, and carry an umbrella…?” He shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know what to say. No woman’s ever been drunk enough to find me attractive.”

    He snickered at his own joke, and said, “Why not try Marluxia or Zexion? I’m sure they know a thing or two about the matter…”
    Luxord rolled his eyes. “Right…” he grumbled, portalling off again.


    Xigbar stared at the clock. What on earth could that limey bloke be DOING for 1 minute and 28 seconds?!


    “YO! Flower Power!” Luxord cried, stepping into Marluxia’s room. “Ya in here?!”
    Zexion, who was seated at one end of the room smiled a bit. “Oh! Hi, Luxord…! Heh…” An awkward silence. “Whatcha doin’ here?”
    The blonde blinked, then shook his head, deciding it’d be better not to ask. “Is… Marly here? I need to ask him a very urgent question…”
    Zexion shrugged. “Um… I heard he was going to dye his hair again…!” he said kinda loudly.
    “DYING MY HAIR!” Marluxia shouted from the bathroom.

    Luxord sighed a bit. “Well, I was just wondering if, uh… Either of you two would be willing to help me out with a little pregnancy problem…”
    “Pregnancy problem…?” Zexion blinked. “Oh, don't tell me…! LARXENE?! So, wait… It IS established that she’s actually a GIRL, right?”
    “It wasn’t Larxene!” Luxord insisted. “No one’s stupid enough to get close enough to find out! You guys should know that. Anyways… I got someone pregnant, and they’re pretty much freakin’ out. So what do I do?!”
    Zexion struck a thoughtful pose. “Well… what is it exactly that you want to know?”

    Luxord did the same. “… How about… we start with how the hell they’re gonna HAVE the thing in the first place! And how the bloody hell do I get rid of the crazy mood-swings and non-stop spazzing?!”

    Zexion shrugged. “Can’t help ya with the second, man. You’re just gonna have to tough that one out for nine months. Just make sure you don’t say anything about her weird-ass cravings. You’ll be hurting for weeks. And, as for the first thing…” He shrugged again. “Like… normal, I guess… What – you don’t know what that looks like? I can show you an illusion of one if ya want…”

    Luxord thought this over, and nodded. “Okay… sure.” It was JUST an illusion… What was the worst that could happen?

    Zexion nodded, and waved his hand around a little, murmuring words in a language that no mortal could possibly understand. And, suddenly, Marluxia’s room disappeared, replaced by a hospital room.

    There were nurses all about, but none of them seemed to see the two Nobodies. Zexion was sitting in one of the chairs by the wall.

    “Watch and learn…” he chuckled, pointing to the woman screaming on the bed. And then, he showed the poor blonde the whole, long, agonizing, and utterly disgusting process of child birth.

    Luxord could almost feel the bile tickling the back of his throat. He gagged slightly, covering his mouth with his hands. “I…Isn’t there another way?!” he cried, wanting to cover his eyes, but unable to look away from the horrible sight.

    Zexion stood up, and walked over to Luxord. He phased right through anyone who got in his way – they WERE only illusions, after all. “Well, sure. You can always have the baby cut out of the mother’s stomach. I won’t go into details, but I will say that they’ve done it multiple times before and it usually comes out without any major issues. Buuuut... whether it’s better than this, I can’t say. How would you like it if someone cut YOU all the way down the middle, hmmm?”

    Luxord’s eye began twitching uncontrollably. “If I was this woman,” indicate pointing to the one giving birth, “I’d bloody get cut open ANY day!”

    When he’d looked over towards the woman again, blood was starting to gush, and it was safe to say it him freaked out a bit. He hid behind Zexion, groaning and holding his stomach. “Thank god I ain’t a bloody woman!”
    “Well, while we’re on the subject, why don’t you tell me who the lucky lady is, huh, Luxord?” Zexion asked. “Is it anyone we know?”
    “Eh…” Luxord pressed his two fingers together slightly. “Yes and no on both subjects…”
    “Then tell me…” Zexion insisted. “Or else you’re never getting out of this hospital.”

    He paused and blinked. “Oh, please tell me you didn’t rape Namine. Dude, do you know how much **** you’re gonna be in when Xemnas finds out?!”
    Luxord fell to his knees and cringed on the floor. “I’M NOT A PEDOPHILE!!!” he screamed, cupping his hands around his ears, trying to sound out the screaming of agony. “And, strangely enough, it’s not a woman at all!”
    Zexion blinked at the last part. “… Come again…?” he asked dumbly. Silence for a second. “EWWWWWWW!!!!!! BESTIALITY?!?!?!?! DUDE! That is SO ****in’ WRONG!!!!

    “Oh, for CRIPE’S SAKE!!!” Luxord roared, jumping to his feet. “It was XIGBAR, okay?! I got XIGBAR pregnant! Not Namine! Not some poor defenseless puppy wandering along the road! XIGBAR!!! Seriously – how sick do you think I am?! First you go accusing me of being a pedophile, and THEN you think I’d go around raping some poor animal! That’s DISGUSTING! You need to take your mind out of the bloody gutter!”

    Zexion blinked, his eyes wide, his mouth agape and his face ashen.

    Luxord started at him for a while, then exploded, “CAN WE GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW?! The screams of pain are getting to me!”
    Zexion stared dumbly at him. “…………………………… Nyuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhh…?!”
    Luxord grabbed Zexion roughly by his shoulders, and began shaking him like there was no tomorrow. “GET ME THE **** OUTTA HEEEERE!!!!!
    Zexion snapped back to reality. “Oh! Yes… Of course…”

    The illusion wafted away, leaving them at Marluxia’s room – where they’d started. Zexion stared at Luxord incredulously. “Okay… So… Explain. Now. Or else you’re going back. And the NEXT woman’s in for 18 hours of labor!”
    Luxord scratch the back of his head, awkwardly. “How the hell am I supposed to explain something as freaky as that, mate?! The bloke’s pregnant! He eats freaky-ass **** and he’s having mood-swings all to hell and… the bloke keeps throwing up in the morning or at other random times… and he’s been gainin' weight like crazy! So I don’t know, okay?! It just HAPPENED!

    Zexion stared at Xigbar incredulously. “Well… Those ARE the symptoms for pregnancy… But, that’s IMPOSSIBLE! Xigbar’s a MAN!!!

    He paused.


    Luxord blinked. “Uh… Yeah! DUR!”
    “BUT HE’S ****IN’ PREGNATE!!!!!!!!!” Zexion screeched, eye twitching like mad.
    Marluxia slowly pushed open the door. “Um… Did I miss something…?”
    Zexion pointed to Luxord frantically. “HE GOT XIGBAR PREGNATE!!!
    What the hell?! You’re joking, right?!”
    “That’s what I asked HIM!”
    “Isn’t Xigbar a guy?!”
    “Not as far as I know!”
    “HE’S A GUY!” Luxord screamed. “I’ve seen his wang-danger enough times to prove it, man! Would you like me to get him over here and pull down his pants to show you?!”

    “YES!” They both screamed at the same time.

    “He’s probably gotten a sex change while you had your back turned, Luxord!”
    “YEAH! Or that!”

    They were both so freaked out by the possibility of XIGBAR OF ALL PEOPLE getting pregnant, that they forgot that their suggestions were even MORE illogical.

    Luxord blinked. “BOLLOCKS!!! Are you guys even HEARING yourselves right now…?! That’s impossible! You can’t just get a sex-change over-night! And even if you COULD, I was with him all night, so I’d know!”
    “WE WANT PROOF!” Marluxia demanded.
    “It’s ****in’ IMPOSSIBLE! How’s he supposed to have the ****in’ thing?! Does he **** it out?!”
    “That’d be one big turd, man!
    “One ****IN’ big turd!”

    Luxord rolled his eyes. “Well, I guess I’ll be going now…” he grumbled, getting ready to portal off.
    “NUUU! Luxord!” Zexion cried, pouncing on the blonde and clinging to his legs. “I HAVE TO SEE IT FOR MYSELF!!!
    Marluxia pounced, too, making all three Nobodies topple to the ground. “SHOW US!
    “Dude! If you're shittin’ me right now…!”

    Luxord grunted as he was practically buried under the Nobody dog-pile. “Get the **** OFFA me!” He pushed the others off and hastily made a portal. “FINE! FINE!!!” he screamed as he transported them all to Xigbar’s room.


    Xigbar had his hands on his hips, glaring icily at Luxord. “WHERE have you been?! It’s been TEN WHOLE MINUTES, do ya know that?! Boy, if I find out you’ve been getting’ it on with Demyx, I’ll shove my foot SO far up your ass, the—!”
    “Sorry, mate! Gotta interrupt!” Luxord cried, scrambling up to him, and yanking down his pants and boxers. Satisfied by what he saw, he grinned and triumphantly pointed at Xigbar’s crotch. “SEE?! I told ya!”

    Zexion blinked. “So… He’s a guy.”
    “I KNEW IT!” Marluxia screamed. “I KNEW HE WASN’T PREGNANT!!!”
    “Nuh-uh, you TOTALLY fell for it!”
    “Yeah, well, so did you!”

    Xigbar blushed vividly and growled. Before anyone could do anything else, he back-handed Luxord as hard as he could. “Don’t you EVER do that again!!!” he roared, pulling up his pants back up. “And where the HELL is my peanut-butter and mayonnaise sandwich?!”

    Zexion and Marluxia stopped and stared.

    Luxord rubbed the newly red hand-print across his cheek, and looked back up at Xigbar sadly. “Oh, bugger… Sorry, I was caught up in watching some scary-ass illusion and I forgot…” he grumbled.

    Xigbar’s eyes quickly got wide. “Wha… HUH…?! You… you forgot…? You forgot about ME?!” He began sobbing. “Luxord, how COULD you?! I thought what we had was SPECIAL!!!!”

    Zexion and Marluxia stared at each other, eyes wide.

    “Look, Xigbar…” Luxord replied patiently. “We’ve been together for how long…? Me not making you a sandwich does not mean that it’s over. I just didn’t have enough time to run to the kitchen and whip ya up something. O-KAAAAAAY…?
    “Really? That’s it?” Xigbar laughed. “Okay, then!”

    Marluxia gulped. “X…Xigbar, stop messin’ with us, ma—What are you doing?”
    Xigbar drew one of his guns, a shadow of pure, simple HATE shrouding his face. “I will give you to the count of ten… for you two mother-****ers to get the hell outta my ****in’ room. One… two… TEN!

    Marluxia and Zexion screamed and scrambled out of the room as a barrage of bullets flew past them. Once they were safe, they collapsed on the ground, huffing.

    Zexion blinked. “He's faking it. He's gotta be.”
    “… Looked pretty real to me…”
    “Guys do NOT get pregnant…”
    “Alright, but when his stomach starts jutting out, NO pinning it on a beer belly.”

    ( To Be Continued... )


    Yeah... Larxene bashing. XD; Usually I don't do stuff like that - hell, I LOVE Larxene! But it just kinda FIT, ya know? XD; This was chock-full of OC moments and randomness... And I wrote 18.5 out of the 20 pages that it took last night aroun 4 am. XD; GO INSOMNIA!

    *yawns* Yeah... and you guys thought that Xiggalicious was bad. >.>; I have successfully distroyed every piece of dignity that Xigbar had with this fanfic. *shrug* Ah well... I tried to let him keep some part of hiss usual, bad-assed self, so that's why Luxord keeps on getting knocked around so much.

    Poor Luxxy... XD;;; *gives the poor guy a cookie for being such a good-sport* 83
    Xigbar: HEY! Where's MY freakin' cookie?! D8< I'M a good sport! DDD<

    ........ *snatches cookie from Lux and gives to Xig* 8D;
    Luxord: Awww... ;~;
    Xigbar: YAY! 8D *nomz on*

    Oi - I hope I don't get in trouble for this one. XD; There's nothing BAD bad in, but... still. This might be pushing it a bit. ^^;

    Oh well.

    Lord of the Wings,

    (( Uncensored version here! ))


    Part 2!
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, May 17, 2008, 25 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. 2Foxxie4U
    GYAH! *flail* I'm so sorry that I didn't come sooner, Twi! Freakin' MSN junks all of my KH-Vids messages! DX

    Anyways, great job as always! Somehow I knew you wouldn't be able to resist sneakin' in the Terrible Trio in there. XD Can't wait fot the next part - it's such an honer to be your proofreader! ^^

    BTW, whatever that little "[c]" thing is, it doesn't work. D8
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, May 14, 2008 in forum: Archives
  12. 2Foxxie4U
    Leah does not understaaaand... TTATT
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, May 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. 2Foxxie4U
    (( .... That thing scared the crap outta me. XDDDD; ))
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Apr 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. 2Foxxie4U
    Wait wait wait....

    Sora HAS one? O.O;
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Apr 20, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. 2Foxxie4U
    I disagree with the Lex comment. >.> You forget that he was a scientist in his past life under Wise Ansem's command. WHY would a person named "Wise Ansem" waist his time hiring a guy who was "As dumb as a rock"?! That doesn't make any sense. Just because he's strong and everything doesn't mean he's stupid. >.>


    Here's my list. <3

    1. Xemnas
    2. Xaldin
    3. Saix
    4. Larxene
    5. Lexaeus
    6. Xigbar
    7. Marluxia
    8. Axel
    9. Roxas
    10. Vexen
    11. Luxord
    12. Demyx
    13. Zexion

    That's only under normal circumstances, though. I think once a Nobody gets at the height of their "emotional" power, they're all pretty much the same... Save for maybe Xemnas and Roxas. That's why Demyx can be so weak and horrible at fighting one moment, and be all, "RAWR - IMMUNAH GET CHOO! D<" the next. XD

    Eh... I had more to say to this, but I forgot what it was... :sweatdrop:
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Apr 20, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. 2Foxxie4U
    Sora, Kairi, and Ansem the Wise.

    Nuff said. <3

    *will crack up if she gets de-repped about this*
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Apr 19, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. 2Foxxie4U

    Finally another Xiggy fan. XD

    I = rabid Organization fan - especially wen it comes to Xiggy. XD I used to be a huge fan of Axel, but... Iunno - not so much anymore. =\ He just got too over rated.

    I just love the way he tries to be all "SURFER DUDE - CHYEAH! >8D" with those 3 godawfully streaks of gray in his hair. YOU'RE NOT FOOLING ANYONE, OLD-TIMER! XD; Snap outta that there mid-life crisis and go drink some prune juice or somethin'! XD


    Also... Purple guns. Bonus since purple is awesome and gunz are ganster. XD Eyepatch + scar + pony tail of DEWM = MAD gangster = UBER BONUS.


    Nuff said.

    Demyx comes in close second.
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Apr 19, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. 2Foxxie4U
    She's my second favorite. XD

    Blosom was always too.... Mary-Sue-ish for me. </3
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. 2Foxxie4U
    No - it's just that that's the computer set-up - not the MSN account set-up thingy.

    But whatever. I've given up on it. I'm making a new account WITHOUT parental controls so that I can download whatever the hell I wanna and go wherever the hell I wanna. <3

    Thanks to Cronoking for the suggestion! TTATT
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. 2Foxxie4U
    Axel = Blosom, Demyx = Bubbles, Xiggy = Buttercup.

    That's why Buttercup has always been my favorite. <3

    God, so many memories... X'D
    Post by: 2Foxxie4U, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone