Awesome!:D Yeah, I'll have to ask someone else about it some time!:)
Yeah, I think it was one of those Christian movies that takes place in the future where the Christians are constantly being persecuted... It may not have been Left Behind, though. Sorry, I have to get offline now. Cursed homework!!:( Bye!;)
My favorite movie is Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and my favorite TV show would have to be Teen Titans.:D Yes, Invader Zim definitely comes in second place for me with TV shows! Both Pirates movies totally rock, and I am absolutely IN LOVE with Star Wars!!!:D
Yeah, I've heard they're pretty good, so I'm pretty sure I'll watch them some time. Umm, I can't remember if it was really from Left Behind or not, but it was where a man and a woman were doing a news report or something, and these two guys who were watching it zoomed in on a piece of paper the woman was holding...or something like that. I saw it like 6 or 7 years ago, so it's really vague.
I think I've seen parts of one of them, but I don't know for sure. Other than that, no, I haven't seen them... I probably will eventually, though.;)
Yeah, what EvilMan_89 said! Being color blind doesn't make you wierd! Be nice to yourself!:D
No, I'm not color blind... At least I hope not! *checks the computer screen* The main color for this whole wep page is blue, right?:p
Yeah, as soon as I learned the guy's name, I thought he was Axel's other. Then I read Forsaken Shadow's comment, and I was like, "Duh, of course he's the Chaser of Axel's other! What was I thinking!?!" *smacks head* I was close, though...:p
I got mine from You can also find them on Ebay. I don't know any stores to look at though. Maybe you could try Barnes & Noble or Borders or something...
I like the CoM manga, but I don't like the first one so much. I don't hate it though. And for those of you who are complaining about enemies dying with one hit, remember something from Kingdom Hearts II (the game). During the scene in The World That Never Was, Roxas was defeated with one blow, and he's supposed to be one of the strongest opponents, isn't he? And all that heartless that Kairi and Ansem (Riku) fought together? They died in one blow too. And all the Nobodies that King Mickey fought did the same thing. I think that when you're actually fighting in the game, they want it to be more exciting, so they have you hit the enemy multiple times instead of running around for ten minutes trying to defend yourself and trying to get close enough to the enemy to hit it. I know that I would prefer to do it the "video game" way instead of the "realistic" way. A theory of mine is that if Kingdom Hearts were a movie, you might see the fights in the "realistic" way. Sora (or whoever was fighting at the moment) would be defending himself while trying to get close enough to the enemy so he could hit and defeat it. Therefore, Sora fights that way in the manga. Please don't bite my head off for saying this stuff, but I think that's the way it is. BTW, the thing with Ansem having no physical blows bugs me too.
I haven't read the ending in the manga yet, so I don't know...:(
Good call, FireNanaki!
I like to make jokes about everyone in Organization XIII except Roxas and Larxene being gay. Axel's not really gay, though. He just has different mannerisms. Yeah, you go, Bariyou!!!!! I totally agree with you!:D
I have both but I like contacts better than glasses because they don't get in the way of anything and I forget they're there most of the time!:D In case you were wondering, I have horrible vision, so I have to wear one or the other pretty much all the time except when I'm sleeping.
I chose Nobodies because Roxas and Naminé are Nobodies and they both ROCK MY SOCKS!!!!:D
Whoa, sounds cool!
Yeah, I really don't like to think about death, but I hope to go to Heaven when I die... If you were just eternally asleep, that would suck, and if you went to Hell, that would REALLY suck!:( So, as a few other people have said, I don't like to think about death either, and I don't want to have to do that until my time comes, I just like living and not worrying right now.
You're welcome! Glad I could help!:D
This is really good! *applauds* One thing that I keep noticing that bugs me though, you've been typing something wrong in most or all of your chapters. The word "it's" is a contraction of "it is." You don't use it for the possessive thing. For example, you don't say, "The cat licked it's paw," because that would mean "The cat licked it is paw." The possessive one is just like "its." There's no apostrophe. I know that many people argue, "But you always have an apostrophe for a possessive word!" Not so. You don't say stuff like "your's" and "their's." That's just not how it works. So yeah. I'm not trying to show off or make you mad, I'm just a grammar freak.:) *notices a typo* GOSHDANGIT!!! *hits self* LOL!
Dang it, I can't read this whole thing right now, but I some day will!:) It looks so cool! I can't wait! Naminé rules!!!:D