26,378 Hi there, Chaser007! How are you?
26,376! Geez, this is taking FOREVER!!! It's been almost a year since this thread started and we're not even 10% of the way there yet!! I'm going to start posting here every day! This'll probably take like ten years or more!!!
Oh my freaking gosh, I LOVE Harvest Moon to death!!! I think I was badly addicted to it a few years ago. XD I've played Friends of Mineral Town and Save the Homeland. Both rock, but I think I like FoMT better. Oh, and in FoMT, I married Popuri for one game, then I started over and married Karen. You can't get married in StH though... BTW, I would've started this thread in General Game Chat, not the Spam Zone...
I think it's Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover, and my favorite character in that is General Grievous. 0.0 I also like Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer and my favorite character in that is Artemis. Then there's the Seventh Princess by D. Sullivan in which my favorite character has to be Jennifer. And last but not least, there's A Wrinkle in Time by Madeliene L'Engle, and my favorite character in that is Charles Wallace. Woo, ROCK ON!!!
I've read Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover, and that was one of the best books ever. I won't list them all, but I've read a total of...9 1/2 Star Wars books I believe. If you count listening to audio books as well, then it would be about 11.
I don't really like her that much. She's got a good singing voice and isn't quite one of those sugar-coated, bubble gum divas and all, but she still bothers me a little. You can hear a hint of a Southern accent at times in her voice even though it's supposed to be, um, regular, so she probably had to be trained to talk like any other tween pop sensation by a speech therapist, which is a turn-off for me. Either speak the way you normally speak, or do a different accent PERFECTLY. And also, she talks like she has something in her mouth all the time. I mean, in Even Stevens, Wren had clear braces, but at least you could barely tell they were there. With Miley, you can't see anything, so it just looks like she's talking like that because she thinks it sounds cool or something...
Well, I really only watch Sailor Moon, so I guess it's my favorite anime TV series. *prepares to be slaughtered* But if movies count too, then my favorite is either Howl's Moving Castle or Millenium Actress.
I can't say I disagree with you there. All the American voice-overs could use some acting lessons if they want to be anywhere near as good as the Japanese ones. And of course, they totally screw up the translations and such. They also cut out small parts of episodes or entire episodes or entire SEASONS when they're "not appropriate for children." That bugs me. BTW, I'm mainly talking about Sailor Moon and some of the Hayao Miyazaki movies when I say this. Those are pretty much the only anime I watch...
Oh my gosh, I had no idea what it was at first, but it just came back to me! *smacks head* It's "Poor Unfortunate Souls" from The Little Mermaid! OK, let me come up with some more lyrics... Alright, I don't know how easy this one will be, but here they are: With a nugget for my Winnie And another one for me And all the rest'll go To The Virginia Company It's glory, God and gold And The Virginia Company
I've seen parts of it but I really wasn't that interested so I didn't bother trying to watch the whole thing even though it's a Miyazaki movie. >.>
Wait, on the last answer to the poll do mean we've played all except a couple of the games or just a couple out of all of them?? Anyways, I've played part of FFX and now I'm working on FFVII. So I've played a couple... 0_o
It definitely changed the way I look at Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pete, Minnie, and Daisy, but other than that, I don't think it did change anything for me... Oh wait, and Chip & Dale and all the Princesses of Heart... But that's it.
OK, here's mine: -Reflection from Mulan -I Won't Say (I'm in Love) from Hercules -God Help the Outcasts from The Hunchback of Notre Dame -Can You Feel the Love Tonight from The Lion King -This is Halloween from The Nightmare Before Christmas -Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas And I think that's it finally. Man, I just noticed that all the songs I listed are from movies that came out in the 90's. XD I guess that's because anything before the 90's was not up-to-date enough for my taste and then Disney went down the drain in the 2000's so all the songs from those movies are gay... I think all my favorite Disney movies were made in the 90's except Pirates of the Caribbean and National Treasure and the Pixar movies and Bridge to Terabithia. There you have it. And would all you people please stop saying Anastasia songs? As much as I LOVE that movie, it's NOT Disney, so you don't even need mention it! It's getting on my nerves. Huh? What song is that? That would be from the second one.
Uh, I don't know which songs got awards either...
Oh dude, that's cool! I never would've guessed.
Ooh, ooh, it's from The Lion King, sung by Scar! I guess the song would be called Be Prepared. Yeah, just had to say that... Um, I'm guessing The Hunchback of Notre Dame... I don't think I've seen that movie since like last year or something, but it fits. Well, I'll give this a shot. Just let me think... Okay, I got it. This may be a little tough... I thought my heart had learned its lesson It feels so good when you start out My head is screaming get a grip, girl Unless you're dying to cry your heart out Oh You keep on denying Who you are and how you're feeling Baby, we're not buying Hon, we saw ya hit the ceiling Face it like a grown-up When ya gonna own up That ya got, got, got it bad I LOVE this song! ^_^ *starts dancing to it*
Whoa this thread is old, I remember seeing it months ago! But I guess I never made a post here, so I like the original version the best. There's just no comparison there. Marilyn Manson's is too...intense, for lack of a better word. Panic! at the Disco's...as much as I love that band, their cover for this song sucks.
Um, I don't think it's a fake if it has such good graphics... Unless that's some of the same stuff you see in AC, which I haven't seen yet. But yeah, I doubt it's a fake. However, that does not mean I'm saying they'll probably make a remake, because I'm just as clueless as the rest of you. If they do, awesome. If they don't, I'll just be satisfied if I can still have a PS2 and play the one that we were given back in 1997 until I'm 70 years old with artheritis (however you spell that). XD
I didn't cry either, but I wanted to. It was very sad.