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  1. John Clay Rice
    Who should it be?
    Thread by: John Clay Rice, Oct 21, 2008, 42 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. John Clay Rice
  3. John Clay Rice
    Oh God. He was a pain in the ass. It took me 5 days to beat him.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 20, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. John Clay Rice
    Yeah she was Aerith.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 20, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. John Clay Rice

    Author: Billy G Man
    Title: Sonic Hearts
    Realm: Set After KH2.

    Genre: Action/Comedy/Romance
    Plot: Sora Kairi and Riku accidently fell into a hole of another world called Mobious and meets Sonic and Tails when Sonic's arch enemy Dr. Robotnik attacked and revealed that he knew Xehanort and is using the Heartless to get the Chaos Emeralds. Then King Mickey came and explianed that's he's using the Emeralds to revive Xehanort at Kingdom Hearts and to take over all worlds. As Sora Donald and Goofy with the help by Sonic, travel to other worlds to find them before Robotnik does.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 20, 2008 in forum: Archives
  6. John Clay Rice
    Just watched him on YouTube. He's perfect.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. John Clay Rice
    YOu mean like asking him to change his underwear or be very overprotective?
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. John Clay Rice
    The elephants charged into the hall, crashing down the pillars with their swaying trunks and charging tusks with anger and aggression while the people ran for cover and safety. An elephant charged at the altar with its head down and its tusks forwards. Aladdin quickly grabbed Jasmine tight in his arms and jumped out of the way, leaving the altar to be crushed and demolished by the elephant.

    Then Sora sees a Heartless then slashed it with a Keyblade. Then Sonic sees one of the thieves who's trying to scare Sonic but Sonic smirked and used spin dash on the thief. Then he sses a bandit with a sword trying to catch him but Sonic taunted "Catch me if you can!!"(My favorite Sonic line)

    Then The guards sees Sal'luk and wields their swords which made him chuckle evilly then he slashed their clothes making them wear nothing but thier underwear.

    Where is it?†asked the King of Thieves, pushing aside gold pots and urns, until he found a gold scepter with a green jewel held on the head. “Ah, at last.†He grabbed the scepter and held it before him, admiring its beauty as if he had been searching for his whole life and now his search came to an end. But then someone tackled him to the floor, knocking him on his back. He leaned against his arms and shook his head. His eyes opened to see Aladdin standing above him, holding the scepter in his hand.

    “Can I see your invitation?†Aladdin asked, smiling as cocky as ever. The King was not amused.

    “Stay out of my way, boy,†said the King, his left hand slowly reaching for the cat statue next to him. “And you won’t get hurt!†He quickly hurled the statue at Aladdin’s chest, knocking back against the gift stands. The King jumped to his feet and tackled Aladdin, grabbing his wrists as Aladdin raised his right hand to strike him down with the scepter. Aladdin was surprised by the King’s strength as he struggled to get free. “Fool, you don’t stand a chance against the King of Thieves.â€

    “When I get up, I’ll bow to you,†Then he kicked him.

    Meanwhile a thief confronted Amy who was not amused nor frightened. "Hmm You wouldn't wanna mess with me." As she wielded her hammer and bonked his head. Making the others scared. Meanwhile the Genie was up the roof to prevent leaks. "Genie could you come here and help us?" Asked Sonic.

    I guess there’s no point to this know,†said Genie. He appeared with his arms crossed before a group of thieves, smiling down at them like an all-powerful being he was. The thieves dropped their loot and took their stance, drawing swords and daggers, cracking knuckles and necks. Donald and Goofy saw what Genie was up against and wondered what he would do. He looked back at them and raised his eyebrows a few time at them with a smile. A black ninja uniform appeared on his body with a pair of sais, and then multiple copies appeared, all letting cries and whoos as they flail and twirled their sides, scraping their blades against each other, and stopped with the same stance; left sai above their heads, right sai at waist lever, and their right heel held out at the thieves who lost their nerves and flee in panic. With the sound of trumpeting elephant, an idea came to Genie’s mind. He made himself a giant and picked the elephant up in his arms, holding its trunk out and cocked it like a shotgun.

    “Freeze, sandbags,†Genie barked out. “Don’t make me use the other end.†He aimed the trunk at a large group of thieves and squeezed the elephant so that a hurricane of air was shot, blowing the thieves away like a sandstorm. When he stopped the elephant was as wiped out as an empty balloon and he set it aside. Genie glanced to the side and shot a bolt of magic to the butt of a group of thieves, catching them on fire and sending them running in pain. He sat on a bench and shot another bolt before changing to the a thin man, dressed in a suit, military cut hair and a box of chocolate on his lap.

    “Mama always said, magic is as magic does,†said Forrest Gump Genie.

    The King twisted Aladdin’s arm harder, making him fall flat on his stomach and face down.

    “Last chance, boy,†said the King.

    “Let him go,†Sora shouted. The King turned his head and saw Sora lunge at him with his Keyblade raised over his head. He swung down and the King pulled his sword in front of him, blocking Sora’s attack, but was thrown back from Aladdin.

    “Thanks, Sora,†said Aladdin, as Sora helped him to his feet.

    “No problem,†said Sora, taking his stance with Aladdin. “Who’s this guy? Zorro?â€

    “You may know me as the King of Thieves,†said the King. “Are there no real men in this palace?â€

    “You’ll find that we’re no pushovers when we fight together,†said Aladdin.

    “Is that so?†Aladdin tucked the scepter in his belt and picked up a long pole, holding it as a staff. “Then show me.†Sora charged first, holding his Keyblade to left. He then lunged at the right moment and swung his Keyblade at the King’s head, but the King blocked his attack and threw his left shoulder into Sora’s chest, pushing him back, and then he threw back right foot, kicking him to the gift stand. Aladdin found his opening in that moment and charged, thrusting his shoulder front, tackling the King against the wall, the impact making him drop his sword.

    Aladdin pushed the King’s back hard against the wall and pulled back his right fist, shooting it front, but the King grabbed Aladdin’s wrist, pressing his thumb above the pulse tightly, making Aladdin’s arm cringe and then he slammed his forehead between his eyes, knocking out his sense of balance, and then shot a right hook to Aladdin’s jaw, throwing him to the floor but not before he swiped the scepter from Aladdin’s belt. He could not help but stare at its glistening beauty, the way it just sparkled in his eyes, but then something struck him hard in the back of the head, tumbling across the floor, dropping the scepter. When he came to, he opened his eyes and saw Sora holding the scepter in his left hand.

    “You didn’t forget about me, did you?†Sora asked, smiling cocky.

    “You no more trouble than the other boy,†said the King, getting on his feet. “At least you can use a blade. Spare us the trouble and give me the scepter.†Then he grabbed the sceptor but Aladdin held on to it. Making Sora pull for support.
    The scepter-tug-of-war came to an end when a elephant charged to the gift room with its tusks forward and its trunk flailing about. Both new they would be dead if they stayed in one place, and so they jumped in different directions, the elephant passing between them, crashing through the doorway, creating a heavy cloud of dust. When the dust had cleared, Sora and Aladdin stood together in near the doorway, watching the elephant run away. When they turned around, they gasped in surprise.

    “Where’s the King of Thieves?†asked Aladdin.

    “Aladdin, look,†Sora cried out. He looked outside with Sora and saw the thieves ride out of the city and into the desert sea as the Heartless disappeared and the elephants calmed down. Genie, Sonic, Amy, Donald, and Goofy were overjoyed to have a break, but were startled when debris came crashing wn. Genie winced with a gasp.

    “This not my fault,†said Genie, as the rest of the debris came down. “This was not built to code.â€

    "Uh Okay. Even though it's not your fault." Said Sonic in a sarcastic voice.
    Post by: John Clay Rice, Oct 19, 2008 in forum: Archives
  9. John Clay Rice