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  1. John Clay Rice
    I'm going to UK game tonight.
    Profile Post by John Clay Rice for Sumi, Nov 3, 2008
  2. John Clay Rice
    “Got something on your mind?” asked Aladdin.

    “I find my son, and lose my enemy,” said Cassim. He stopped and looked back at him. “You did your old man proud, Aladdin. You, too, Sora”

    “We were just trying to stay alive,” said Sora, not trying to make a big deal out of it.

    “Ha, if you boys didn’t fight, you would’ve been killed,” said Cassim. “So says the Code of the Forty Thieves.”

    “Does this code have any rules that don’t end in death?” Iago asked.

    “It’s a strict code,” said Cassim, walking to a tall door that had an engraving of a seat turtle etched into it. “But there is one I have added. We never hurt the innocent.”

    “Uh, for future references, I’m as innocent as the day was hatched,” said Iago, perching on a stone with smile on his face and his hands folded behind his back.

    "Oh Brother." Said Sonic and Sora with a sigh.

    Cassim lit a few oil bowls and the fiery light revealed them an open room fit for prince: fine furniture, silk tapestries and cloths, hand carved wardrobe, and among the bare wall, were carvings of an ancient writing that seemed to describe something about some kind of turtle.

    “Listen, boys,” said Cassim, tossing his torch into a water bowl. “This is a treasure; the ultimate treasure.” This caught the ears of both Iago and Abu.

    “What so great about it?” asked Sora.

    “Compared to it, a pharaoh’s tomb is a pauper’s grave, a sultan’s fortune nothing but lunch money, and I am this close to it,” said Cassim, comparing his distance by the small space between his finger and thumb.

    “Wow, that is close,” said Sora. “Where is it?”

    “On island that never appears in the same place twice,” said Cassim, reaching into his wardrobe and pulling out a rolled carpet. “It is known as the Vanishing Isle.”

    “Now that would be a problem,” said Iago.

    “What is this ultimate treasure?” asked Sonic.

    What’s the Hand of Midas?” Sora asked "Cause I barley passed Greek class."

    Long ago in Greece, King Midas of Lydia, was well known for his thirst for wealth,” said Cassim. “Despite the massive horde in his treasury, he desired more and more of it. Then, one day, he was given a grand gift from the gods: anything he were touch would turn to solid gold. He was overjoyed with such powers, but he soon realized that it was not as great as he thought it would be. After days of starvation, and the dreadful fate of his daughter turning to gold herself, King Midas despised the curse and begged them that they would remove it from him. The God Dionysus, pleaded his cry and told him to bathe in the River of Pactolus. As he did, the water washed his curse away, turning the sand beneath him into gold.

    “Upon his death bed, before his daughter could carry out the funeral games, his hand suddenly turned into gold. She soon discovered that he had left a will behind, stating that his hand was to help finance the kingdom when dire trouble. After a while, word reached out of his golden hand and soon, kings and lords challenged the kingdom for it; lives were lost and wars were raged to get it.

    Midas’ daughter then consulted with the Oracle, asking it if there was a place to send her father’s hand. The Vanishing Isle was her only hope, and so she begged Poseidon to take the hand to the Vanishing Isle where it would lay for eternity. Poseidon agreed, and so the hand was never seen again.”

    Sonic whistled "That's an awesome story." But Aladdin wasn't impressed. "it's just a myth

    “It’s not a myth, boy,” said Cassim. He picked up a wet torch, lit it, and led them to a ledge where the sea water settled in. The light reflected against walls and into the water. Lying underneath it was a long Viking ship, glittering and glistening solid gold. “There’s your proof. From stern to stem, every piece of rigging, every plank and board, all of it: solid gold. Touched by the Hand of Midas.”

    “And sunk by it,” said Aladdin, like he even cared, walking away. Cassim just sighed.

    “You don’t understand,” said Cassim, bringing up a broken and hard past as he threw his torch into the water. “You don’t know what it’s like to have nothing, to stare up at the palace, knowing your deserve more; to be called street rat.” With those words, Aladdin felt the same pain as his father, feeling remorse and pity for him.

    “Yes, I do,” said Aladdin. Sora followed after with Cassim. "You also know what's it's like to have a father." Sora looked downly "I don't." He said with his down. "You don't know your father?" Asked Sonic. Sora looked up again "I don't know who's my real mother. I was adpoted at Destiny Islands. I found out a long time ago." He said while he was crying.

    Sonic was hugging him. "Shh it's okay Sora." Aladdin looked at Sora sadly.

    “I knew exactly what I wanted for my family,” said Cassim interuptting “The best. I couldn’t go back to Agrabah and come back empty handed. But… weeks turned into months, and months turned into years.” Cassim stood before the carvings on the wall, looking up at them with regret as his hand brushed against the surface. “I came back to Agrabah one night, and I couldn’t find my wife… nor my son. I thought my family… was gone forever.”

    At that moment, Aladdin no longer believed that this man was selfish person anymore, for the sound in his voice told him how broken hearted he was.

    “At that moment, I would’ve traded anything to get your mother back,” said Cassim.

    “We never wanted gold,” said Aladdin. “We wanted you.” Cassim turned with his son walking to him. “I wanted a father. I still do. Come to my wedding. This time you have an invitation.”

    “All right, Aladdin,” Sora cheered, along with Abu and Carpet.

    “Aladdin, I don’t know,” said Cassim, not too keen on the idea. Aladdin put his hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

    “Dad, we’re not for Agrabah until morning,” said Aladdin. “We’ll you just think about it.” Cassim sighed with his hand running his hair back. He looked back at Aladdin again and gave him a nod. Aladdin smiled and left with Sora Sonic, Abu, and Carpet.

    “Aladdin wouldn’t understand,” said Cassim, pacing steadily around the room. “It just wouldn’t work. I don’t belong to his world.”

    “The Oracle doesn’t belong to his world either,” said Iago, perching on Cassim’s right shoulder. “It belongs to two enterprising treasure hunters: you and me.” Cassim didn’t buy and just shooed Iago off his shoulder.

    “The Oracle,” Cassim groaned. “Probably just another dead end.”

    “It works,” Iago shouted, trying to get his point across. “THat’s how the kid found you. It knows everything.” That rang in his ears like a bell.

    “Everything?” Cassim asked, smiling happily, turning to Iago who was wearing the same smile as him.

    “And I know where they stashed it,” said Iago, with Cassim looking right down at him. “Cassim, we’re talking about the wedding of your only son. It’s a once in the lifetime opportunity.”

    “How could I pass it out?”

    Later Sora was sitting in his room thinking "Mom, Dad where are you?"
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Nov 3, 2008 in forum: Archives
  3. John Clay Rice
    Darth Vader.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Nov 2, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. John Clay Rice
    I'll take the little girl. There will be plenty of Hot chicks for me someday. Maybe the Chick I was dating wasn't the right girl for me.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Nov 2, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  5. John Clay Rice
  6. John Clay Rice
  7. John Clay Rice
  8. John Clay Rice
    He hosted once.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Nov 2, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  9. John Clay Rice
    "You talking to me? Are you talking to me?"
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. John Clay Rice
  11. John Clay Rice
  12. John Clay Rice
    Victory Kentucky. 14-13.
    Profile Post by John Clay Rice for Sumi, Nov 1, 2008
  13. John Clay Rice
    The Forty Thieves gathered all around on a cliff peak where an ancient arena laid. Iago and Carpet was grounded under a giant fat man. Aladdin Sora, and Sonic stood in the arena with Cassim behind them.

    “So, what’s going on, dad?,” asked Aladdin.

    “Oh, the challenge is simple enough,” said Cassim. “Only one man survives. Well, in this case, three. if you can beat Sa’luk." Sonic smirked "I think we can handle this pinhead wide open." He exclaimed.

    Cassim smiled as he handed Aladdin back his dagger, before he stepped back into the crowd. “Knock him dead, boys. Seriously.”

    A thief stepped forward with a sword in his hands between the wide space between the three fighters. Aladdin only tucked the dagger under his belt and Sora summoned his Keyblade, which caught the thieves by surprise seeing such magic. Sonic used spin dash on Sa’luk's head. Making him lie fown.

    Sa 'luk got up and growled. “Here’s an idea,” said Sa’luk. “DIE!” He lunged at Sora, leaping from the ground, and threw his claw straight. Sora stepped his left foot hard front, throwing his blade vertical front, striking between the first space between Sa’luk’s claws, holding it back, but not without being pushed back a few feet, and the claws an inch from his eyes. Sa’luk kept forcing his hand against Sora’s blade, wanting to stick it into him, but to his surprise, he managed to hold him back. Rather than push forward, Sa’luk pulled his right fist, but Sora swiftly swung up his right foot at Sa’luk’s temple, but his ankle was grabbed and Sa’luk spun three times around and threw Sora hard against a stone wall.

    The thieves cheered with Sa’luk’s blow, but he was caught off guard when Aladdin jumped up behind him, his hands held tightly together, and slammed his double fist at the base of Sa’luk’s skull, knocking him fast and hard to the ground. Sa’luk climbed back to his feet and turned to Aladdin. Then Sonic was running and running and running to make Sal'uk dizzy. Sora then used Thunder against Sal'uk.

    Aladdin scowled at Sa’luk as he rose to his feet and charged at him as fast as he could, his right hand grasping onto the handle of his dagger. Sa’luk’s claw came down hard but stopped by Aladdin’s dagger, holding Sa’luk back with all his strength, pushing him back from Sora. Sa’luk threw his claw down on Aladdin, willing striking down on his dagger as if to throw off his balance, but only pushed him back near the cliff. Sa’luk tried to punch Aladdin in the sides, but he grabbed his wrists and pushed it back, holding it above their heads along with his claws; both forcing their strengths against one another, driven by determination to overpower the other as if their very lives depended on it; for Aladdin, it did.

    He looked over his shoulder and saw how close he was to the cliffs, the edges crumbling a little beneath his weighted feet, knowing that with one wrong step, it would mean his death. Sa’luk then kneed Aladdin hard in stomach three times, catching him off guard, making him drop to his knees. Sa’luk then raised Aladdin high above his head as he stood by the cliff, the thieves cheering on, shouting and yelling, begging Sa’luk to throw him down while Cassim gasped from behind, unable to believe it.

    His arms threw down and Aladdin plummeted into the darkness, but unknown to them, Aladdin’s body was dragging along the cliff face, sticking his dagger into the surface and slowing his descent to a edge line strong enough to stand on with his back against the surface. He looked down below and saw the faint waves crashing against the pike rocks. Aladdin sighed with relief until he felt pebbles falling on his head and shoulders. That’s when he looked up and saw Sa’luk coming down to him, using his claws to slow his descent to him.

    Sora and Sonic looked down and said to Sonic "I have an idea. Sonic." As he climbed down to save Aladdin. "Sora get back here."

    He landed with equal balance on the same ledge as Aladdin, filing his claws out of the stone, leaving the deep scratch marks. Aladdin felt trapped like a rat as Sa’luk crept his way over to him.

    “Ha-ha-ha-ha, it’s over, boy,” said Sa’luk. “Hope you’ve made your peace.” His claw rose high.

    “Guess again, ugly,” Sora shouted. Reckless and stupid, Sora came dropping down with his Keyblade raised over his head and slashed down, after luckily landing on the same ledge, Sa’luk fell forward, which made Aladdin jump to his dagger, grabbing a tight hold of it as he raised his feet and kicked his heels at Sa’luk’s chest, further throwing off his balance. Sa’luk desperately tried to regain, Aladdin struck with fear, dropped down and reached out for him, hoping to save him, but Sa’luk fell back and dropped down to the crashing waves beneath them, his scream slowly dying down. Aladdin lowered his head in shame, feeling guilt for not being able to save him in time. Sora couldn’t help but feel the same way as Aladdin, for he didn’t count on Sa’luk falling to his grave. He walked over to him and placed his hand on his shoulder as he knelt beside him.

    “Hey, Aladdin, you okay?” Sora asked. Aladdin knelt up and nodded his head.

    “Yeah, I’m fine,” said Aladdin. An end of a rope dropped down on their heads and Sora handed it to him, letting him go first. As Aladdin began his climb up, he grabbed his dagger and pulled it out, staring Sonic standing up asking "Are you guys okay?" They nodded

    Then at their reflection within the blade for a moment then sheathed it and continued his way up with Sora following behind him. As they reached up to the top, they gasped in surprise to the see the Forty Thieves surround them, all wearing a sinister smile while some deftly spinning the tip of their daggers against their fingertips. This was no doubt good for them.

    “I thought our side won,” Iago cried.

    “Look, we…” Aladdin stuttered, trying to find the words to explain, along with Sora and Sonic.

    “We didn’t mean…” said Sora, and then the Forty Thieves ganged up on them, picking them up off their feet and just carried them above them, guiding them back to their lair, along with Iago and Abu. Back in the lair, the boys were held before Cassim; his arms crossed strong and heavily across his chest, looking down at them with a sinister glare on his face as if he was looking through his mask.

    “The three of you have killed Sa’luk,” said Cassim, his voice strong. “The Code of the Forty Thieves is very clear on this point.” He uncrossed his arms as he stomped down the stairs. Aladdin and Sora believed that he would do some terrible to them. He stood before them, looking hard into their eyes and a smile grew on his face.

    “Your in,” said Cassim. Their eyes widened up in surprise as they were let go and the Forty Thieves cheered in an uproar, some padding their shoulders and shaking their hand. Cassim walked in between The Three heroes, his arms held behind them. “Follow me, boys, there’s something I want to show you.”

    “Sure,” said Aladdin. Cassim led the way with Sora, Aladdin, Sonic, Carpet, Iago and Abu following behind them.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. John Clay Rice
  15. John Clay Rice
  16. John Clay Rice
  17. John Clay Rice
    And the game was dubbed by 4Kids. I thought they don't allow cussing.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. John Clay Rice
    You know when Sora says "What the Hell is up with you people" to Axel, will he say it in english version?
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, Oct 31, 2008, 47 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. John Clay Rice
    Sora. I am lame but good hearted.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. John Clay Rice
    All our Footballs are gone.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone