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  1. Invader Jack
    Dude, you are so freaking good!! How old are you!?! LOL, you looked smaller on that stage than you probably do in real life, so I wasn't expecting that really deep voice. Excellent!! :D
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Music
  2. Invader Jack
    1. Confessions of a Broken Heart (Daughter to Father)- Lindsay Lohan (I know that most of you probably hate her, but that song almost made me cry the first couple times I listened to it.)
    2. Adrian- Jewel (I can't remember if it almost made me cry or if it just sent chills up my spine, but it's REALLY sad.)
    3. When You're Gone- Avril Lavigne (I almost cried watching the video. If you know what I'm talking about, I almost cried for the old man whose wife died and the pregnant woman whose husband went to war, but NOT for the teenage girl who couldn't be with her boyfriend, because that was just gay.)
    4. Hello- Evanescence (I listened to this while mourning the death of this awesome little three-year-old I knew, and it made me cry even more than I had already been crying.)
    5. Well, I don't know what this last song was called, but it was this one country song (not Concrete Angel) about this guy's daughter whose friend had been beaten to death and the girl was all crying and the dad was really sad that he didn't know how to make her feel better.
    6. Oh, and I though Concrete Angel by Reba Maccantire (however you spell that) was sad too.
    Yeah, that's a big post... 0_0
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Music
  3. Invader Jack
    Really? I think the only characters that I don't make a big deal out of when they die are the monsters that you kill in that game. Oh, and all the Shinra people, cuz they suck.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  4. Invader Jack
    No, I've seen immature boys, and frankly, I'd far rather hang out with Sora than with them... Sora doesn't try to screw every other girl he meets, and he knows not to say a joke more than once, because that just ticks everyone off. He really doesn't annoy me at all. Although it's really strange and ever-so-slightly bothersome that half the time he doesn't know what he's talking about and the other half of the time he acts like a soldier or something and knows exactly what's going on and precisely how to deal with it.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Invader Jack
    I wouldn't expect it to be that great, nevertheless, I would SO go and see it! And even if I didn't like it that much I would still probably buy it on DVD, just because I love Kingdom Hearts that much! But seriously I highly, and I do mean HIGHLY, doubt that they will ever go near making a Kingdom Hearts movie. It would be quite the miracle if they actually did.

    Of course there are! Have you never heard of them??? They've been around for a few years now.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Invader Jack
    LOL, I don't think that would work, because her body is already at the bottom of that one lake, so even if you could bring her back to life, she would wake up like twenty feet under water and just drown and die again. XD BTW, you can make Cloud fall in love with her if you select all the right choices in conversations and such.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  7. Invader Jack
    They should so remake FFVII!! And as far as voice actors, I haven't seen the movie yet, but they should once again have Mandy Moore as Aerith like KH, and Rachel Leigh Cook and Tifa like KHII and also the one guy that plays Cloud in KHII! Yeah...
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  8. Invader Jack
    Whoa, that's really awesome, even though I really don't like FFX that much...
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Invader Jack
  10. Invader Jack
    Yeah, I wanted to cry. They just make it so tragic when Cloud was saying she'll never talk or laugh or be angry again. And that sad music... Even when Sephiroth left Cloud and the gang to defeat that one monster, the sad music was still playing, and I was like Ohhhhh. And then Tifa said her last goodbye to Aerith and ran away crying, and after that they did the whole water burial thing and Aerith's hair was all loose and I was like Oh my gosh... Yes, that was my whole experience.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  11. Invader Jack
    Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I hope there'll be a Final Fantasy VII remake!!! I really, really do!!!! And all those posters and stuff are very cool.

    No offense, but one would probably think that she's the hottest character just because she's got like some of the skimpiest clothes you'll ever see in one of those games. Not that I have anything against Yuffie, besides that fact that she can be a little annoying at times. But for some reason, I think I like her first outfit better even though she shows off even more of herself. It's probably because her gloves look awesome and she doesn't have flowers on her shirt. The only thing I'm really in love with on her second outfit is her shoes.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  12. Invader Jack
    I haven't played it yet, but I probably will when I'm finished with FFVII.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  13. Invader Jack
    Oh man, I just finished the first disc of FFVII last night, and Aerith just died!! Now every time I think about that part, I get really sad. Does Aerith's death make anyone else sad? *sob* BTW, if you've already played the whole thing or at least been past the first disc, please try not to say anything about it, because I haven't played anymore of it yet, and I don't want to know what's about to happen...
    Thread by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007, 26 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. Invader Jack
    Mine was the first little bit of FFX. But I got stuck at one part in it and gave up. I've also seen it played by someone else, and from what I saw, it looks like the story sucks, so I might not ever finish it. IDK. But right now I'm playing FFVII. Although the graphics don't hold a candle to FFX's, the story and characters are 1,000 times better.

    Oh my gosh, you haven't!? It's OK, I hadn't played my first one until last year. :P Anyways, even if you only end up playing one of them, it HAS to be FFVII!!! That is the greatest one of them all!!! (Even though I've only played two of them. XD)
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  15. Invader Jack
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Invader Jack


    Yeah, I saw Tron for the first time earlier this year and I really liked it. It had quite the interesting plot...
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  17. Invader Jack
    I liked the movie where they were snowed in Mickey's house when it first came out, but when they made a TV series out of it, I just stopped liking it. I just have a huge thing against these Disney TV series slaughtering the original movies... By the way, eastercat, I LOVE your sig!!! 0_0
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  18. Invader Jack
    Well, first I shall say I don't DROOL over him. All my drooling is over Roxas, Axel, Zexion, and Riku. XD But anyways, how can you NOT love the main character of one of the most awesome stories ever? Sora is strong, sensitive, determined, caring, sometimes cool, and sometimes has really dorky moments that make you laugh. All great traits for a person to have. His good looks are pretty much just a side thing for me. But yeah, that's why I think he rocks!
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Invader Jack
    Well sure I do. I mean, we're all going to choke to death if we don't try to get rid of a bunch of the pollution in the world...
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  20. Invader Jack
    The only advice I can give is level up a lot. If you're trying to defeat him in Sora Mode, get as many HP as possible, learn good sleights such as Sonic Blade, and of course, build up a good, strong card deck. If you're in Riku Mode, just do some serious leveling up, especially with HP and DP. If you're on a high enough level, he really shouldn't present too much of a challenge. Hope that helped, even though you've probably gotten the same suggestions from everyone else...
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX