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  1. Invader Jack
    Oooh, they sound interesting!:D *Goes to read Blue-Eyed, Hands Tied* I LOVE Naminé! She is sooo cool! 0.0
    Post by: Invader Jack, May 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Invader Jack
    Sweet!:D Good job!
    Post by: Invader Jack, May 12, 2007 in forum: Archives
  3. Invader Jack
    I voted Roxas with Oathkeeper and Oblivion.:)
    Post by: Invader Jack, May 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Invader Jack
    Please don't shoot me!!:eek: I SWEAR it wasn't me! I would NEVER hit her!! She makes the most awesome stories ever! She's too cool! Help me, khchick55!:eek: Anyway, I'll stop now. Just put your gun down and find the real culprit, iPraise. LOL.:)

    Aww, Sunday? Well, that's okay. Just don't leave everyone hanging forever like you did with Chapter 7!:D Keep up the good work!
    Post by: Invader Jack, May 11, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. Invader Jack
    Oh, my gosh! Hurry!! Post the next chapter, quick, before I die from the suspense!!!!!:eek: This is sooo cool!!:D
    Post by: Invader Jack, May 9, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. Invader Jack
    Huh. IDK, it's really short and I don't get what's going on...:confused: I mean, not to be harsh or anything, but I don't know...
    Post by: Invader Jack, May 9, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. Invader Jack
    Well, when I first heard of it, I was like 9 or 10 and that's back when I never played video games and thought they were just for boys pretty much. So I didn't really care because it's a video game. I just thought it would be like any other game made by Disney Interactive. But then a few months later my friend (who is also a girl) said she just got a PS2 and asked me if I wanted to play Kingdom Hearts on it. I said "Oh yeah, that's that one new Disney game, isn't it?" I started playing it and expected to get bored, but I INSTANTLY fell in love with it! *sigh* I was 10 at that time... Was it really that long ago? And now, 5 years later, I am completely OBSESSED with it! I didn't actually become obsessed until the year before last, in August or something, when I found out a second one was going to come out and Captain Jack Sparrow was going to be in it!!! So there's my really long story about the whole thing! For those of you who actually read this entire post, I thank you and applaud you!:D :D :D :D :D :D
    Post by: Invader Jack, May 6, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Invader Jack
    I think it's "will tie" because that's what it looks like Kairi and Naminé are lip-synching or whatever... It also says that on Wikipedia, but that's not always the most reliable source for information... So yeah, I voted something else.
    Post by: Invader Jack, May 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Invader Jack

    Shoe makes

    Converse All The Way, Baby!!!!:d :d :d
    Post by: Invader Jack, Apr 30, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. Invader Jack
    PIRATES ALL THE WAY, MAN!!!! I am OBSESSED with Pirates of the Caribbean!!! :D :D :D
    Post by: Invader Jack, Apr 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Invader Jack
    Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my GOSH!!! I'm exploding inside!!! What if it's Sora??? Maybe he came back to life!!!! *breathes hard* GET THE NEXT CHAPTER UP SOON!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

    Oh, and I just considered the possibility of it being Devyn...but it would be cooler if it were Sora...:rolleyes:
    Post by: Invader Jack, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: Archives
  12. Invader Jack
    I think it's supposed to take place in between Kingdom Hearts II and the thing that will be the third Kingdom Hearts, except we know that it won't be called Kingdom Hearts III.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Invader Jack
    My gosh, this is such a good story! Keep writing it! It's awesome!!
    Post by: Invader Jack, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Archives
  14. Invader Jack
    Ooo, interesting! 0.0
    Post by: Invader Jack, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Invader Jack
    Even though Naminé has probably seen all of Twilight Town, I think they should go to the Clock Tower because you get a nice view of the whole town. Destiny Islands would be romantic, but Twilight Town just seems to...match both of them a bit better.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Apr 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  16. Invader Jack
  17. Invader Jack
    Sweet! I do want to know what happens to Mylachia and her mom!:D
    Post by: Invader Jack, Apr 18, 2007 in forum: Archives
  18. Invader Jack
    GAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! Sora's...dead???? *sobs* And geez man, poor Kairi!!! Do you know how extremely crushed I'd be if my boyfriend died?!?!?! Holy crap!!!!! And then another guy holding you in his arms trying to comfort you...that would just make you more sad because you'd wish it was your boyfriend holding you instead of some other guy! Oh my gosh!!! And no, I didn't think the mom was Kairi. Man, that was some good fanfic, but SO SAD!!!!!
    Post by: Invader Jack, Apr 18, 2007 in forum: Archives